Author: Ser-Chan and Yami Ser aka Yaoi Princess Serena
Title: In the Service of Seto Kaiba
Rating: Will be R overall. PG this chapter.
Pairing: Seto/Jou
Disclaimers: We own nothing! We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, nor do we claim to.

Ser-Chan: Okay we'll try this again. I finally named the story YAY!

Yami Ser: vv joy….twirls finger in air

Ser-Chan: Yami…..>

In the Service of Seto Kaiba - Chapter 1

Jou headed into the classroom and for once he was more than early, he was insanely early. Much to his dismay as he headed into the room he realized that the only other person in the room was none other than Seto Kaiba. He must have groaned aloud because Seto looked up from his laptop and turned his attention to Jou.

'Little early aren't you puppy?' Seto asked raising a brow.

'Eh shove it Kaiba, I'm not in da mood for ya shit today.' Jou said flopping down in his chair and digging out the books he needed for class.

Jou was more than surprised when no smart-ass comment came from Seto at his statement, so surprised that he chanced a look over at Seto who was once again focused on his laptop and typing anyway. Jou put his head down on his desk for a moment before the sound of typing got to him.

'Are ya gonna stop dat anytime soon?' Jou said still not picking his head up.

'No, I've got a business meeting after classes today and my less than capable secretary forgot to type some information up for me.' Seto said never taking his eyes off the screen in front of him. Jou made a slight scoffing sound at this.

'Sounds like ya need a new secretary eh Kaiba?' Jou said finally looking up at him.

'It would seem that way wouldn't it puppy?' Seto said with a slight smirk. 'Tell me something puppy do you need a job?' he said finally looking over at Jou.

'Ah, come ta think of it yeah it'd be nice. Why?' Jou asked slowly. 'And don' call me a dog!' he added quickly.

'Good then you'll start on Monday.' Seto said quickly.

'Doin' what?' Jou asked quickly not believing his ears.

'You'll start Monday being my personal assistant, think you can handle it puppy?' Seto asked turning back to his laptop.

'Bring it Kaiba.' Jou said smugly.

end chap 1

Ser: Short ne?

Yami Ser: R+R for the love of Ra!