Yoku: Hey peoples! This is my first Romance/Drama fanfiction.

Disclaimer: Sorry to say but I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh


'talk' Yami's

'talk' hikari's

Running In The Rain

Summary: Téa Gardner was running in the rain after confessing to someone how she feels. When she was suddenly caught up in an accident, she doesn't remember who she is anymore.

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Chapter 1: Here I lie

She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Her sobs combined with the pouring rain and the thunderous sounds around her. Cars zoomed by from the side, while bystanders looked ahead never paying any attention to the girl.

Téa continued running never looking ahead of her never apologizing to the people she hit, she just kept running. She didn't know where she was going but didn't stop only to continue running forward never back or left or right. She didn't want to see the person who broke her heart, who she just met minutes or hours ago.

Her clothes clung to her; her brown hair stunk to the side of her face. Tears dripped down mixing in with the rain. Her blue skirt would slightly sway from side to side in her frenzy pace. The girl's running ceased bit by bit to the point where she is now walking. She brought her hands up to her face and wiped the tears and water off. Téa hiccupped a bit walking towards the cross walk pushing a button on her way there.

'I just wanna get out,' she thought to herself, 'he doesn't feel the same about me…'

When in her train of thoughts a car was speeding up in her direction. From inside the vehicle a man was just hanging loose his arm wrapped around a woman beside him while his other hand was on the steering wheel. His friends from the back seat was laughing and talking to each other over the blazing high music.

"Hey man, that wasn't right," one of the guys said from the back seat.

The men laughed while the girls giggled. "Hey it was cool okay. That guy back there deserved it," he grinned.

The light turned red as Téa looked up from across the street to see the cross walk sign turn green. She wiped the few remaining tears and water off her face and walked across the street. The car from the side was coming towards her, the front lights shown across over her. She looked over in the direction where the light was coming from, her eyes widened when she saw the car approaching.

The woman beside the driver looked in front of the road while still giggling. She had her eyes closed a bit till she opened them; her eyes widened when she saw a figure on the road and the stop light shown red in front of them.

"Oh my god! Stop the car!" she screeched.

The driver looked quizzically at her then looked over in the front to see the same scene. "Oh shit!" he cursed as he served the wheel.

Téa's eyes widened even more when she saw the car's action. For some reason she couldn't move from her spot, but it felt as though time has stopped. Then in an instant the vehicle collided with her as she flew back. The pain etched her whole body, she felt the last rain drops hit her frame then she fell into darkness.

- + -

"Hmm…" a man with glasses held a hand under his chin as he examined the photo.

"How is it doctor?" a teenage boy with brown hair asked standing next to a little boy with black hair.

The doctor turned around to face them, "Well, Mr. Kaiba it seems that Mokuba just broke a portion of his leg. Mokuba you'll be getting a cast for that broken leg of yours."

Mokuba looked down at his left leg then ran a hand. Kaiba looked at his little brother with a sigh.

"Does that mean I can't play soccer, Seto?" Mokuba asked as he looked up at his brother. Kaiba shook his head. "Oh man…" his little brother whined.

"But don't worry Mokuba… once you're done healing you'll be able to play again."

"Thanks Seto," Mokuba smiled.

The doctor looked at the two Kaiba brothers with a smile as he clapped his hands together. "Alrighty then, how about we get that cast on ya, ok?"

"Ok," Mokuba nodded.

A few minutes later the young Kaiba sat in a wheelchair with his leg propped up, Kaiba standing right behind him.

"It'll take a couple of weeks for that leg of yours to heal, ok Mokuba," the doctor responded as he kneeled beside him.

"A couple of weeks?"

"Uh-huh. I'm sure your brother would give you your crutches when you're at home. It's pouring out there right now, so it's best not to take any chances," he warned.

"I know, besides I like wheelchairs." Mokuba placed both hands at the side on top of the wheel and started to roll himself back and forth.

Kaiba couldn't help but smile at his little brother. "That's enough Mokuba; I'll be the one who pushes you."

"Aww…" Mokuba whined as he placed his hands on his lap.

Kaiba chucked a bit as he placed his hands on the handle and started to wheel them out of the room.

"Remember I want a daily check-up on the little guy, ok Mr. Kaiba," the doctor called out.

Kaiba waved behind him, "Of course…"

The two headed to the lobby of the hospital passing the receptionist desk on the way there.

"Have a nice day Mr. Kaiba," a woman from the behind the desk waved.

Kaiba gave a grunt in reply in her direction, suddenly the doors to the main building slid open and a frenzy of workers rushed in with a stretcher. The workers wore paramedic uniforms then doctors, out of nowhere, came to their direction followed by nurses.

"My goodness an accident…" a woman murmured beside them.

Mokuba and Kaiba heard the woman's words; they both looked on at the scene.

"Please everyone, clear the area," a voice commanded.

"We have to take her to the emergency room as quickly as possible," one of the head doctors responded as he looked at the figure.

"Do we have any identification on the girl?"

The group passed the desk and the two Kaiba brothers. "Judging by her profile and ID… her name's Téa Gardner…"

Mokuba and Kaiba's eyes widened. When they saw the group quickly head into the main building where the room was being held everything around them became quiet. Noise started to pick up, some words were spoken about the incident that just happened, but for Mokuba and Kaiba they couldn't register what just occurred.

"Seto…" Mokuba breathed.

"Yes Mokuba."

"Was that really Téa that just passed by?" he asked.

Kaiba looked down at him then looked back at the doors as he nodded his head. "They said her name and you saw didn't you?"

Mokuba nodded his head. When the paramedics passed by them they saw brown hair on the stretcher and a familiar uniform the girl wore. It was no doubt about it, it was Téa Gardner.

"Seto is it all right if we stayed?"

Kaiba sharply looked at him, "What! Mokuba we can't?"

"Please Seto! We won't know what happened to her and if she's going to be okay," he begged.

Kaiba growled, "I'm sure her friends know about this Mokuba, let's just leave it at that."

"But Seto if they knew wouldn't they be here right now when they wheeled her in?" Kaiba thought about this for a while. "Seto, wouldn't they!" Mokuba repeated.

"You're right… but we'll stay for a little while until we hear about what type of condition Gardner's in got it?"

Mokuba nodded then wheeled himself to one of the lounge chairs motioning for his brother to sit down as well. He followed as he sat in one of the chairs and ran a hand over his face.

"Hey Seto shouldn't we call her friends if they're coming or not?" Mokuba looked over in his direction.

Kaiba looked at him then pulled out his cell phone, "Knowing them they're at Muto's place."

He punched in the numbers and held the receiver over his ear.

- + -

"Hey Yug, do you have any more chips?" Joey asked as he held up the empty bag.

Yugi, who was looking out the window, looked over at him. "Nope, you just ate the last bag Joey."

The blonde fell on is back, "Aww… man I'm starving…"

"Big brother you just ate a while ago when we got here," Serenity meekly replied.

"Yeah Joe, leave some food for us as well," said Tristan.

Joey looked over at them, "Sure I will…" He looked over at Yugi and crossed over towards him. "You ok, Yugi?"

"I'm worried about Téa…" he confessed.

Joey raised an eyebrow, "Didn't you run afta her when she wanted to meet up with you?"

Yugi looked away from the water streaked window, "I did but once she turned a corner I lost her."

"What happened?"

"It's kinda complicating…"

It's my fault she ran off… Yami thought.

Nonsense Yami, I'm sure she's fine right now. Heck I bet she's at home safe and sound. You'll see, we'll be seeing her tomorrow morning, Yugi thought positive towards him.

I guess…

There was sound of a ringing phone and a muffled reply coming from downstairs.

"Yugi, phone!" his grandpa yelled.

Yugi stood up, "Got it!" He walked over towards his phone in the corner of his room and picked up the receiver. "Hello, this is Yugi speaking."


Yugi blinked, "Kaiba… what are you calling for?"

Kaiba grunted, "Is that suppose to be a greeting?"


"Whatever… just listen," he said.

Joey and the others moved over towards him surrounding him.

"What's Kaiba callin' for?" Joey asked.

"I could hear you mutt…"

Joey growled, "Why I oughta…"

"Joey calm down…"

"Seto…" Mokuba whispered.

"Listen, I don't wanna waste anymore minutes on you dweebs. Do you know where Gardner's at?"

"Téa…" the gang chorused.

"Why do you wanna know where she is at?" Tristan asked.

"I take it you don't know then…" he replied calmly.

"I'm sure she's at home, Kaiba," Yugi spoke up.

The group heard a low chuckle on the other line and the rain beating against the roof top.

"How wrong you are Muto…" they heard him respond back.

"Seto this isn't a laughing matter," Mokuba argued.

"Sorry Mokuba… You know for a bunch of friends you seem to not care if one of you gets hurt."

'Hurt…' they all thought.

"Do you know where she's at Kaiba?" Yugi yelled.



Kaiba sighed, "She's in the hospital…"

Yugi's eyes widened as he dropped the phone and dashed out of the room.

"Yugi!" his friends called out and chased after him.

- + -

Kaiba looked at his cell phone when he heard the dial tone on the other line. He closed it and pocked it away. Mokuba looked over at his brother when he saw him rake a hand through his hair.

"Are we still staying?" he asked with his eyes closed and head back.

Mokuba nodded, "Yea…"

- + -

Yugi continued running, racing through the crowds of people, his heart racing. A golden light enveloped his whole body then it began to fade. A taller version of Yugi took his place, his mind only focused on one thing and that was to get to the hospital.

'Téa… I should've kept searching. I'm such an idiot, what could've happened?' he thought never caring that he was getting soaked.

For a while now he could see the hospital building; his eyebrows furrowed his arms pumping. He made it to the clearing to where he was running up the steps. The slide doors opened up when he made it to the top and ran up to the desk.

He slammed his hands on the counter, "Where's Téa Gardner!"

The woman behind the desk looked up a little frightened when he scared her. Mokuba and Kaiba looked over in the direction when they heard a familiar voice.

"Téa Gardner…" the woman repeated.

"Yes! Her!" he exclaimed.

The woman shook her head, "I'm sorry sir but you can't see her right now. Are you a relative of her's?"


"Then I'm sorry you can't see her as of right now…" she responded.

"Yes, but…" he let his sentence go when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Let it go Yugi."

Yami turned around to face Kaiba who absently let his shoulder go and walked back to his pervious area. The king of games followed him his eyes trailing down. Kaiba sat back down with Yami in tow.

"How long have you been here Kaiba?" Yami asked his head hung low.

Kaiba looked over at him with his arms crossed over his chest. "Ever since Mokuba broke his leg…"

Yami looked up over at Mokuba who waved at him with a small smile. The duelist just nodded his head over in his direction then looked back down. Just then the front doors slid open and the remaining friends came running in catching their breaths and wiping themselves off from the rain. Joey spotted both Yami and Kaiba over by the chairs and walked over towards them.

"Yugi, why'd ya run off like dat?" Joey questioned as he sat beside him.

"How'd you find me?" Yami asked a little depressed never bothering to answer Joey.

Tristan walked up passing the four with Serenity following beside him, "We heard the word 'hospital' and thought that you'll be heading here so we took a cab half the way and decided to run the rest. You know how much cab fair is…"

Serenity looked over at the boys, "Kaiba, Mokuba, what are you guys doing here?"

Mokuba looked over at her leaning over a bit, "I broke my leg at soccer practice and was brought here."

Serenity gave a light gasped, "Oh I'm sorry…"

"It's okay… It doesn't hurt that much anymore."

Yami looked at his hands then turned his gaze over at Kaiba, "Kaiba how did you know Téa was here?"

"Téa's here?" Serenity whispered.

Kaiba looked over at them and told them what he remembered. It took a while for his words to register in their minds when he was through speaking with them. Yami had his hands clenched in a fist, his knuckles turned white at the pressure.

This is my entire fault Yugi. This should never have happened to her. If I would've known that she'll act towards how I feel towards her I should've given her a positive concept.

Don't blame yourself over this Yami. You didn't know…

Kaiba looked over at Yami with his usual look, just then a man with a white coat and jet black hair walked up towards them.

"Excuse me, but are you the party of a young teenage girl name Téa Gardner?" he asked. "I was told that there was a group of teenagers who knew her from up front."

The gang, who was looking down at the ground, looked up to see the man when they heard him speak about Téa. Yami jumped to his feet, his hands clenched beside him.

"Is she alright? How is she?" he rambled.

The man waved a hand in front in him, "Please calm down sir. I'm Doctor Koshi, the patient is recovering slowly in due time but she hasn't woken up yet. Judging by the way she clashed with the vehicle it's possible that she won't wake up any time soon."

Joey shot up from his seat, "Waita minute, she was hit?"

The doctor nodded his head, "Yes. When she fell we have found that from the blow it gave a slight concussion to her head."

"Is it alright if we see her?" Serenity asked.

Doctor Koshi looked over her way, "Of course please follow me."

Mokuba looked up at his brother asking if they could follow. Kaiba nodded and went behind him and started to push the chair.

- + -

When they got to the door Doctor Koshi placed a hand on the handle and turned towards the group.

"Remember the hospital rules 'don't touch anything' ok?" he asked.

The group nodded their heads in understanding. Doctor Koshi turned back towards the door and turned the handle signaling them to enter. The group walked in, the room was slightly big for all of them to fit. The walls were white and machines were pulled to the side right next to the beds, a window was placed at the end of the room. A television plastered above the ceiling and another door was located in the center at the far right. The bed beside the entering door was empty.

Doctor Koshi led them to the back of the room where another bed was placed; with it the patient they were waiting for. When they got there their eyes widened a bit from the site. Téa lay in bed, an ivy placed on her right arm while her heat monitor was blinked making sure the patient was still there in the world. She had a couple of bruises on herself, but some scratches on her arms and face. Her head was bandaged and her eyes were closed.

'Téa,' Yami thought as he crossed to where she was at.

Serenity was shaking a bit but Joey pulled her in his arms letting her cry. Tristan bit his bottom lip while he looked away at the site, Mokuba looked down at his lap clenching his jeans, and Kaiba held a tight grip on the handles.

'Ra… this is my entire fault… I should've done something other than thinking that she needs her time. I should've kept looking for you Téa!' Yami cried out in thought.

He sat besides her bedside kneeling, as he took her hand in his grasp. He let their joined hands touch his forehead while he continued mumbling words to himself. The doctor looked at the scene with a timid smile on his face then looked at the others who had a saddened look on their faces. Kaiba kept his emotions in tact in front of them as he looked away.

- + -

From days on the gang frequently visited Téa in the hospital even Kaiba and Mokuba since his little brother wanted to see if she was going to be alright. Yami would make his appearance later on in the day when he visited her in the night shift. The doctor would say to them that she's getting a little better except the part where she hasn't woken up from her slumber. The gang understood that but they would still pray that she would wake up soon. Kaiba would visit her in his free time just staring at her when he was through going to his company and would be planning to head home for the day. When they visited they would bring in a vase full of flowers and place it near her.

It's been three weeks since the incident that they found out that their friend was in the hospital. It was a Saturday and the gang decided to visit Téa that same day. When they got to her door they were surprised to see Kaiba and Mokuba in the room. Mokuba sat by Téa in a vacant seat next to the window with his brother by his side. The two was sitting quietly next to her, Mokuba had his eyes on the television screen and Kaiba had his laptop propped up in front of him.

Yugi walked over towards them. "What are you guys doing here?" he asked a little surprised.

Mokuba and Kaiba looked in their direction. "Hey, we just came to visit Téa," Mokuba smiled. "Oh and I just got my cast off too."

Yugi smiled, "That's great Mokuba. You must've been glad."

"I am."

"So has she wakened up yet?" Serenity asked.

"No," Kaiba replied as he looked over at Téa.

"Oh," they all replied.

Yugi walked up to the other side of the bed and took her hand in his grasp.

"I hope she wakes up soon," said Joey as he pulled a chair up and sat at the foot of the bed.

"Yeah, then we could do the things that we always do," Tristan added leaning against the wall behind him.

"Heh… yeah she surely deserves it once she gets oughta this place," Duke replied looking over at her.

"But I couldn't believe this happened to Téa after this whole three weeks," Mai sighed with her arms crossed.

Ryou looked over her, "We couldn't either Mai. You know when we heard about the incident I quickly went here just to check if she was really here."

Yugi looked up, "You really did that Ryou?"

Ryou turned pink in the cheeks as he scratched his cheek in embarrassment, "Heh… yeah… but you know Bakura was really worried too."

No I wasn't Ryou! Bakura argued.

Sure you weren't, Ryou teased.

"Wow Bakura worried, can't believe I missed out on dat," Joey said with a side glance at Ryou.

The others laughed but stopped when they all saw a bright light over towards Ryou. The light dimmed and Bakura stood there with his shoulders hunched and a menacing scowl on his face.

"You're going to regret laughing at me you fools!" he exclaimed towering over towards them.

Another bright light flashed where Téa was placed and Yami stood there in Yugi's place. He let go of Téa's hand and stood up as he faced Bakura.

"Tomb Robber I suggest you calm down," Yami demanded.

"Or what Pharaoh?" Bakura seethed.

"Or I'll calm you down myself," he said as he rose up a fist.

Bakura grinned, "I'd like to see you try."

Kaiba just looked at them with an expressionless look on his face. The others tried to calm them down but they didn't help much. Mokuba looked down at Téa and took her hand in his grasp feeling some warmth from the girl. He closed his eyes for a while, just then he felt her fingers move underneath his hand. He opened his eyes eyeing her for a while, then he saw her stir a bit. Mokuba began to smile then looked over towards his brother who was watching the two yamis bicker and the guys holding them down.

"Seto…" he tugged on his sleeve.

Kaiba looked over at him with an eyebrow raised, "What is it Mokuba?"

Mokuba let go of his sleeve and moved his gaze over at Téa, "She's starting to wake up."

His blinked then looked over at the girl. "Hey geeks, Gardner's waking up," Kaiba announced breaking the tension between the fighting duos.

"What!" they exclaimed then surrounded the bed.

Téa moved her left arm up running it over towards her face then let out a groan. She squeezed her eyes shut and moved her hand away.

'Where am I,' she thought.

The girl opened her eyes slightly blinking to adjust to the light in the room, only to see a group of faces in front of her. She drowsily looked left and right at them then sat up ignoring all the words that were being spoken.

"Téa we're so glad that you finally woke up," Serenity said happily with her hands clasped together.

Joey smiled, "Yeah Téa we were getting worried."

"Girl you were asleep for a long time, at least say something," Mai chipped in.

Yami sat beside her then took her hands in his grasp, "Téa…"

Téa looked sleepily over at their conjoined hands then into his eyes. He smiled at her then she turned her gaze over at everyone else.

"Say something Téa," Tristan replied.

Mokuba looked at Téa with a small smile on his face, "Yeah Téa, we haven't heard your voice in a while."

"Say something, anything Gardner," Kaiba pleaded a bit hoping to get her to speak to them.

Téa looked at them, her eyes lazily drowned over at them. Her mouth open, lips parted, and her words leaked out.

"Who are you?"

To be continued…

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Yoku: We'll what do you think? Like? No like? In the following chapters, that are soon to come, they would have some drama in it. Right now she just got hit and just woke up. This was a long chapter… but hey I like it. Please review and tell me what you think. Please no flames.