Author's Note: So, yes, I know that I decided to leave the story as it was, but I got enough reviews asking for a, fullfilling ending, so here it is! I hope you guys enjoy it! (and thank you SaphirePhoenix )
Warnings: none, um, oh, if it's confusing, you may wanna skim read chapter one again, but I think that you should be okay!
Disclaimer: Don't own it
Epilogue: Everything's Going To Be Alright...I Think
Shuichi pushed the food around his plate, squirming uneasily in his chair. Glancing at the wall, he caught Eiri rolling his eyes exasperatedly from across the table. The writer sighed, and then turned back to his plate.
The telephone rang shrilly, and Shuichi leapt from his chair, looking around wildly and in the process spilling his milk all over himself and Eiri.
"Oh..." his cheeks flushed, "I'm so sorry!" Eiri struggled hard to keep a scowl off his face as he walked stiffly to the sink and began wiping the milk off his pants. Giving Shuichi a little bit of time to calm himself down, he turned his back to the singer and answered his cell phone.
"Hello? What? No, I haven't seen them anywhere...wait; let me ask Shuichi..."
The singer was currently sitting at the table, head propped up in his hands, staring at the wall with the strangest expression on his face. Not aware yet that Eiri was looking at him with mild curiosity, he sighed sadly, his gaze traveling across the room blankly.
"Ahem," Eiri was tired of waiting for him to snap out of that weird funk; it was getting ridiculous. Finally, Shuichi looked his way slowly. Rolling his eyes, Eiri covered the mouth of the phone, "What's with you?"
The singer ignored the question and gestured towards the phone. "Who's that?"
Glaring at Shuichi, the writer vowed that he'd do some more searching later when they had time. It was so unusual for the hyperactive boy to be so...well, emotionless was probably the best word. Eiri smiled in his head; when he suggested an outing that night Shuichi would cheer up right away. "It's Tohma. He wants to know if you've seen Ryuichi. He can't find him, and it's time for...uh...his bath or something."
Shuichi shook his head, "I saw him at NG, but I haven't seen him since I left."
Turning back to the phone, the news was relayed to Tohma. Eiri talked for a minute, and then looked back to the singer. "He wants to know if you've seen K either. Apparently he left NG in some big huff about something, and Tohma thinks that he's after Ryuichi for running away."
Again, Shuichi shook his head, then turned his attention back to the wall.
Eiri sighed, explained the situation to Tohma, and then hung up the phone. "Shuichi—"
"I'm going to check the mail," Shuichi absently interrupted the writer, "I'll be right back..." He pushed himself to his feet wearily, and trekked out of the apartment, still looking slightly out of it. Eiri rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time. Clearly, something was bothering him, but it wasn't like Shuichi to not complain about every single little problem in his life. Well, as soon as he got back...
Meanwhile, Shuichi was wandering down the hallway, fidgeting nervously. When a door banged open and startled him, causing him to break into a 5m sprint, he snorted at himself disgustedly. What was with him today? Ever since this morning, when he hadn't turned in the new lyrics of the song, he'd had such a strange feeling that something bad was going to happen. It was really the strangest thing. It's not like there was a reason for the feeling; he just felt really nervous, and it had gotten worse throughout the day, and even more as he had come home for lunch.
He found himself back outside the door of Eiri's apartment, and then realized that it was time for work again. The feeling of dread increased. Great, he thought to himself, letting him in the door quietly and gathering his stuff. Not giving the author any time to argue, he turned and raced back out the door. "Bye-Eiri-see-you-later!"
"Shuichi, wai—" But he was already gone. The writer growled, irritated, but decided to look at it as a blessing. Now he could spend some extra time on his newest book without interruption.
The singer spent the day out around the city, just walking around and looking at things. He realized that after living in the city all his life, he'd never just stopped to inspect the sidewalk cracks, and for some reason this really bothered him.
So he spent the entire day exploring the city, examining the little things that made it so great. By the time he got back to the apartment, he was considerably more at peace, although as he stepped in the door his stomach twinged uneasily.
When he was waiting in front of the elevator, someone walked up and stood beside him, and got on to the lift as well. "What flo—" Shuichi broke off his speech as he saw who he was talking too.
A very familiar looking boy smiled back at him and leaned over, hitting the button himself, as Shuichi was frozen in the spot. Who was that boy? Where did he know him from...?
The boy leaned back against the hand railing, closing his eyes for a moment contently, looking very relaxed. "I just wanted to let you know," he began conversationally, "That I've thought it over, and you really have proved your love." Although Shuichi had no idea what he was talking about, he started to get the feeling that on some level, it made sense. The boy continued, "So just...don't worry. Everything's going to be alright."
For some reason, the singer felt like he should say something, so he began fumbling with words, but just then the elevator shook to a stop, and the doors opened, letting the boy out. He turned and winked at Shuichi, then the doors closed and he disappeared from sight.
Standing by himself in the elevator, the singer mysteriously found a weight lifting off his shoulder; he was starting to feel like himself again! By the time he got to the right floor, he was practically dancing around on his toes, grinning widely.
"Yuki! I'm home!" The door opened onto a quiet apartment. When there was no answer to his call, Shuichi began to get that panicky feeling again. "Yuki?...Yuki?" There was still no answer, so he threw down his coat, and ran around to the kitchen; still nobody in sight. "Oh my god, Yuki, are you okay?" This last part was screamed at the top of his lungs, practically deafening him as he skidded around the corner and ripped open the door of the office, only to see Eiri snickering slightly to himself. That bastard...
But he was so happy to see that bastard... "Oh, hi Yuki. How was your day?"
The writer pretended to turn back to his work for a second to contemplate the question. In truth he hadn't been able to concentrate, not that he'd ever admit that he was that worried about Shuichi, but now that the singer looked normal, so he could proceed with regular teasing procedures.
"Not quite so good brat." Shuichi pouted at the usual nickname, but the writer could tell that it didn't really bother him, "I didn't get any work on my book done, and now that you're home..." There was no way to keep the grin off his face after the outraged look shot at him.
Shuichi realized that he was being teased, and decided that he could do a little teasing of his own. Lurking around the back of Eiri's chair, he tipped his mouth towards the author's ear, "Do you need some cheering up Yuki?"
Eiri grabbed his arm and pulled him over onto his lap, half laughing. "You read my mind brat."
K slyly walked up to the power box situated on the side of the apartment building, checking both ways to see if anyone was watching. With the same intense stealthiness, he slowly reached into his bag and grabbed what suspiciously looked like a bomb, stuffing it into box messily.
Glancing around one last time, he lurked off to the front of the apartment building, checking his guns to make sure that they were fully loaded. After all, empty barrels weren't going to separate those two...
Unbeknownst to him, as soon as he slipped inside the doors of the apartment building, the boy stepped out from behind some fencing, and walked over to the power box. Shaking his head, possibly at the ridiculousness of K, or maybe his idea of separating the two lovers, or perhaps even because of what he was going to do himself, regardless, the boy flipped open the door, grabbed the bomb shaped package, and threw it casually into a nearby dumpster. Then, with a sigh, he disappeared again.
Ryuichi and Hiro jumped out of the elevator, nerves on edge from waiting for a such a long time for the old beast to get to such a high floor. Racing down the hallway, they noted that there was already a trail of debris littering the floor, and to their horror, the apartment door was already flung open.
With a gulp, they exchanged a worried look, and picked up their speed right into Shuichi and Eiri's living room.
"Ah, let go of me!"
Shuichi leapt off of Eiri's lap as all at once, sounds of fighting began drifting in from their living room. He sprinted out the door, closely followed by a worried Eiri. As they ran into the room, a strange sight greeted their eyes.
K was pinning Hiro to the floor with one hand, hair flying everywhere as he attempted to restrain the guitarist, and just as the two entered the room, Ryuichi flung himself from the top of the couch onto K's back, followed by an angry looking Kumagoro, crushing the insane man and Hiro in an disorganized pile.
"Uh..." Shuichi's voice brought everyone back to reality. The members of the pile picked themselves up sheepishly, trying to desperately grasp at whatever scrap of dignity they had left. Everyone tried to hide behind each other as Eiri's cold voice floated up into the room. "Who is responsible for this mess?"
Ryuichi and Hiro looked at K, who looked at Kumagoro. Fortunately for the bunny, the writer wasn't buying it. With a sigh, K stepped forward. "I have decided..." he began, "That your relationship—"
"—Get out of my house right now. This is it. You cannot come here anymore, and if I see you anywhere near here again, I will personally take one of your guns, and shove it up your—"
"—Eiri!" Shuichi blushed, and then turned to K, who was looking quite disgruntled.
"You can't talk to me like that!" The still-not-quite-subdued man started to say, "I have a gun! And the one with the gun has the...what?" In an attempt to make his point, he'd tried to fire off a couple of rounds into the ceiling, but nothing had happened. "How...?"
Turning, he saw Ryuichi standing on the couch again, holding what looked like a handful of bullets in his hand. "Are you looking for these?" K gave a roar, and lunged at the brown-haired singer, who shrieked loudly, jumped down and ran out the door, running full-out head-on into none other than Tohma Seguchi.
Much later, a slightly cowed K was escorted out of the apartment by Tohma, who also had Ryuichi clinging to one arm, unaware that he was headed straight home for his bath. Hiro lagged behind to explain a bit of the situation to Shuichi, but really, there wasn't much that they knew...except that K was crazy.
Just as Hiro was walking out the door, he remembered something, and turned back to tell Shuichi. "It's really strange, when he was leaving with Tohma, he kept mumbling something about, 'but what happened to my bomb?', so, uh, you might want to do a check of your apartment or something." He smiled, "Have a good night."
Shuichi and Eiri exchanged worried glances. "So," ventured Shuichi, "Do you still feel like going out for supper?"
Author's Note: Okay, the end! The ACTUAL end, if you're wondering (unless I do a sequel) anyways, if you have the time, my other story right now, What If I'd Tried To Save You, is up and running, and it has simliar themes - it's the samequel ) so if you wanna check that out...
Bye guys, thanks for all the support throughout this story, it was great!