If its sucks tell me! Or else I won't know and I'll think its good and I'll get ego-y (eyes tear up) please review!

Gravitation does not belong to me…lol duh and also this really reminds me of something else I've seen, maybe a movie? But I couldn't help myself I really wanted to write it ! if you can tell me which movie its like I'll post it up! Help me!

p.s sorry k-fans!

p.p.s title is improvised from a song by kate winslet called what if

Chapter One

"YUUUUUUUUKIIII! I'm home Yuki! YUKI? ….Yuki? Where are you Yuki! OMG YUKI ARE YOU OKAY!"

Yuki grimaced as Shu burst into the apartment with his usual insane whirlwind of emotions. Damn it, he had counted on having at least another hour to finish his novel before his biggest distraction came home. But an unwilling smile crept onto his face, calling him a hypocrite.

"I'm in the computer room Shu!" He yelled, chuckling softly. He listened happily to the sound of footsteps pounding across the hardwood floor and momentarily thought about how different he had been acting recently. Man he was so whipped.

A cheery face framed with cotton candy hair peeked in the doorway.

"Oh, hi Yuki! How was your day?" Shuichi tentatively stepped into the room, wary of the answer.

"Not quite so good brat. I didn't get any work on my book done and now that you're home…" But his smiling face gave him away.

Shu tiptoed closer and leaned over to Yuki's face. Whispering into his ear, "Do you need some cheering up Yuki?"

"You read my mind brat." Yuki reached over and pulled Shuichi down into his lap, playing with the buttons at the top of his shirt.


SLAM! The door to Yuki's apartment was thrown open by a tall blond man holding a magnum. His narrowed eyes glared left and right, searching out his mission target.

The first place that he checked was the kitchen. As he peered into the kitchen cabinets, a nagging thought in the back of his brain told him to reconsider what he was about to do. If it had been anyone but K, you might have said that it was his conscience. He shook his head. Even though many others had failed, his mission would be the one that succeeded, and everyone would be thankful. He turned to the living room to continue his search.


Shuichi leaned his head against Yuki's chest, squirming to get comfortable. Yuki played with the hair on the top of his head gently.

"Hey, brat?"

"Yeah Yuki?"

"How about we go somewhere for supper tonight? Somewhere…nice."

"Like…like a date! Oh YUKI!" Shuichi looked up at him with shining cute puppy eyes, and hugged him tightly. Yuki didn't allow himself to smile until Shu snuggled his head back down into Yuki's chest, and couldn't see him. Shuichi sighed contently


K rummaged through a large walk-in cupboard near the entertainment system in the living room. Who knew where those two carried out their dirty deeds. His face turned down in disgust. Throwing a pile of Nittle Grasper cds behind his shoulder, he continued to search through a pile of Nittle Grasper stuff. T-shirts, collectable watches, hats, everything. He even hesitantly picked up a pair of underwear with Ryuichi's face on it before realizing what it was. A soft thud was heard as it was thrown across the wall.

"Hm!" Shuichi's head shot up, "What was that Yuki?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it." Yuki insisted, not wanting to spoil the moment.


K finally realized that if Yuki and Shuichi were in the closet, he would have found them by now. He briefly considered that his subconscious was trying to delay any confrontations, but shrugged it off as a lack of sleep. He decided to try the bedrooms.


Hiro looked up from practising chords on his guitar when none other that Ryuichi rushed through his door and threw himself at Hiro. What the—

"Hiro Hiro Hiro omigod it's K!"

By the time that Hiro had calmed down Ryuichi and heard his story, he was really worried. He grabbed his leather jacket and the keys to his bike, throwing a spare helmet to Ryuichi. The door slammed behind him with finality.


After approaching the bedrooms with great caution, not wanting to interrupt anything that would scar him for life, he put his ear to the door of Shuichi's bedroom and listened. Nothing. He quietly swung the door open, and peered in. Nobody. Sighing with relief, he quickly checked the bathroom, and went on to the next bedroom.


Hiro speed through the busy streets, with grimacing as Ryuichi squeezed the air out of him from behind. The wind stung his face, as he had forgotten his helmet in his hurry to leave. A whimpering sound came from behind him as he stopped at an intersection. He turned back to see a very frazzled looking Ryu clinging to a very frazzled looking Kumagoro. A smile almost crossed his face before he remembered why they were speeding. He turned back around and revved up the engine before zooming off in the direction of Yuki's high rise apartment.


K was just about to head down the hallway towards the main bathroom, when some noises from the computer room caught his attention. He moved in quietly to investigate. Two lowered voices inside confirmed his beliefs. He hesitated one more time, reminding himself that after he did this, he couldn't go back. K took one step away from the door, and then turned back and flew into the office.


Hiro and Ryuichi came to a crazy stop outside of the apartment, and they jumped off quickly, leaving the bike to lie on the ground. Ryu got to the door first, and almost fell on his butt when the door didn't open. He jumped back up and started slamming the windows.


Hiro yanked him back and pressed the buzzer to Yuki's apartment. There was no answer. He pressed it again, and again. Still no answer.


"Oh no Hiro! What are we gonna do!"

Hiro took a deep breath to slow his pounding heart, and help him think better. He leaned over and pressed a random button.

"He-Hello? Who is this?" A young female voice was broadcasted through the speaker. She sounded nervous, as she wasn't expecting any visitors.

"Hello Miss, my name is Hiro, and I really need to get to my friend's apartment, but he's not answering my call. Now, have you ever heard of Sakuma Ryuichi?"


"Well Miss, I have him here with me right now, and if you let me up, you can meet him."

Hiro directed Ryu to stand a little distance away from the building. True to his prediction, a cute blond head peered over the railing, her eyes widening as she saw Ryuichi.

"Omigod it IS Ryu! Ok I'll buzz you in!"

Hiro and Ryuichi rushed through the door and into the elevator.


Shuichi jumped about twenty feet into the air (or would have if he hadn't hit the ceiling) he fell back to the floor sporting a large egg bump on the top of his head. Yuki charged up and pushed K against the wall.

"What the hell are you doing you bastard! Have you ever heard of knocking!"

K smirked at him calmly, ducked out from under his arm, and leaned against Yuki's desk. He levelled his magnum with Yuki's head.

"There's something that we need to discuss."


Frantically pressing the button of Yuki's floor, Hiro and Ryuichi gasped breaths of air in the elevator. They stared at each other helplessly as the elevator sloooooowly shuddered into movement and started its long journey to the 11th floor.


K looked at the two people staring at him, clearly happy to have them both under his power.

"I …have decided…." He drawled, purposely drawing it out to annoy Yuki, " that your relationship with Yuki …is unhealthy for your musical career…and if you don't stop this insanity right now…I'll shoot his brains out."

He cocked the gun.


A loud thud brought Hiro and Ryuichi out of their thoughts and back to reality. They looked at each other in confusion, and then Ryu screamed as the elevator lights went out. A crackly voice filled the small room.

"Hello? Hello. Is anybody in this elevator?"

Hiro fumbled around for the intercom button.

"Hello! Hello yes we're here! We need to get out of here right now! Can you help us!"

"I'm very sorry sir, but the elevator is experiencing technical difficulties. You are currently stuck between the 6th and 7th floor. We have experienced a power outage, and have to wait for an electrician.


Shuichi gaped at K in disbelief. What the hell? Did every single person in Japan want to stop them from being together? He came to his senses in time to launch himself in front of Yuki.

"Wait K! Stop! What the hell are you thinking? You know that I can only work well when I'm with Yuki!"

"No, I don't. I think that you just act spoiled, so that no one will try and break up this very unhealthy relationship. But I'm not going to be fooled anymore, you two have to stop seeing each other, or Shu will never make any progress in his career."

K flung Shuichi aside and raised the gun to Yuki's head again. Yuki backed up against the wall and flung open the balcony's sliding door in an attempt to escape, but stopped when he saw K point the gun at Shuichi's head. He raised his hands in the air and stood against the wall right beside the door. He dimly registered that his laptop, which had been hooked up to the outlet to charge, was no longer on.


Hiro and Ryu sunk down to a sitting position, opposite each other. They could just make out the tears running down each other's faces in the dim emergency lights.

"We…we failed."



"I'll give you another chance Shuichi. Leave Yuki, or I'll shoot him."

Tears ran down Shuichi's face as he picked himself up off of the floor and glared at K. "I will never give up my Yuki!" He jumped again at Yuki and spread his arms out.

Fury crossed K's face, and he stalked over to Shuichi. A growl came from his throat as he once again grabbed Shuichi, ripped him off Yuki, and threw him to the side. Out onto the balcony. And over the railing.

The last thing that Shuichi saw before he felt his balance tip backwards was the horrified expression on Yuki's face, and the equal one on K's.


a/n hehehe I luv angst yup I do plleeeeease review I love it so much it brings joy to my cranky old heart !