Sorry everyone! I stopped coming here a long time ago, didn't know people were reading this. This chapter sucks, sorry, but I'm going to update as soon as I can. Thanks!

-1"Is it time to play?"

"Yes," Sirius said with a most devilish smile, "I'm bored of dress up, let's play some nasty little games shall we?"

Unable to speak, Remus shook his head no. His body was trembling, his erect penis was aching. He just wanted this to end, he almost didn't care that his friends were most assuredly going to rape him.

"Want a beer?" James asked as he popped the top off one of the long necked bottles and settled himself back down in his seat.

"Sure mate, open one up for me." Sirius then suddenly spun Remus around and pushed the smaller boy down onto his knees. "But first I want to get something from my magic bag of tricks…"

"Oh," James cooed, sitting on the edge of his chair, "what'd you bring Padfoot?"

"Nothing special," Sirius sighed, "just a little something from Peter's initiation. Remember how much fun we had with this?" The dark haired boy whipped out what appeared to be a little belt with silver loops and a little bell.

"Oh yeah," James laughed as he took a swig of his beer, "you brought the leash too, right?"

Leash? Remus panicked, he DID NOT like the idea of being leashed and collared.

"No," he whined, "please, that's just too cruel!" Sirius took the boy's chin into his hand, their eyes met. There was a moment of silence between the two as they each took in the sight of the other. Sirius, the tall, thin, mysterious one with dark eyes and raven black hair. Remus, the quiet, mousy boy with bright observant eyes that popped from his pale skin and fair colored locks. Polar opposites, in both appearance and obviously behavior.

"Put it on already!" James chirped, becoming bored of the scene. Sirius shook his head, a smile creped across his face.

"Ready?" He grabbed Remus's hair and forced his head up, causing a cry of pain to escape from the small boys lips. Remus tried to fight back, but James, leaping to action, grabbed Remus's free hands and held them behind his back. "Did you bring the tape?" Sirius shouted and he tried to battle with the insubordinate Remus.

"I'm tying him off right now." Remus heard the sound of duct tape being unwrapped, and the cold touch of something sticky tying quickly around his wrist. Before he knew it his hands were bound behind him and a dog collar was fastened around his neck. "I hate having to work," James sighed, getting to his feet, "I wish you could just be a good doll and do as your told."

"I'm not a doll," Remus growled.

"Then what are you?" Sirius asked, securing the long, black leather leash to one of the silver rings. A boy on his knees, dressed like maid with a leashed collar around his neck. Remus felt his stomach churn. That's what he was, worst of all he was enjoying it and it wasn't easy for him to hide his enjoyment.

"Come along," Sirius tugged lightly as the leash. Remus didn't move. "Come along," Sirius said again more forcefully, jerking at the leash, catching poor Remus off guard.

"That hurt!" the boy cried.

"Then learn to obey orders!" Sirius tugged at the leash again. "Now, move!" Awkwardly and on his knees, Remus followed Sirius over to his chair.

"Hand me my beer," Sirius said as he dropped his pants. Remus suddenly felt hot, very hot. He could feel his pulse pounding everywhere throughout his body. Sirius ran one of his thumbs along the inside of his waist line of his boxers, slowly teasing, pulling it down ever so slightly, allowing Remus to catch a few glimpses of his "happy trail". Remus couldn't stop starring, on or off, on or off, Sirius was being rather cruel. It was then Remus realized that he was being played with, that Sirius must have known…he must have known about his little crush and, and…

In one swift motion, Sirius pulled off his boxers completely, making Remus just want to burst. He felt ashamed of the fact that he couldn't look away and embarrassed that Sirius obviously knew his secret, but never in his life had he seen a more beautiful sight of his fully erect friend.

"Hungry?" Sirius asked, slowly wrapping the leash around his hand, reeling in the poor, dumbfounded Remus. There was nothing Remus could do to now, he was bound and at the mercy of whoever held the leash.

Sirius sat down and spread his legs wide open, Remus was just an inch away from his friends warm, red erection.

"Turn up the volume on that record player," Sirius said as he firmly grabbed Remus's hair, "I love this song."

There was a moment where his hands were gentle, running lightly over Remus's cheek, along his jaw line and ears. There was a moment when Sirius was almost a friend again, until he grabbed a fist full of Remus's hair and forced him to do the dirty deed they'd both been anticipating.

James laughed. "Be gentle now, I'm sure this is Remus's first time, eh?"

"I don't know," said Sirius, "the quiet ones are usually the filthiest sluts, isn't that right Remus? You're a nasty little slut aren't you?" Remus of course didn't answer, he couldn't answer. But apparently his friends didn't see having a cock your mouth as a reason not to answer their questions.

"I know you can hear me," Sirius growled, pushing down Remus's head, forcing him to choke on his erection, "so give me an answer. Are you a dirty, filthy, stinking slut?"

As best he could, Remus shook his head no.

"Aw, I bet he is," James managed through his fits of laughter, "make him show you what a little whore he is!"

"Come on now, use that little doggy tongue of yours, lick it up!" Sirius laughed between low, heavy moans of pleasure. Remus had no idea what he was doing. Tears were in his eyes. Sirius pulled his head up, Remus could breathe again. "Lick it I said!" The boy commanded. Remus just nodded.

The head, that was where he loved to touch himself. In the back. Remus began to lick. Sirius held his shaft for him.

"Good boy," he cooed. Remus began to roll his tongue around the head, like a lollipop, he bitterly thought. Then he began to suck and even kiss. Sirius let go of his shaft. Tentatively, Remus began to take it all in again. It was big. Hot, he was afraid he was going to throw up if he took too much. Up and down, nice and slow, sure to use his teeth, softly, moving them along the shaft. Sirius seemed to like this. A little pre-cum shot out. It was bitter, but still Remus continued on, using his tongue again, swirling it around Sirius's penis now. It excited him to hear the boy's moans.

"Stop…," Sirius commanded in a husky whisper. Remus did as he was told, looking up in confusion. Before he know what was happening, Sirius had his hand around his own dick and began jerking it madly until it exploded all over Remus's face.

Remus cried out. The boys just laughed.

"Lap it up now," James jeered, "be a good doggie!" Remus didn't of course, he was too embarrassed to move. Sirius's hot semen on his face, his lips, on some of his dress. It was humiliating.

"Here," Sirius traced a finger along the red-faced boys cheek, "lick it up." Remus mooked to see the finger covered in semen. Closing his eyes, he leaned forward and began to suck on the finger. The taste was vile. He sucked it though as he had Sirius's dick, tongue and all, doing his best to please his friend.

"Is he good?" Asked James.

"Oh yes," Sirius said in a heavy breath, "you want to try?"