Afternoons were always Remus's favorite of the day. It was his time to be alone, after classes and before dinner, when all the other boys were out playing a game of rugby or causing poor Serverus a bit of trouble. The common room was empty and the only sound was that of the pages of his favorite stories flipping lightly over his fingers. To Remus this was paradise, his own personal heaven which could not be disturbed by anyone or anything…..

"Hey there Remus," except Sirius.

"Look what I got for you." and a letter dropped into the binding of his book.

"I was trying to read that you know," Remus sighed as he took the unmarked letter in his hands.

"Earth to the bookworm, school ended half an hour ago! You were supposed to meet me and the other Marauders out in the court yard, remember?"

"I was? What for?"

"What are you holding?" Remus looked down at the letter in his hands. Slowly, he opened it to find a piece of parchment neatly folded. "It's our instructions on what we're to wear to the Halloween dance this Friday. We were all supposed to pick them up from James today."

"You mean we're told what to wear?"

"It's Marauders tradition. Every year one of us picks the costume theme. This year was James's."

Young Remus couldn't help but to feel a little uneasy at the thought of James Potter deciding what he should costume as to the dance. James wasn't the cruelest of the Marauders, that title went to Sirius, but he wasn't the nicest either.

"Don't look so nervous," Sirius laughed, "he's not going to pick anything too dreadful, I mean, whatever he picks he'll have to wear too."

"James is still an odd one though," Remus muttered to himself and he fiddled with the folded piece of parchment.

"Well, just so you know, that parchment won't tell you what it is, only where to find it. The big surprise comes on the night of!"

Of course Remus wasn't at all keen on the idea, but he wanted to be a Marauder more then

anything else. Not for the jokes, or the pranks or the mere fun of it all, but for….well…..

"Sound good Remus?" Looking up at his fellow school mate, he couldn't help but to fall into his eyes. Those eyes, he knew he could swim forever in their icy cold depths. Forever, he wanted to be with Sirius forever….

"Well, I have other things to attend to, see you later, all right?" The dark haired boy didn't even wait for an answer as he slammed the bedroom door leaving Remus with quite a lot on his mind.


"So, did he take it?"


"Did he believe it?"

"Of course. It's Remus."

Two voices spoke in a whisper in a dark corner of the courtyard. Their purpose unknown, but it was clear to the passing students whose eyes happened to glance their way that something devious was being planned.

"Does Peter know what we're doing?"

"Are you kidding? He's still sore about his little initiation."

Quiet laughter, and then, "So, did you buy it?"

"But of course. Sirius, I've been waiting for this day since I laid eyes on Remus. Kinky little thing…."

"Me too. This is going to be the best Halloween dance ever!"

"The best Halloween dance that we've never attended at least!"


Remus couldn't take his eyes off of it. That piece of parchment, sitting on his nightstand, mocking him with James's lighthearted laugh.

It was the night of the dance, time to face his fate. Remus of course had been through all the atrocious possibilities that James could release, thoughts of wigs and make up, dressing in a child's costume or maybe something more adult. Remus got sick at the thought of his school mates seeing him in anything less modest than his school uniform.

The clock struck six, the dance was in half an hour. Now or never. Remus slowly unfolded the parchment, and with a deep breath, read aloud his doom.

"Go downstairs into the common room. Inside the small door where the firewood is kept you'll find a box with you name on it. Take it, go back to your room and open it. Put your costume on and join us on the dance floor at six thirty sharp! Love, Padfoot and Prongs."

Remus did as he was told, and sure enough, inside the little door by the fire place there was a box with his name neatly written on top. As stealthy as he could, he brought the box upstairs to his room and placed it on his bed. His hands were shaking as he unwrapped the binding. Remus's mind was running laps around all the awful ideas he'd come up with over the last few weeks, but nothing, nothing could prepare him for the shock of the final selection.


"Something wrong Remus?" Remus, startled, turned to find both Sirius and James at his door, grinning deeply and lacking in any sort of costume wear.

"I hope you've come to tell me this is a joke! You can't expect me to wear this to the dance!"

"We don't," James closed the bedroom door, the sound of it's locking echoing in every corner of the room.

"Good," Remus sighed, "I didn't think you two could be so cruel."

"You're still going to wear it though," Sirius said as he took a few steps toward his severely confused friend, "you're going to wear it for us."

"W-what?" Remus couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Oh don't pretend that you didn't get a little chubby in your knickers when you saw it. We know all about your little fetish Remus." James approached the bed and pushed the two boys aside. He then kneeled down and reached beneath the mattress and retrieved a few 'naughty' magazines.

Remus was now visibly panicked. "How did you…why…those are mine! You have no business looking at my things!"

"Oh quiet now," Sirius whispered as he grabbed Remus from behind and pulled him close, close enough for the smaller boy to feel the hard on in his friend's pressing against his back.

"My, my," James said in a mock serious tone, "what do we have? Boys in drag? Oh Remus, you do have quite the fetish!"

"They're just dirty magazines, doesn't mean anything!" Remus was trying to struggle himself away from Sirius, but despite his thin frame the dark haired boy was rather strong.

"I think it does," Sirius smirked before letting his warm, wet tongue roll along the outline of Remus's ear. This of course sent a wave of powerful chills up and down Remus's spine and made him weak as kitten in Sirius's arms.

"Doesn't matter if it means anything or not, if you don't want us to leak to word about what you like to touch yourself to before you go to bed I suggest you do what we say, and we say put on the costume." James suddenly reached down and tore off Remus's pants which cause the boy to cry out in shock.

"I think he's liking it James," Sirius laughed.

"I agree!" Next came his top which was practically ripped off his back. Remus was now dressed in nothing more than his boxers and a pair of socks. He was rather shaken and on the verge of tears. How could these boys, these boys he called his friends be so cruel?

"Now put it on," Sirius threw him against his bed. "And James, put on some music, will ya?" Sirius pulled up a couple of chairs from the corners of the room and positioned them in front of poor, bent over Remus.

"How about some Bowie, that ought to get us into the mood." James flashed the record, which Sirius gave an approving nod to. The two then sat themselves down comfortable in the chairs, their full attention on Remus.

"So, when does the show begin?" Remus stood up to face the two boys, half naked and shaking with anger and fear.

"What do you want me to do?"

"We want to see you put on the dress of course!" Sirius laughed.

I'm an alligator, I'm a mama-papa coming for you
I'm the space invader, I'll be a rock 'n' rollin' bitch for you
Keep your mouth shut,
you're squawking like a pink monkey bird
And I'm busting up my brains for the words

"Do it all sexy like, you know, real slow. Get us all nice and horny!" Remus couldn't help but to feel like he was going to hurl. This whole situation had taken an unbelievable turn for the worst, but he had no choice but to comply. James and Sirius seeing him in a dress wasn't nearly half as bad as the entire school knowing that he got off on the idea. Hopefully they just wanted him to try it, have a few laughs and call it a night. He knew, or he hoped, that they wouldn't take it any further. They wouldn't, he thought to himself, this was just a little initiation, cruel, yes, but just an initiation.

Remus removed his socks and boxers, and his semi hard on was met with laughter and jeers from the two Marauders.

"Put on the panties first," James said in between laughing fits, "those will look really sexy on you!"

Looking in the box, Remus found a pair of black, silk panties with white lace along the backside. They were just large enough for him to wear. His semi turned into a full hard on as his aroused flesh touched the soft, cool silkiness of the panties. Remus let a little smile curl his lips, after all, this had sort of always been a fantasy of his.

"Now the stockings," Sirius's voice commanded. Remus looked up into the eyes he'd always adored, he saw lust and heat that he'd never seen there before, Sirius was suddenly quite different. Remus didn't know for sure if he liked it or not.

Pawing through the box he found two pairs of sheer black stockings and a garter to hold them up.

"I'm sure you know how to do it," Sirius smiled. Remus nodded. Of course he did, he'd seen all this before in his magazines. He could have kicked himself for being so stupid, he should have known that somehow, someway someone was going to find out about this. But why these two, why Sirius?

"Take it slow," James hissed as Remus began to slip the stockings up his leg. He carefully pulled each one up, feeling the soft, light fabric inch along his thighs. The garter came next, securing itself nicely around his waist.

Fastening the garter wasn't as easy as Remus had thought it to be, and it took him a few, embarrassing moments to secure all four of them to his stockings. The worst of it was having to be slightly bent over as he did so and feeling the two boys watching him very closely.

Remus took a deep breath, now came the big piece. The dress itself. He pulled it out of the box, and for the first time got to see what it actually was.

"A maid's dress?"

"Complete with a little apron," Sirius added with a little laugh. Remus looked in the box. Indeed there was an apron and a little maid's hat for his to wear.

"You can't put the dress on yet," James said, reaching into his coat pocket.

Keep your 'lectric eye on me babe
Put your ray gun to my head
Press your space face close to mine, love

Freak out in a moonage daydream oh yeah!

"What'd you bring?" Sirius asked, smiling, anxious to see what else James could throw into the mix.

"Stole it from one of the first year girls, don't ask me how but trust me it wasn't easy." James pulled out a pieces of fabric when opened could clearly be seen as a little.."

"Oh James, that's adorable!"

"I'm not wearing that!" Remus huffed.

"You're already wearing panties and stockings."

"And you were about to put on a dress."

"Yes but," Remus stammered, "that's a little much." James looked at the little bit of fabric in his hands.

"This?" He asked. "This is much? Remus, if you think this is a bit much I'd like t hear your commentary on what else we're going to do to you tonight!" Sirius let out a laugh as Remus sank down onto the bed.

"What're you two planning? I thought I was just going to have to dress up for you and that'd be it."

"Oh Remus," Sirius was still laughing as he got up from his seat, "this is an initiation. If we're going to haze you we might as well do it right, eh James?"

"That's right," James stood up to meet his friend. "So, why don't you be a good little boy and put on your training bra?"

"No!" Remus cried out as the two boys assaulted him. Sirius, again, grabbed him from behind and sat him down on his lap as he sat down on the bed. Sirius quite forcefully held Remus's arms over his head while he intertwined their legs to keep his friend from trying to make any sudden moves as James fit him up for his trainer.

The poor girl must have been rather flat chested because her little training bra fit Remus a little too well. It was white with sheer triangles over where her budding breast should have been. You could clearly see Remus's tiny little pink raisin nipples sticking though.

"Our little girl is growing up," James wiped away a few mock tears as he looked down on the squirming Remus. He then got down on his knees and positioned himself in front of the boy's crotch, rubbing the tip of his nose along the soft panty fabric that still hid quite the raging hard on. "Oh Sirius," he whispered, "I want him now…"

"We said we were going to wait till our little doll was all dressed up," Sirius sighed, lacing a few meaningless kisses on Remus's neck.

"Stop it…." Remus breathed, "whatever you two are planning….stop….please…." he was hard for him to hide his arousal.

"Can I play with him?" James asked, ignoring Remus's plea. "Just a little, tiny bit?"

"As long as it's above the waist," Sirius said rather seriously. This was met with a smile by James who began to look over his little "doll" with hungry eyes.

Remus's was suddenly overtaken with the sensation of a warm, wet mouth encircling one of his nipples. Through the sheer fabric, James was softly licking, softly nibbling, sucking and playing, tugging at them lightly and warming them with his lapping tongue. Remus wanted to cry out in pure ecstasy, but before a noise could pass his lips two fingers slipped by and began thrust in and out at rather fast pace. Sirius's long, thin fingers were now exploring Remus's mouth, digging deep and rolling over every inch on tongue and teeth. Remus found himself longing for each thrust, eagerly wanting to feel them brush past his lips again and again…..

"That's enough," Sirius pushed James away. Remus's warm and wet nipples were stung by a wave of cold air that caused them to stand. His now wet training bra showed them of, very, very well. Sirius pulled his fingers from Remus's mouth, then lifted the boy up and threw him onto the bed. "I want to see the dress now. "

"I do hope I get a little more of that later," James smiled as he climbed back into his seat.

"Of course, and then some," Sirius sat down beside him, "but I'm just itching to see our little doll get all dressed up for us." Remus was not very fond of this "doll" comparison.

The dress lay in a pile on the floor. Slowly, bending his knees, Remus picked it up and looked it over.

They couldn't have gotten a simple, plain maids dress. It wouldn't have been their style. Instead they had to buy the most girlish and sassiest dress they could. Huge puffy sleeves, layers upon layers upon layers of sew in petticoats, white lace and ruffles just about everywhere you could cram them.

Remus stuck his head through the bottom of the dress and dug through the petticoats and lace till he found the ceiling above him. He then reluctantly pushed his arms through the sleeves, now fully dressed like a little French maid.

"Let me help with the apron," Sirius got up and went to the box, "the apron was my favorite part!"

"Don't forget to zip him up," James said, trying to stifle his laughter while gently stroking his erection through his pants. He was enjoying himself quite a bit.

Sirius zipped up the dress quickly, securing Remus into it. The dress was rather tight, it's silky touch forced against his skin. Remus felt like he was ready to burst in his panties.

Don't fake it baby, lay the real thing on me
The church of man, love
Is such a holy place to be
Make me baby, make me know you really care

Make me jump into the air

Humming along with the record, Sirius tied off the apron. Large, white, and lined with lace, it tied nicely in the back with an oversized satin bow.

"Now, the final touch," Sirius tied on the tiny maid hat, making a neat little bow under Remus's chin.

"Look at that," he growled as he spun Remus around to the mirror. Remus gasped when he saw himself.

From head to toe he was a perfect, little French maid. Black stockings held up with silver garters that rested above a now very tight pair of black silk panties. The bottom of the dress was so full of lace that it billowed out like a kinky little umbrella, topped off with an equally full and ruffled white apron. The black dress fit Remus's slender boyish frame rather well, even all the way through the puffy shoulders. And of course it was all finished off with a big white bow under his chin and a lacy little cap on top. Remus's face was bright red, a mix of pure and utter embarrassment and excitement. He only wished he could have enjoyed the sensation of being dressed like a woman without the worry of what was going to happen to him next.

Keep your 'lectric eye on me babe
Put your ray gun to my head
Press your space face close to mine, love
Freak out in a moonage daydream oh yeah!

"James, go get the beers under my bed, we still have one six pack left from last weeks party." James nodded never taking his eyes off of Remus as he left. They were looking rather hungry again.

"So my dear," Sirius smiled, "how do you like it?" Remus, still red as a tomato stuttered, trying to formulate an answer. Sirius didn't seem much though in the mood to wait for an answer, and allowed a free hand to run underneath the dress and grab firmly onto Remus's erection.

"I think you like it quite a bit," Sirius whispered heavily into the boy's ear. Remus felt himself quiver at the sensation of Sirius's warm breath upon him.

He didn't know what to do, how to feel. He wanted this, yes, to be touched, to be felt, to be wanted and teased by Sirius. He always wanted to dress up like this, to know what it feels like to have the soft touch of satins and silk against his skin….but, but did he want this? To be held captive by his friends as they used his as their own personal "doll'?

"Got 'em!" James came through the door with six bottles of beer in a neat little cardboard carrier.

"Just in time," Sirius said above the slamming and locking of the door, "now the real fun is about to begin."

Freak out, far out, in out

To be continued...