Games become reality
Author here, "talking", "Thinking", Computer or com system
Change in POV -
Kudos to Gramemaker, he kinda gave me the idea, but this story is my own. Speaking of which.
The rating is PG13 'cuz it might get violent, But there is no sweating, nor crude langue.
Disclaimer: I do not own Halo, or Halo2, I own copies of them but not the rights to them, I also don't own the song Sandstorm, nor do I own McDonalds, I think they own me.
Chapter1 "Just another day"
"Vikki, Your dad's here to pick you up!"
The words jerked her out of the book she was reading like an electric shock.
Tired, Frustrated, sweaty, and sore, Vikki got up, refilled her drink and gathered her stuff.
Then, calling bye to her co-workers, she stepped out into the rain.
After getting up at 5:00 that morning, going to work in a wet uniform, getting 3 busses with a total of 100+ high schoolers, and slamming her shoulder in the door'cuz some moron decided to ignore her and leave without his bag of fries.
Vikki wanted very much to take a shower and blow some stuff up.
Upon getting home she Immediately put what was left of her lunch in the fridge, grabbed a change of clothes from her room, walked to the bathroom closed and locked the door.
Seconds later the song Sandstorm blared through the bathroom door, followed closely by the sound of running water.
10 minutes later she emerged from the bathroom dressed in slightly baggy blue jeans, with zippers down the front, and two extra pockets down the side, a shirt that was all black except for the front panel which was gray with a dragon on it, and some gray and black sneakers.
Her tail bone length brown hair with natural gold highlights, was done in her usual fashion,
In a deceivingly small bun held by a lone black chopstick, she had dark skin, Hazel eyes, and was 18 to be 19 next month.
"Now," she said sitting down with a X-Box controller. "I have a heretic to kill."
Setting skill level to 'Legendary', She then immersed herself in the duty of an Arbiter.
Jeffrey sighed with relief as he finished up the last of his math homework.
"I'm done mom!" he called into the kitchen,
"With all your homework?" came her reply from his mom, Alice.
"Yep, all of it."
"Hmm good job," she said looking over his work. "Nice, neat, and fast."
Alice looked at her watch. "Hey Vikki should be done with work by now.
"You want to head over there?"
His eyes lit up and a slightly evil grin appeared on his face, thinking of the prospect of him and his cousin 'Blowing things up' and 'making some noise'.
Jeff had just turned 12, and had more blond then brown hair, pretty close cut, but not to close,
brown eyes, light skin, wore baggy blue jeans, a gray shirt under a yellow button up bearing the pattern of a bulldog fighting a dragon surrounded by flames. A.N./ frankly I think the Dragon is gunna win
Walking in from the rain, which as un-avoidable because it had been raining all day merely to remind everyone that Michigan weather was not to be enjoyed.
Upon entering the house Jeff, or Munch as most people called him, was assaulted by the smell of popcorn, and the sounds of furious battle.
Walking to the back of the futon couch that Vikki was sitting on, he watched as She slashed at a large Elite on a jetpack, with a plasma sword. Jeff reaches down to steal some popcorn from the bowl where it had been temping him, But just as he was about to grab at some of the golden crenels he felt an arm wrap around his neck and shoulders and a swift yank down, at that point the world did a strange thing, it did a summersault, with a loud creak he realized he was now sitting on the couch, instead of standing behind it. Looking over to his cousin for some answers as to how that came to be.
He then noticed 3 things:
1. She had paused the game mid-slash,
2. She was looking at him and grinning that evil grin he had learned to be wary of, and
3. Ohh, that popcorn still looked good.
"Have a good trip?" Vikki asked
"Ha, ha, very funny." He replied
"Here, make a mess while I finish killing the heretic." She said handing him the bowl of popcorn.
"Then we'll do some deathmatching."
As she un-paused the popcorn and the plasma swords, started flying.
"Munch hunting we will go, Munch hunting we will go,
High, Ho, the dairy-oh, Munch hunting we will go."
A voice sang with dark cheerfulness, as a steel gray, and purple Spartan crept up on a Yellow, and steel gray Elite, with a plasma sword.
MoretaLynx sworded J3ph
"Hee hee, got you again munch!"
"Humph lets work on our co-op"
"OK, but remember this time you can't hide in the last room while I take everyone out, got it?"
"Jeff get your butt in here!"
"Once it's safe."
"Once it's safe? But what's the point of this if you make me kill everything?"
"Hey, that's not fair, I kill lot's of things."
"Yeah, like while playing the Arbiter you kill teammates!"
"Well it's hard to tell the difference."
"Sure, if you're a blind monkey."
A.N./ I have nothing against Monkeys, in fact one came through the drive-thru today.
He drove up very calmly and asked for some napkins, I, also calmly, told him to go to the next window.
"OK, ok, next room, I dive in, you hang back and snipe."
They both dove into the next room, Her plasma sword flashing, killing with perfection, His battle rifle barking, each shot meeting it's intended target with surgeon-like accuracy.
A.N./ TEENSY bit of exaggeration here, were not quite that good but I've only had my X-Box since Christmas, give me some time, I'm normally not one to play F.P.S.'s(1) with a counsel.
Elite: "Ahh humans, so easy to ki-."
The last word cut off by a precise 3-round burst to the head.
"Perfect Munch. Couldn't have timed that better."
Suddenly coming along a pack of 3 Elites in red armor, Vikki finds her plasma sword empty. She quickly switched to her shotgun and started hammering away at the closest of the Far-to-close aliens.
"One shot shield's down….. another shot it's dead……. Next one….not enough time…."
She turned desperately to line up her next shot for the creatures chest, the shield alarms flashing red and blaring in her ear.
There was a flash of blue and Vikki's world began to grow dark. The controller dropped from her hand and clattered as she fell to the couch unconscious.
"VIKKI!" Jeff screamed as he saw her fall, dropping his controller, he grabbed Vikki's shoulder and started shaking her, trying to get her up.
Meanwhile the now-duo of Elites had reached Jeff's now-unmanned Avatar, there was another flash of blue and the world went dark.
(1)First Person shooter
Author: Yes, yes I know, a cliffhanger, this mealy seemed like the right spot to end the chapter.
Man when I asked my best friend to Beta read for me, I didn't know that he moonlighted as a English major.
(JK Brendan, thanks for being blunt as always)
I will do my best to update regularly, but I have very limited amounts of time.
And yes, a monkey did come through drive-thru.