Light or Darkness?

Disclaimer: I don't own anything of Harry Potter and I will immediately deny any connection between my work and J.K Rowling's. I am using the characters of them but I am making my own version. I am also denying to have any connections with Al-Quada or with any other terrorist group. I find them to be damaging to society and they must be eliminated from this world. They damage the planet. Also there will be Pimpmeister Severus in this chapter. He will meet the two whores again and Tonks will finally get to sleep in the same bed as Harry!

Visit and the Vengeance of the Dark Lord

Harry awoke to a sound of a person screaming and he blurrily looked as a blur fell to the floor. He remembered what he had done the last night and felt that he would have to at least try to wake up Bella. He tried to grab his glasses but Bella was in the way. He looked at the curves of her smooth body and then looked around the room. He had temporarily forgotten that his eyesight could be sharpened with magic and he could clearly spot a small imperfection in the wall. He looked around the room to look upon the strangest assortment of people lying on the floor. Sirius was lying on his belly with a struggling Severus Snape on top of him. Tonks was lying somewhere to the side with her short skirt being totally flipped upwards exposing her underwear for all to see. Harry briefly pause d at what he saw then checked her hair colour and mentally said that pink and black didn't really mix well.

Harry just sighed and waited for the people to get up. Sirius was growling death threats to Severus and Harry noticed that a certain werewolf was trying to get up from where he had landed. Harry guessed they had taken a portkey here and the wards had accepted them as they recognised them as friends. Harry wasn't really sure why Professor Snape was here but he figured that the man would explain in due time. Remus Lupin was currently trying to get away from the person that was on top of him and he had to remove a certain boot out of his hair. What he saw when he looked upwards shocked him slightly. It was a shocking pink thong. Remus didn't want to think about it anymore and removed the body away from him and watched as Tonks sailed through the air to crash against the wall. Remus got up and stared at the people lying in the bed. That was one scene he didn't ever think to see. Harry being cuddled by a woman with long black hair and said man looking at him with a curious look in his eyes.

Harry stared at the werewolf who was looking at them with shock visible in his eyes. Harry just shrugged and mouthed:

"Don't wake her up!"

Remus complied and quietly got Severus off Sirius. When Severus his Pimpmeister clothes came into view Harry had to stifle his laughter so he wouldn't wake Bella up. It would be a shame if she knew several people were staring at her. Harry's forest green eyes looked at the people as they got up. Sirius stared with awe at the woman in bed with Harry but he kept quiet at Harry's urgent reminder that she was still asleep. Tonks was just wishing it was her with harry in the bed and Harry just winked at her mentally replied to her:

"You'll get your turn. Can't wait to just have a go at me. You sure you can handle me?"

Harry looked as the Metamorphmagus looked at him with an inquisitive look in her eyes. When Severus finally stopped muttering death threats e looked at the bed only to faint as he saw one of Lord Voldemorts most dangerous Death Eaters lying next to Harry sleeping while Harry was being cuddled by her. Bellatrix had built quite a reputation for herself as she was reputed to be one of the best at casting the Cruciatus curse. Severus just sank to the fdloor. Harry looked at Bellatrix as she mumbled:

"Hi Harry. You up for another round?"

She got up and looked at her lover. Harry just smiled at her and sad:

"Just look around. And keep the covers on please. I wouldn't want my lovely Vixen get a cold just by not being all covered up. I would miss you if you ever became sick."

Sirius was the first to speak:

"Harry how the hell did you managed to land her in your bed? She is extremely picky about who she associated with and you actually have made her to go and have sex with you. Moony I owe you a Galleon."

Harry looked at the two Marauders and said:

"Did you bet about something?"

Sirius grinned and said:

"Yes Me and Moony had bet that you would lose your virginity before your sixteenth birthday and we made another bet that if Bella ever got caught in bed with a Potter that I would pay him a hefty sum of Galleons for winning the bet. And now it seems that Bella has slept with you that he wins the bet. Damn you Bella how could you just go and sleep with my godson? I had guessed that you would remain faithful to your husband forever in some homage to the purebloods or something."

Beklla ust looked at her cousin and replied in a voice that remembered them of Miss Black:

"Well dear cousin of mine if you did know what Harry has accomplished already then you would know that he is just extremely capable of satisfying a woman like me."

Harry put in his two cents:

"You mean Nympho like me Bella. I seem to recall that you were tired out somewhere after the sixtieth session we had. When I covered you with the chocolate and whipped cream and then…"

A hand was fiercely placed over his mouth to prevent him from making more comments about what they had done the night before. Severus had turned an amusing shade of white at the revelation that the bitch of the Inner Circle had sex with the son of his worst rival:

"The next thing you are going to tell us is that you are a Dark lord or something farfetched like that."

Harry just smiled at the man and let his eyes turn blood red and Harry watched as Severus nearly collapsed in fear. To add to the red eyes Harry spoke:

"Well Severus my full name is Harry James Voldemort Potter-Riddle. I have absorbed your previous Lord and all I can say is that he is putting up a fight within. Tonight we are going to do something about the Muggle populace. We are going to thin out a suburb of London a little and we are going to start with Surrey. Would you like to be present Severus or shall I get another of the Inner Circle to come in your place. Remember the oath you took when you joined me. Remember that you swore to hate all the muggles and repay them for their ruining of the wizarding blood. Even the blood traitors can't see that they are polluting the gene pool. Magic must be reserved for magical people and not for some half-breeds."

Harry got out of bed and began to dress himself. He ushered them out of the room with the excuse that he had to go and change and a few minutes passed and they could hear screams coming from within the door. Harry was screaming about something but Bella interrupted it by casting a silencing spell. A few minutes later the door opened to let out Harry being supported by Bellatrix.

Harry felt a searing pain go through him and he knew that that was the work of Tom Marvolo Riddle. It seemed the bastard would once again try to get his body. Harry resisted the soul from taking over his body and he blamed himself for his carelessness. Blood red eyes turned green for a second and the evil within Harry's soul tried to contain tom Marvolo Riddle. It did a terrific job because the previous Dark lord screamed in agony as he was once again forced back into the dank place where souls were kept. Harry's blood red eyes became that colour at last and he dressed himself while taking off the silencing spell Bellatrix had put him under and thanked her before helping her dress and get a good feel of her breasts.
They stepped outside and looked as Remus Lupin was talking to Severus about the changes in Harry. Harry just got their attention by making a small thunderclap sound and as the attention was on him he led them to the throne room and sat down on his throne. He summoned the Inner Circle and as they all arrived introductions were made and Harry found out that Severus Snape was renown throughout the world as the creator of the wolfsbane potion.

Harry told them about his plans to have some revenge upon the Muggles that the old fool sent him to live with and this proposal was greeted by cheering from the Inner Circle. Dolohov. Malfoy and Macnair cheered the loudest. They all apparated away to Privet Drive. Harry summoned the rest of the Death Eaters and they all apparated to Privet Drive to bow before their Lord. Harry watched as they bowed to him and he spoke:

"My Death Eaters today is the day we will rid the world of it's filth. I was abused in my youth and was forced to do terrible labour for the Muggles. Now let them reap what they have sowed."

Harry walked through the rows of Death Eaters and then knocked on the door that led to privet Drive no. 4. It was opened by a large and beefy man who had a large moustache. Walden Macnair growled as he saw the muggle. Peter Pettigrew looked at the boy he had been saved by in the boy's third year. The blond haired man squeaked as he saw the muggle and made the transformation into his rat form. He sneaked past the fat man as he was talked to AKA threatened to be killed by Harry. He walked through the house as a tiny mouse. He came upon a kitchen and suddenly sound came in the air as a scream rang through the house. Peter saw two thin legs and looked up to look in the boniest face he had ever seen. He transformed back into a man and cast Avada Kedavra on the woman who irritated him.

Harry was enjoying himself as Uncle Vernon paled immensely as he saw the men and women in black robes with white masks. Harry's red eyes began to narrow as he saw the fat muggle try to get away. Harry said:

"Walden, Antonin and Lucius he is all yours. Leave him alive though. I want to play with him for a while."

Then the screams of Vernon Dursley were heard through the cold night air. Harry laughed as he heard the delicious screams echo into his ears and watched as the people of Privet Drive came out of their homes to see whatever was happening and who was screaming. They were immediately tortured as the Death eaters began to send Crucio and other Dark spells at them.

Remus and the rest stood out while wearing their robes and Severus scowled as a muggle tried to shoot him with a pathetic revolver. A quick killing curse was enough to kill the man. Harry gave Severus a small smirk and then continued watching his uncle get tortured. The guests were looking at the screen with horror written all over their faces. Harry's blood red eyes gained a cruel glint in them and Harry drew a knife and after commanding Lucius, Antonin and Walden to stop torturing Harry slowly dragged the knife over his uncle's skin leaving behind a long deep gash where the knife had penetrated the skin. Harry's red eyes glowed in glee as his uncle struggled against the bounds. With a small wave of Voldemort's wand the pants became undone and Harry began to slowly castrate his uncle making sure he didn't faint. Some of the women present fainted at the sight of their master castrating a muggle but some remained among the conscious and watched as Harry slowly ripped away the man's reproductive organs. Then Harry said:

"Time to die now Uncle. I have had my fun. May you find rest wherever you go in Hell! I'll come there anyways."

Then Harry grabbed the hilt of the knife and he drove the knife deep in his uncle's forehead immediately killing the man as the brains were pierced by the cold steel. Harry watched as blood poured from the man's forehead. Harry laughed as he looked at the fat corpse and heard faint cracks all over Privet Derive and heard curses being yelled by his Death Eaters.

Blood red eyes looked through the window and saw Aurors duelling with his Death eaters. A smile made its way to his face and he walked outside and started ripping apart aurors by using his claws and making their blood boil in their veins. Harry found himself beginning to like the blood splattering all over him and felt the darkness within his soul urging him to go and kill all people in the area. He complied with the savage feelings and then looked at what remained of the aurors. With a crazed maniacal look on his face he made his way to them and started ripping them apart with his bare hands.

When he had finished he was totally covered in blood. Then more aurors popped into the area and Harry started to rip through their bodies and made their blood flow through the street. In Harry's mind the darkness cheered and kicked Tom in the shins. Blood red eyes focused as they saw Amelia Bones and a few unspeakables apparating in and Harry stopped slaughtering people and said:

"So Miss Bones dares to appear on the battlefield herself surrounded by some of the Ministry's best Unspeakables. Now face my wrath Amelia! Face the wrath of Lord Voldemort!"

Amelia Bones her face looked at Harry's face and an expression of fear came over her face. Harry just grinned and then began killing the Unspeakables by sending vicious bonedissolving curses at them. His Death Eaters started killing them too and the Unspeakables were dead within a minute.

Only Amelia remained and she stared defiantly at Harry:

"You'll never get away with this Tom! The Order will stop you."

Harry laughed and said:

"The Order can go fuck itself. No matter what I do they always find something that they can do to make my life hell. Now it is my turn to strike back. Look at my forehead Amelia and see who you are talking to."

Amelia looked at Harry's forehead and gasped as she saw the lightening bolt scar glowing black. Harry chuckled as she screamed:

"Potter how dare you join the Dark lord! You should have had your soul sucked out by a Dementor you fiend!"

Harry looked at the screaming woman and said:

"But that is entirely your fault dear Amelia. The only thing that is wrong is that you seem to be making a large mistake. The entire wizarding world will pay. First Voldemort has paid the price now the rest of you fucking bastards will die!"

Then he grabbed her by the throat and pressed his lips to her mouth and sucked out her soul. Then he threw away the body and incinerated the soulless body while gaining all of Amelia Bones her memories and information her soul contained.

Then Harry looked at his loyal followers and said:

"Today is the day that we will rule the world. Tonight is the night we will make our mark in history. Tonight we will attack the Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix!"

The Death Eaters cheered and Harry sent them off to their houses to go and prepare for the battle. He sent Sirius and Severus and Tonks back to Grimmauld Place. Then he sent a spiral of fire all around him and like a shockwave it went at the houses toasting anyone alive within. Harry laughed as he saw the entire neighbourhood burning and apparated back to his Mansion.

When Sirius appeared they were immediately questioned where they had been and Severus just sneered and Sirius just shouted:


Then the Order was transformed into Chickens once again and this time the entire female part of the order excluding Mcgonagall was stripping off their clothes to the great horror of the male part. Well Tonks wasn't taking off her clothes but seeing Molly Weasley naked made Severus feel faint and sick. When they nearly pounced on Severus the man had enough he apparated into his room and barricaded the door. He heard numerous people come to stand in front of his door and he layered it with wards to keep people out. Female voices came trough the door:

"Come on Sevvie let us in. we'll make you feel really good. Come on Sev let us in and I'll even give you a Blowjob!"

Severus gasped as the last proposal was made by Molly. He gulped and decided that being away was a better choice then being here and get groped by women. With a crack he apparated away.

Tonks her outfit had decreased in what it covered. Now it barely was enough to preserve her modesty and she sank into a chair directly sitting on a large rooster with black feathers and a golden ring around its neck.

Sirius was now dressed in a Pimpmeister outfit but his was different. It was in black and had a obsidian chain with:

"I am da Pimpmeister"

Remus had cracked up and hadn't noticed that he had transformed into a giant puppy. He barked until he saw his fluffy tail wagging and started chasing it what set loose a bout of laughter from Sirius. Two whorishly dressed people stood in the room. One was obviously female with bushy hair and a see-through top which essentially showed her entire body.

The male was dressed in a BDSM outfit with whips and chains hanging on a belt. Ron had a gag ball in his mouth and a dildo in his ass. He moaned in pain through the gag ball and fainted due to the pain of having shoved something in his pompous ass.

Sirius snapped a few pictures and then looked for something else to do. In the meanwhile Tonks had apparated over to the Potter Mansion and was now waiting in Harry's bedroom for him and her aunt to return. She didn't have to wait long as the sounds of a couple were heard and the pair came through the door. Harry was carrying Bellatrix and threw her on the bed. Nymphadora saw her chance and grabbed his head and delivered a kiss to his lips making him look in her eyes which were blue at the moment. She then said:

"Well Harry t seems that I go and get a turn with you tonight. If auntie allows it I would go first."

Bella nodded and she started undressing Harry. Whatever happened that night was not to be discussed in polite company. Needles to say a lot of screaming was involved.

Sirius drank three bottles of Firewhiskey and then walked up to his room with Remus following. Him. The two of them collapsed on Sirius his bed and the dog animagus said:

"Hmm Moony let's go and sleep together."

Remus stuttered that he wasn't gay and Sirius gave him a smack on the head wand said:

"Not like that you wolf man. Just sleep together in the same bed. I can see that we have both drunk way too much tonight and let's give the Order a little shock in the morning shall we?"

Remus nodded and undressed completely while Sirius did the same. They crawled in the bed and fell asleep after finding a good position to sleep in.

The next morning a scream would wake them up.

Another chapter finished. I hope you liked it and I hope that you leave me lots of reviews. I can't say that I am happy with the load of work I have to do for school but I think there might be a way for me to keep on updating while keeping my grades up at school. My Yahoo group went down today. I hope you will all register again at my new Yahoo group which will have all the files I have written. So register please and make my day.