A/N: Oh, such a long delay. I started high school and yada yada, so my updating time is very limited. I shall not let this fic die however! I have plans for this one. I hope some people are still reading this! xD

Dear Diary,

Joyous day! Robin's sickness has cured at last! I had tried the Tamaranian Illness-Healing Song, and that did not help at all … at last I kissed him a good night and fell asleep next to him. Once he awoke from his slumber, all was cured! It is such great news to hear that my friends are well!

That is not the only good news around the Tower! Friend Raven's cloak is no longer dark – it has brightened. Twice! This means that she is gradually growing more and more control over her dangerous emotions. I believe it is because of Beast Boy. Ever since the two have grown close, such wondrous things have occurred between the two. I am happy!

Robin and I are remaining close together as well. I continue to feel the emotion called "love" towards him. Every day.

Some continual news of the good is that Cyborg and Bumblebee have "patched" what had "torn"? Cyborg apologized to her about sharing a kiss with Jinx. She was upset. I can understand. If another had shared a kiss with Robin, I would be angered!! All is well now. My friends and I are happy with how things are going as of now. Please let them continue?

- Starfire