READER: Tell me, O wise Silwyth, how will I know the entirety of your story if you rarely update?
SILWYTH: As it is for Shakespeare, so it is for my fanfiction. I shall provide a SparkNotes worthy summary for you, my reader.
READER: How completely does it cover CROSSOVERS, O sage?
SILWYTH: Summaries, my friend, cannot cover every detail. For a real understanding of my story, you must take upon yourself the task of rereading. Through my summary, however, you will gain an understanding of my work and go away fulfilled.
READER: Thank you, honest one and giver of intellect. Do you have any last advice for me?
SILWTYH: I do. Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.
CROSSOVERS takes place during the second and third seasons of the Yu-Gi-Oh! 2000 TV series. For simplicity, the super evil Yami Marik will be referred to as "EVIL-Marik" in this summary to avoid confusion. Plain "Marik" is the normal individual – who is still pretty evil, but not psycho.
(Chapters 1 - 42)
Elaine Murphy's ten-year-old brother, Zack, talks and thinks about one thing - Yu-Gi-Oh!. Elaine avoids the show like the plague (if a ten-year-old thinks Yu-Gi-Oh!'s cool it MUST be lame) but because of her brother's rambling, Elaine knows almost everything about it. One Saturday morning, Elaine promises her brother that she'll take notes on the new Yu-Gi-Oh! episode while he's at a friend's house.
The TV goes crazy with green light during the episode and suddenly robed men are chasing Elaine through the alleys of Domino City! After escaping her pursuers, Solomon Moto takes pity on the lost girl.
Through Mr. Moto, Elaine meets Yugi and his friends who determine from her story that her attacker is Marik! Téa hypothesizes that Marik wants Elaine because she is the key to understanding the Millennium Puzzle. When the Pharaoh presses Elaine for information, however, she only loses her temper.
Elaine joins Seto Kaiba's Battle City dueling tournament hoping to meet Marik and face him in a duel. The evening of registration, the Pharaoh learns that Elaine has never dueled in her life and becomes her duel instructor. She learns quickly, but finds herself continually losing to her apt teacher.
During the first phase of the tournament, Elaine tries to pick normal looking duelists but instead becomes kidnapped by the Rare Hunters, Lumis and Umbra, along with Mokuba. At the compound where they're held, the two hostages work together to defeat a Rare Hunter in a duel to secure their freedom.
Once freed, Mokuba cheers Elaine on in her next tournament duel and solidifies their friendship.
After winning enough locator cards, Elaine proceeds to the finals with Yugi, Joey, Mai, Bandit Keith, Weevil, Rex, Bakura, Ishizu, Namu (who Elaine recognizes as Marik), and Odion (who most people mistake for Marik). During the tournament our heroine strikes up friendships with both semi-outcasts Mai and Bandit Keith. Being a more experienced female duelist, Mai becomes Elaine's second duelist mentor and a role model.
Elaine also runs into the stowaway, Shaadi, who attacks her on sight the first night of the semi-finals.
While recovering from Shaadi's attack, Ishizu uses her Millennium magic to transplant Marik's soul into Elaine's body. The EVIL-Marik has broken free and now the "goodish" Marik, henceforth known as Malik (note the L), shares mind, body and soul with Elaine.
Keith Howard faces Elaine in her first semi-final duel, where Elaine loses miserably until Kaiba disqualifies Keith for cheating. Malik reveals himself to Elaine after her duel, and their forced relationship begins. Malik taunts Elaine's friends and dueling moves, while Elaine tries to force Malik into spilling his reason for bringing her to the Yu-Gi-Oh! world.
Noah makes his debut before Elaine's second duel. He captures most of the gang, including Kaiba and Mokuba. Elaine, who stays behind to keep an eye on EVIL-Marik, finds herself teaming up with the bad guy and storming Noah's stronghold. With some extra help from the gun slinging, password guessing Keith - Elaine manages to release Kaiba from the virtual world before Gozaburo, the real mastermind behind the kidnappings, appears and electrocutes her.
While recovering (again), Mokuba visits Elaine and helps her upgrade her deck one last time. Keith also comes to visit the bedridden girl where he learns that she's forgiven him for cheating. He loans her a powerful magic card for the next stage of the finals.
After arriving at Kaiba Island, a six-way duel is held between Elaine, Yugi, Joey, Kaiba, Weevil, and EVIL-Marik to decide opponents for the next round. Elaine aims to duel Kaiba with hopes of winning his Egyptian God Card, but Joey knocks Elaine out of the duel thus forcing her to be matched with Weevil in the first duel. Unfortunately, Malik reveals that Weevil was originally in league with him and during their duel, EVIL-Marik activates a shadow game for Weevil. After a difficult battle, where many bug puns are exchanged, Elaine emerges victorious.
At the conclusion of her duel, the duel tower's systems go haywire with surges of electricity. Gozaburo had transfered his digital mind into the Kaiba Blimp's computer and, once the blimp was connected with the tower, was able to infect the rest of the island. Gozaburo takes Mokuba hostage and Elaine goes on a mission to save her little friend. Keith comes up with a plan, but cannot get into the tower without tripping off Gozaburo sensors. Elaine decides to enlist EVIL-Marik's magic for the cause.
EVIL-Marik tries to kill both Elaine and Keith, but stops when Elaine presents the "good" Malik within her as a bargaining chip. Teaming up for the second time, EVIL-Marik and Elaine go to the tower together, break in, and... you know the rest of the story.
READER: Thank you, great perceptive cognizant one.
SILWYTH: Hey, I know the real reason behind that "O wise one" and "O sage" stuff. You just want me to update faster!!
READER: Well, it's either that or I threaten you with pointy weapons and copious amounts of boiling oil.
SILWTYH: ... uhh ...