A/N: Ok, so I'm off school ill, bored out of my brains and figured it was time to check on my FanFics. I never finished this one so I thought it'd be a nice idea!

Sephiroth placed one hand on my chest and the other to the left of my head. He leant into me and planted a passionate kiss on my lips, more passionate than I had ever imagined having with anyone, even Lucrecia… As he pulled away, I watched his eyes open and blinked.

"Sephiroth… I…" He placed a finger over my mouth. "Shh, don't speak…." Dismounting me, Sephiroth sighed and wandered over to the wardrobe, taking his coat out and draping it over his muscular shoulders. I was still lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to figure out what just happened. I didn't know what to think… Was this for real? Was I supposed to like it?

"Come, come now Vinny my sweet!" I tilted my head toward Sephiroth and glared. "We have much to do today! This mansion needs decorating." I never realised how camp Sephiroth could be at times, maybe it was the dust getting to his head.

I stood up and the silk sheets slid off my bare skin, leaving me almost entirely exposed apart from a pair of black boxers and the bandana that I have always worn. "Sephiroth, where are my clothes?" I groaned lazily, leaning on one of the posts of Sephiroths bed. "Down the dry-cleaners, they were filthy!" I heard a reply from downstairs. My eyes widened, and I sprinted to where I heard the voice and pinned Sephiroth to the wall by his shoulders. "What am I supposed to wear!" He said nothing, merely looked at me with his seductive icey-blue eyes and smirked.

I couldn't resist, I leant in for a kiss and it was as passionate as the last. I loosened my grasp and wrapped my arms around his neck. He lifted me up and held my behind, so I wrapped my legs around his waist. Sephiroth turned around, so my back was now against the wall, continuing to kiss me. "Sephiroth…" I managed to squeeze out in-between breaths. He grunted in response. "I need…" We continued to kiss. "Clothes." He released his firm hold on my buttocks and I allowed my legs to fall back to the ground. He pulled away from me, turning his back and walking up the stairs. I blinked and watched him do so with great confusion. "Are you coming then? I thought you wanted clothes!" He walked off into the bedroom after noticing I was slowly dragging myself to him.

Upon entering, Sephiroth instantly threw a white pair of pants and a green button up shirt at me. After a while of staring at them I said, "Um… I'm not wearing this…" Sephiroth frowned and replied "Well then lord of fucking darkness, you're gonna have to go naked for the day then." He grinned at me and took the clothing out of my hands. I gave a halfhearted smile and shivered. It was always cold in the mansion, as it had no electricity or plumbing. "I'm going back to bed…" I collapsed into the king-sized bed in the room and entwined myself in the sheets. "Lazy…" Sephiroth left the room and closed the door. What had gone on today? I wasn't sure, but I was sure of one thing. Sephiroth really had changed…

(Ahh, How'd ya like that then? Will write more soon, really soon if I am sick tomorrow too! Reviews please!)