To meet again and yet to find another… Or so they say.

Kagome was still your average teenager, and what came with being average, came the territory of the perfect boyfriend… or the awful ex-boyfriend. Today, seemed to be the day of dwelling on memories as Kagome walked down a hollow street at the end of town. To say she was a bit peeved would be an understatement, for you see, she hated this town for more then one reason, in fact, three. One, she hated her old school which was filled with agonizing teachers who only encouraged you to do better when she got all 'A's. Two, there just seemed to be too many memories that were painful and that were better left alone and un awakened. Then finally number three, him.

She couldn't believe he had been so cruel to say that in front of her face, he had sent her into shambles. He was a kind man, gentle and very wise as well as intelligent. And yet there he was sending her shattering into oblivion with words that seemed to come out in lashes. Kagome sighed at the memory that played in her mind, stinging the slightest.

There they were, like any normal, sweet, teenage couple walking down the street to his or her house. Kagome and a man with medium length red hair, walked down, arms around each other, and standing out. And they didn't start standing out till the words started spilling…


"Suiichi…? Did you really have to be so nice to him? I mean he pretty much told you off, let alone some other things." She had said.

Her mind had been confused as to why her boyfriend hadn't done anything when a guy had abruptly tried to grab her butt and whisper dirty words in her ear. Then when Suiichi had came around, he barked and spat at him, calling him nothing but a pretty boy. What had even puzzled her more was that he didn't even do anything about, he simply grabbed her hand, said a few words, and they walked out of the restaurant. Kagome waited for an answer.

"Kagome, it's not like he did anything, he was only words." Suiichi had replied back irritably.

Kagome stopped and pulled his arm off her waist, instantly feeling the warmth disappear.

"What do you mean, 'its no like he did anything!'?" Kagome hissed. "He pulled a move on me!"

"I'm sorry… I didn't see." He mumbled his last words hoping she didn't catch them. Oops. Not quite quiet enough.

"Yeah, well you don't see a lot of things." Kagome said quietly, resuming their walk arms length apart. Kagome turned her eyes away from him, why was he so… off? What was wrong?

"Kagome, I'm sorry. I can't be around much… but duty comes first."

Kagome stopped once again and starred at him in disbelief. Selfishness… that was all she could read off his words and face. Since when did his ego flare like this? Kagome growled slightly. Then again, that was all that he thought about every day and night, his damned duty.

"That's all you think about!" She pointed a finger at his chest. "What am I number two? Certainly you don't think family and friends are second to some stupid job of detective work!"

Suiichi just starred right back at her angrily; she had been on his case lately, always wanting to do something with him. Certainly it made him suspicious but he always brushed it off. It was like she was becoming more attached to him then he anticipated so fast, and what made him more curious, was why.

"I'm sorry I'm not around alright? I try, I really do! But…" he trailed off. His words hit rock bottom and echoed loudly.

"But what?" she retorted. Her eyes sparking, "Suiichi you weren't around when I need you the most. You left me high and dry when my father died! You're simply selfish! What is wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong! What do you mean I left you high and dry? I didn't!" he shouted back, anger getting the best of him. Kagome sighed and shakily ran her fingers through her black silky hair.

"Suiichi, I think its time for this to end. It's because I need someone to depend on and well… I'm moving. I leave tomorrow." Tears began to brim her eyes. "That's why I've been so angry lately, that's why I want to be with you more, that's why Suiichi. I thought maybe we could stay together… but I can't depend on you or let alone trust you anymore."

"That's great," He mumbled. Were the gods really crashing down on him?

"I'm sorry, it's not like I can do anything about it. But… I can see you on visits." Kagome bit her tongue. That sounded lame, but she could only hope.

"Why bother?" He slid his hands into his pocked of his jeans and his head turned the other way. Kurama sighed and closed his eyes, knowing that his words kept stumbling and yet his mind was screaming at him to stop. Would he really lose her… like this?

"Because maybe we can be friends at least you fucking idiot!" she replied stubbornly.

"What If I don't want to be friends anymore? What's the point? You're over there and here I am, not with you. It's not like I can be you boyfriend anymore." He replied angrily. Kagome stood aghast; Suiichi had always been so kind and gentle with everything, emotions, words, and touch. He'd never said anything so judgmental and biased! Kurama cringed. What was wrong… why couldn't he stop? Did he really feel this way?

"Your right…" she gritted out.

"This is good bye." She said bitterly.

Taking her hand she raised it high and smacked him across the face.

"I hope you have fun you big jerk! I swear though, if anything happens to your mother I'll kill you, she's sweet, and should never be second Suiichi!" She yelled over her shoulder. Suiichi hadn't budged from his spot; she was gone, all because of him.


Kagome continued to walk downtown and just happened to stumble across an arcade that had once been her old hang out, raising an eyebrow at its new appearance she walked in and latched her self to a game.

Periodically she'd hear the door of the arcade open and close, she never bothered to look at who it was, and quite frankly, she didn't care. Upon hearing it open once again, she heard a kid nearby, who had been watching her play for some time, whisper to him self then state his whisper to the whole arcade,"Look! She beat Urameshi's score!"

Many kids oh'ed and ah'ed but she didn't really pay attention, her thoughts trailed to the name. She didn't know who the hell this Urameshi kid was and decided it didn't matter as she added another 3,000 points to her score.

Ten minutes later a huge crowd surrounded her and gawked as she doubled Urameshi's top score, the all time record. Kagome saw a new older teen clad in green out of the corner of her eye hold up a kid by his collar and begin barking. Kagome just looked at her score muttering how she could have tripled it but decided it was better to be a darn hero then the villain. Hearing the crowd finally yell shouts of approval she silently made her way towards the door, the crowd splitting to let her through.

"Put the kid down punk." She bit out. The boy in green looked at her and dropped the kid gently. The kid stumbled towards his the crowd.

"And just who are you?" He asked; his voice was rough and smooth, and coincidentally, a nice combination for her. Oh boy.

"Who I am doesn't matter. Just move. You're blocking the entrance and scaring the kids." She gave herself a mental slap on the back and crossed her arms over her chest. Yusuke frowned and bit back the shot of surprise.

"Why? I heard a kid broke my record and I demand to challenge him."


"What?" He asked confused. Was this chick really the one who beat his score? I mean, come on, she didn't even look like the description of a gamer.

"I accept you challenge what should we do?"

Yusuke shrugged at his thoughts and looked at Kagome. She looked like a runner, very built and toned, but not too much. She had guts and an attitude. Not many had that around here, besides Keiko, but she didn't really count. Yusuke sweat dropped and thought of other options. Maybe she's a fighter, he thought

"You fight? A physical one. First to fall loses." Kids in the arcade gasped at his request but were pretty much accustomed to it; it was the fact that he challenged this girl. For you see, most chicks in this town weren't fighters, and those that were, weren't very good. I mean sure, a few had a good slap, but set them up against a guy like Yusuke and they can just kiss their ass goodbye.

Kagome on the other hand, merely raised an eyebrow at Yusuke's request; it had been a long time since her last physical fight and normally would vote against it… let alone do it.

"Yeah I do. Deal."

Yusuke gave a victorious smirk and they headed out towards a park nearby. It wasn't the normal type of park that people would go to. This one was gloomy and cold, something you'd see in a horror flick. It was nothing but cobble stone sidewalks, empty playgrounds, and darkly shadowed forests; the cloudy sky above was no help to the picture either. She stopped short and gazed at the park entrance sign as everyone else walked forward.

"You scared of the haunted park?" Yusuke cooed. Yusuke blinked at the look she gave him and he gave a small laugh.

"Hey, what's your name anyway?"

"Kagome Higarashi." She stated and looked at the name. Forgotten Memories. Kagome tilted her head and he continued forward. The name suites it, Kagome thought. Many would never go into a gloomy place. Kagome gave a small smile. Maybe I can practice my… special abilities here. She added as an after thought.

"So tell me Yusuke, why a fight?" she called out.

"I'm bored, plus you beat my score and also I don't have a code." Kagome wondered what he meant by code but merely ignored it as they came to a creepy clearing. Throwing each of there jackets off they couldn't help but notice they each had looked tough in some odd way. Getting into a fighting stance, Kagome tied back her hair.

"Last chance Yusuke." She said cockily.

"Try me."

Kagome ran forward with such speed and struck him in the face, knocking him back a bit, but not enough to fall. Yusuke was mortally surprised. She had power, he felt it flare up then suddenly be covered up. Wiping his chin he leaped up and ran forward and kicked her low, only to find that it had been blocked. Next thing he knew she was blocking everyone of his punches and kicks, Kagome did a back flip and her gaze slipped to the left. Yusuke took aim and ran forward and kicked her in the stomach. Kagome gave a small grunt as she hit the ground and pushed herself up.

Suddenly they heard a voice.

"Yusuke! You don't fight girls! It's against code!" Yusuke sighed and still eyed Kagome as she lay in a crouching position.

"Don't move." She commanded.

Kuwabara ran forward and suddenly Kagome, in one swift movement, had him laying on the ground his hand twisted back and his legs flailing. Kagome merely sat on top of him. Leaning her head forward she whispered low into his ear.

"Against code huh?"

Yusuke just began laughing and Kagome jumped off Kuwabara as he got a good look at her. Kagome just grabbed her coat and slung it over her shoulder.

"Looks like you win. I was first to fall. Only due to him." Kagome bit out the last part, silently growling at the fact that he had ruined a very entertaining fight. She had changed a lot. And street fighting had come to a high interest to her. Kagome looked at Yusuke again.

"Hope to fight you again." She whispered, brushing past him and down the cobblestone trail as her hair dribbled out into the wind.

"Damn…" Yusuke whispered.

Editted as of 7/3/2005.

Reviews are appreciated. It was redone because I felt that it was very choppy. Thanks again.