Chapter 1

DISCLAIMER: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters from it, I do own this fics story line though and any characters that I create.

A/N - Hiya people I came up with this idea with a friend of mine from school – in other words I tossed ideas out and she either nodded or shook her head. It's a Vegeta/Bulma fic and, as usual with the fics I write, it's an AU, but it's a little different to any DBZ fic I've ever read or written before. Basically Bulma is Project 109, one of Frieza's many experiments to create the perfect being - beautiful, smart and strong. She was one of the many 'failed' experiments possessing great beauty and brains but having little fighting power. Bulma was hidden from the public and forced to live as a slave to Frieza, until a saiyan Prince by the name of Vegeta defeated Frieza and claimed the Empire, and Bulma, as his own...

Bulma tried desperately to keep out of sight as she heard Frieza begin laughing in the room adjacent to the one she was waiting in. Hesitating by the door, she balanced the tray of drinks easily and continued to listen to what was going on inside the room. Bulma paled as she realised that she had heard Frieza laugh this laugh many times before. The laugh she was hearing now was the last thing many people ever heard.

Whoever was in the room with Frieza wasn't going to be there for very much longer.

She heard Frieza laughter rise and peak and under the door she saw a brief blinding flash of white light followed by a resounding 'BOOM' which almost deafened her andsent a shuddering shock wave reverberating around the ship, almost knocking the blue haired servant off her feet - almost but not quite.

Bulma had been working with Frieza as long as she could remember and she had learnt how to get along. After all, when you were one of the few people who worked so closely alongside Frieza you had to learn how to read his moods and how to evade danger. It was a dangerous life that she led, but a life that she had been born into. For her, this was a perfectly normal occurrence in a perfectly normal day.

"Sire…" Bulma opened the door a crack and peeked in, not flinching when she saw the carnage within. The room was slightly hazy with the smoke that was rising from the charred corpse of Dodoria, once Frieza's henchman but now nothing more then ash. Bulma pushed open the door and entered; she had seen worse then this before.

Much worse.

"Ah, my drinks." Frieza turned away from the body and took one of the wine glasses off the tray. Almost immediately several other slaves bustled into the room from behind Bulma and took the smoking corpse away. Frieza never gave it a second look as the servants passed through the door with the steaming body of Dodoria. "You may leave number 109." He commanded with a wave of his hand. "Oh, but do send it that blond friend of yours. Number 18 I believe is her designation." Frieza drawled, his red eyes frightening alight with lust after the murder of his underling. They lingered briefly on her, but to Bulma's relief he didn't look at her with the rampant lust which sometime entered his eyes. Obvious poor Eighteen was the flavour of the month.

"Yes Sire." Bulma bowed and left the room as quickly as possible. As with the rest of the 'Projects' she knew how much death and carnage excited Frieza. With a bow she closed the door lent against the it, breathing a sigh of relief that it was not her that was going to be pleasuring Frieza tonight. She had had that pleasure too many times already and it was never a pleasant experience.

"Eighteen!" Bulma threaded her way through their small apartment that was joined onto Frieza's main throne room. Their overlord liked to keep his pet projects close by in case of trouble.

With a heavy heart Bulma, otherwise known as 'Project 109' or 'number 109' waved her blonde friend over from where she had been flirting with one of the cooks. For the briefest of moments Bulma thought that Eighteen was planning on ignoring her but with a final caress for the cook she made her way over with a sexy swinging walk that was the envy of most other females on Frieza's ship.

"What's up Bulma?" Eighteen asked carelessly, her easy smile quickly faded as she saw the look on Bulma's face and realised which door she had come in from. "Oh." She breathed in distaste, her blue eyes quickly becoming emotionless again. "He wants me again doesn't he?" Eighteen didn't bother to wait for an answer; she bowed her head, seemed to compose herself and then strode through the door to where Frieza was waiting.

Bulma couldn't help but envy how calm Eighteen could act around Frieza. It was hard enough forcing herself to walk through the door to get to Frieza, let alone pretend to be happy and eager to be sleeping with him. Bulma had nightmares nearly every night about some of the things Frieza had done to her when she had still been a girl. It was a mystery to her how Eighteen could so easily detach herself from her emotions.

As soon as Eighteen went through the door, Jay, Frieza's bodyguard came through and exchanged a worried look with Bulma. Both of them shared a deep ceded fear and hatred of the lizard lord, although so far they had both been successful in hiding it from their would-be creator.

"Oh Eighteen." Bulma said softly in compassion. She sighed and rubbed at the number '109' that was tattooed onto her arm - it tended to itch when she was stressed. Right now it was burning as though someone had poured acid onto it and all because she was afraid of what Frieza would do to her sister, Eighteen.

Bulma had known Eighteen as long as she could remember. Even though her blonde sister was of an earlier design then herself they had been 'born' only two years apart, not a long time for the genetic engineers in the lab who had been creating beings such as herself for years. Many of the experiments had had to be destroyed they had been so horribly deformed. In fact out of the five hundred genetically spawned beings only ten were still 'operational'. Others had originally lived but they had been killed off by Frieza or killed fighting in the wars Frieza started.

They had been created by scientists on a whim of Frieza's. The genetic scientists had been attempting to create a super being; a being that had strength, beauty and brains all rolled into one person. So far they hadn't been successful. Try as they might the genetic engineers couldn't create the super being that Frieza craved to man his armies. They had come close in the twenty original 'Projects' who had been allowed to live, but they had never got it totally right. Hell – ten of them were already dead because of their design flaws.

Project 18, the woman now known as just as 'Eighteen', had been the first experiment to be kept alive. She had possessed great strength and beauty but had been lacking in the brains department. Eighteen was about as beautiful as I was possible for people, or genetically created beings, to be. She had platinum blonde hair, icy cold blue eyes and a figure that most men slobbered over. The added bonus of Eighteen being able to bench press a small space freighter was an added bonus as far as the voluptuous blonde was concerned.

The next 'Project' that had been allowed to live had been Project 89. He had brains and strength but no beauty – he was now known as 'Jay' – he was Frieza's bodyguard. Then there had come Bulma herself; Project 109. She had been beautiful and had been incredibly intelligent but had been severely lacking in the strength department. Oh, she was stronger then the average person, but compared to Eighteen and Frieza, she was a mere weakling.

Later, another seven 'Projects' had been created and deemed to be worthy to live. They had all named themselves, except Eighteen who claimed she liked being called by her number, and had been given to Frieza as an apology from the science lab for failing thus far. Frieza had gladly accepted the gifts, killed off a few of the leading genetic engineers and then allowed them to continue creating abominations.

Frieza found plenty of uses for his new gifts, four of them; Projects 127, 286, 393 and 456 had been sent off to Frieza's neighbouring kingdoms to act as spies while Project 367 had disappeared mysteriously about a month ago. Rumour had the this particular project had been sent to Planet Cold as a gift to Frieza's father, although so far the rumours had not been proved.

Projects 234 and 401 had been signed away as part of a treaty agreement with planet Fenghoti and had been gone for almost ten years now. They had been absent for so long that Bulma couldn't even remember them. She had only fleeting memories of seeing them the day they had left, dressed in their uniforms and bravely marching up the ramp of the departure ship.

Now, only Bulma, Eighteen and Jay were left.

Jay acted as Frieza's harmless looking, but deadly, bodyguard while Eighteen and Bulma alternatively acted as either his household slaves, his whores or they were sent to infiltrate the many renegade meetings that took place under Frieza's nose. Bulma may not have been strong but she had been able to create many highly sophisticated weapons as well as armour for herself. And of course being almost as beautiful as Eighteen made it easy for her to infiltrate enemy hideouts by seducing men.

Of course, it was by no means an enjoyable life living with a psychotic murderer like Frieza. Indeed each day Bulma prayed for the reign of terror to end and for another ruler to step forward and take Frieza's place.

Anyone would be better then Frieza…

The dark saiyan prince smirked as Dodoria's body was carted past him by some of Frieza's household slaves. He couldn't help but chuckle as the waves of fat jiggled as the corpse was moved. He had never liked Dodoria and in Vegeta's opinion the lump of lard had had this coming for a long time. It was just a pity that Frieza has beaten him to the punch.

"Weakling." Vegeta muttered as he sauntered down the metallic hallway. The prince paused outside Frieza's door and took a deep breath. Although he had been sent for he knew that his esteemed leader had probably forgotten about him. He had lost count of how many times he had walked in on Frieza fucking his concubines.

Perhaps though, it was just as well that he had the element of surprise behind him. After all, Vegeta figured, it would make this easier if he could take out Frieza unaware.

It wasn't as though he was ever going to get another chance to assassinate Frieza again if he failed this time.

Vegeta smirked and opened the door, striding through even though he could feel the ki's of two different people in Friezes room. Sure enough, Frieza lay tangled in his bed sheets with a very naked young blonde woman next to him. The woman was calmly staring at the ceiling, her eyes vacant and empty. Vegeta doubted very much if she was ever at home while she was in bed with Frieza.

"Vegeta!" Frieza sat up as he caught site of the saiyan prince who he thought of as his protégé. He knocked the blond woman hard enough for her to fall off the bed with a thump. The woman quickly stood back up, calmly brushed herself off, glared at Frieza and said something to him in his native language then walked away giving Vegeta a curious look which he returned.

In the entire time he'd been on this ship with Frieza he had never seen anything quite like this woman. She resembled a tailless saiyan but something about her seemed unnatural. She reminded him of a black haired man he had once served under while he was in Frieza's army, the man's name had been 'Won-too -sevan; a very odd name.

Maybe he and the blond woman were related – brother and sister perhaps? They certainly had similar features and they were most likely of the same species at least. Vegeta tore his attention away from the woman and looked at Frieza with steely cold eyes. "Guess what Frieza?" He asked pleasantly, gathering his ki.

"What?" Frieza narrowed his eyes as Vegeta slowly walked towards him, smirking.

"I have a little surprise for you." Vegeta laughed and with a battle howl he transformed into a super saiyan and leapt at the Lizard King, ki balls already forming in his hands.

Frieza didn't even have time to defend himself as Vegeta let the ki balls fly and watched them sink home in Frieza's chest…

"What the hell was that?" Jay swore as he stood up, just as another explosion sounded from Frieza's room. They had been hearing several ki blasts for the past few minutes, but this attack had felt powerful. So powerful that the entire air had vibrated and shimmered with it's power even though they were a room away from the fight.

"It was probably nothing, just Frieza destroying that guy who came in." Eighteen said calmly and glanced down at her fingernails. She shrugged and pulled her armour on, looking thoughtful. "Or I suppose it could be that guy killing Frieza. He looked strong – and cute."

"Puh, like we'd ever be that lucky." Bulma pouted. She yawned and rolled her shoulders. "It doesn't matter anyway, if Frieza had wanted us he would have called for us." Another ki blast sounded next door and Bulma couldn't help but grin at Eighteens next comment.

"Unless he's dead." The blonde smiled in a devilish way. "I swear if that guy in there did kill Frieza I'll do him for free, he really wasn't bad looking you know – if you like saiyans." She sounded thoughtful again and Bulma's smile faded away.

"A Saiyan? Yuck! I hate those monkeys!" She shuddered, feeling unclean at the thought of touching a saiyan male. "I don't know how you can be so casual about fucking people, I always feel so dirty." Bulma rubbed at her skin as though she felt unclean.

"Yeah well, Frieza doesn't let me go near any females bar you two so, you know, I don't know how it would feel." Jay looked slightly embarrassed as Eighteen chuckled.

"If you weren't a brother I'd do you too." She purred.

"Oh God." Bulma made a gagging noise and turned back to pick up her own armour when the door was flung open to Frieza's apartment and a saiyan walked through, covered in purple blood and with an insane grin on his face. There was silence as they surveyed the saiyan. He was slightly charred and a few cuts on his chest were leaking blood. Other then that though he seemed perfectly fine. Frieza on the other hand was nowhere in sight.

"Wow!" Eighteen gasped as her eyes widened and she chuckled in disbelief. "I guess he is dead." She said over her shoulder to Bulma and Jay.

"You guessed right." The strange saiyan stepped into the room and began to smirk, behind them they could all see what was left of Frieza; a headless torso.