Strange Destinies

As the Jade Shadow landed, I went to meet Mara. At first, I wondered what she was doing on the jungle moon. Not that I didn't want to see her. Actually, I have to admit, my heart skipped a beat as she walked up to me.

Mara then announced, "Well, Skywalker, I don't want to kill you anymore."

"That's an improvement in our relationship," I said.

"So I've come to ask if you'd train me."

As I looked into her amazing green eyes I realized that I couldn't say no.

"Of course," I started. "I've actually wanted to start training you for a long time."

Mara looked shocked to say the least, but I thought I could see a smile starting.

"I can't decide if you're the most forgiving or the most idiotic man I've ever met."

I replied, "I'd like to think it's the first."

"Me too, actually, now that I've gotten to know you and kind of like you."

I had to laugh. "Why, is that a compliment from Mara Jade?"

"You can take it that way," Mara answered after a beat. "Did you know you look boyish when you laugh?"

"Yeah, I guess I did." Figuring I should say something, well, professional, I continued with "Welcome to Yavin IV."

"Thanks, Skywalker," she said. And actually, Mara never left permanently. And one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.

Looking back over my life, I have to wonder how I got to where I am today. I'm sure I'm the only one who has a relationship with their father that began as a lightsaber duel, a relationship with their sister that began as a crush, and a relationship with their wife that began with her being ordered to kill me.