Disclaimer: All movie characters are the creation of George Lucas, and Mara Jade is the creation of Timothy Zhan. As for Siri Tachi, she belongs in the Jedi Apprentice books. I haven't read any of them. I'm just happy playing with the SW toys and am not making any money off of this.

Thanks so much to Little Vampire Bites for her editing and support.

Then I'll be Your Pearl

Of all the people I thought I might see in the Temple's Great Hall, I never expected to see her again. Siri Tachi had left the Jedi Order forever. Hadn't she joined those slavers? Yet, there she was. Siri looked a little hardened from her time with Krayn and his gang, but she was still breathtaking, and her green eyes still sparkled.

As soon as Siri saw me, she ran right over and gave me about the biggest hug I had ever had from her.

"You knew I was on my Trials, didn't you?" she asked, a smile starting to form.

I replied, "No, the Council doesn't tell us these things."

Siri was about to stamp her foot. "I am terribly, terribly disappointed in you, Obi-Wan. You really thought I'd join Krayn?"

"All right, I did find it hard to believe," I answered.

"And you know what I learned?"

"What?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"That I've got attachments here without even trying. And that's not a bad thing, because I'd rather be here than anywhere else." Siri stepped closer to me as she watched me carefully to see my reaction. I really had no interest in stopping her.

Still, I had to ask "What about the Code?"

"I know it as well as you do," she replied. "But who else would keep you from being so serious and by-the-book?"

"You always were the best." I smiled. But then I had to tell her what I had been going through.

"When I thought you'd left the Jedi Order, it hurt."

Siri answered, "Like when Master Qui-Gon died," suddenly becoming serious.

"It's terrible, but you can't keep yourself from hurting ever again," she continued.

"I suppose not." I answered.

"Besides, they say that when we die, we become part of the Force like a drop of water in the ocean. So if I die before you, I'll be your pearl in that great ocean."

"That's about the sweetest thing anyone's ever told me." I replied.

I stroked her thick blond hair. And with that, I knew we needed to be somewhere more private.