A/N: I'm really not sure about this. I have creative block at the moment. I did have some stuff saved, buuuut I've had problems with my computer and I've lost it, and you know when you re-write stuff it never seems as good. Anyways, here's a little (little being the operative word) something for you.

What have I done? What? I am going to loose her forever now. She will never be able to forgive me for what I have done.

What have I done?

I have hurt her.

I never meant to.

I love her.

I'm going to loose her.

I already have.

What have I done?

"I am so sorry."

So so sorry.

"What have I done?"

A/N: Yes I know it's short. If you're wondering we're back in the present, guess who's mind we've ventured into?