Disclaimer: I don't any of the characters or events of the Harry Potter series, they all belong to the wonderful ms JK Rowling. I also don't own I bruise easily which belongs to the equally wonderful Natasha Bedingfield. I don't own a lot really do I? (sobs) lol.

A/N: this is my first song ficcy thing. This song is one of my favourites.

Hermione walked into the bedroom that she shared with Viktor. She sat on the bed and turned on the radio. More to drown out the sound of her sobs than anything else.

My skin is like a map,
Of where my heart has been.

She looked at her stomach barely visible between her t-shirt and her jeans. Even in that small space she could still see her multitude of scars. Some from the final battle, some not.

I can't hide the marks,
But its not a negative thing.

She pulled her t-shirt down, she knew that no one was there but she still didn't want anyone to see them.

I let down my guard.

Viktor had been so nice when they had first started going out. He was so kind so gentle. She let him into her heart. She had done that with so few people in her life.

Drive my defences,
Down by my clothes.

She always wore clothes that covered up her scars and bruises. She never used to dress like that.

I'm learning to fall,
With no safety net,
To cushion the blow.

But with Harry it was different. With Harry she felt that she could bare all her scars to the whole world. When she was with him she could do any thing, she was invincible. She trusted Harry. She loved him.

I bruise easily.

She had been through so much in her relatively short life. It had made her more sensitive. More susceptible to her emotions.

So be gentle,
When you handle me.

Harry was so kind so gentle, he knew how to treat her properly. Viktor on the other hand…

There's a mark you leave,
Like a love heart,
Carved on a tree.

Hermione and harry had done that in the perk one time. It had been Harry's idea. He was so silly some times, unlike Viktor, he was always so serious and moody.

I bruise easily,
Can't scratch the surface,
Without moving me underneath,
I bruise easily.
I bruise easily.

It was true that the slightest touch could leave her pale skin a deep purple, so maybe it wasn't entirely his fault. Maybe he didn't hit her that hard, but he still hit her.

I found your finger prints,
On a glass of wine,
don't you know your leaving them,
All over this heart of mine too.

Hermione looked at her bare arms and saw hand prints where he had grabbed her, before he shook her and threw her against the wall.

But if I never take this leap of faith,
I'll never know.

If she left Viktor, then she could go live with Harry. She wouldn't have to worry about the next time viktor came home from practice drunk and took out his aggression and anger on her.

So I'm learning to fall,
With no safety net,
To cushion the blow.

But what if he found her? What then? But that didn't matter to her anymore, she knew what she had to do.

I bruise easily,
So be gentle,
When you handle me.

Harry would keep her safe. He'd never hurt her, or hit her.

There's a mark you leave,
Like a love heart,
Carved on a tree.

She stroked the place on her hip where she had a heart tattooed. Her and Viktor had both had one done as a symbol of their blossoming love for each other. The tattoo would be there forever, unlike their love.

I bruise easily,
Can't scratch the surface,
Without moving me underneath,
I bruise easily.
I bruise easily.

Hermione got up and walked over to he wardrobe. She took out a suitcase and with a wave of her wand her belongings started to pack themselves in to the case.

Anyone who can touch you,
Can hurt you.

Viktor had hurt her so deeply physically and mentally. That was going to stop. Now.

Or heal you.

Harry always made her feel better. Made her smile.

Anyone who can reach you,
Can love you.

Harry loved her and she loved him.

Or leave you.

She was going to leave Viktor. She had to. Before it was too late.

I bruise easily.

The chorus continued in the background.

Before apparating she hurriedly scribbled a note for Viktor.

I'm sorry but I have to leave before this kills both of us.
Love always,
Hermione. x

She placed the note on the bed. She took one last look around the room before she apparated with a small pop.

I bruise easily.

A/N: Hope you liked. Please review.