The date was February 13. Sakura was sitting in a chair, her knees drawn up, absorbed in her thoughts of uncertainty and doubt. Could he handle his curse seal? Would he really leave? Has Orochimaru convinced him? She couldn't stop worrying; it was like a cat, pawing the air, yearning for her attention. A miserable, self-pitying cat. But her attention it had obtained.

Her neck prickled as she suddenly sensed someone outside her door. However, she was too downcast, too tired to even attempt to guess whom it was. She stayed in her chair, her knees drawn up, absorbed in her thoughts.

Finally, she decided it was time to find Naruto and voice her fears. She opened her door and found a folded piece of paper on her welcome mat. Inside was a pressed cherry blossom and a simple "Happy Valentine's Day." Valentine's Day. Sakura had forgotten about the tradition as her mind was constantly fretting over someone else. She gave a little smile and placed the card on her table, wondering who in the world would give her such a simple, yet elegant, valentine and a day early too. Naruto? Nah, his past valentines had been too messily put together. Lee? No, he would have been more flamboyant about it. Pondering, she glanced up at the sky. A full moon shone brightly back at her. It was getting late; she had better go find Naruto.

Sasuke left that night.

It was year since Sasuke was declared a missing-nin.

Sakura found a little card with that pressed cherry blossom and that simple "Happy Valentine's Day," waiting at her doorstep once again. A day early, she thought to herself as she felt the velvety softness of the pressed flower.

It was two years since Sasuke was labeled a traitor.

February 13 and there was no card. February 14 and there was no card. February 15…the card sat on her windowsill, this time with two pressed cherry blossoms, almost as if in apology for its belatedness. She sighed, almost in relief. But no, she would not admit to herself that she had been selfish enough to angrily pout when the card had not come the past two days. At least it was here now.

It was three years since Sasuke had abandoned the village.

Sakura woke to something lightly pressed against her cheek. But when she opened her eyes, whatever it was had gone, leaving the window open and its curtains billowing in the slight breeze. And beside her, on the pillow, was that little card with its pressed cherry blossom and simple "Happy Valentine's Day."

It was four years since Sasuke had left his life as a Konoha ninja.

There was no card waiting for her, on February 13. Remembering two years back, she thought nothing of it.

The date was now February 14. A crowd was gathering around the North Gate. Sakura pushed her way through, wondering what had happened. Four jounins were carrying a body. With her medically trained eyes, she knew the man was dead. His outline looked familiar, but before she could make her guess, Naruto appeared in front of her. Ah yes, he had been on a mission. Was this his team coming back now?

"Sakura," he choked out.

"Naruto, what's wrong?"

"Here." He handed her a folded piece of paper, rumpled from his journey. "It was in his pack."

Confused, she unfolded it. Inside was a pressed cherry blossom and that hauntingly simple "Happy Valentine's Day." Her eyes widening, she glanced back at the body the men were bringing in.

Sasuke had come back.


Artheph's Note: Oh. My. God. I am disgruntled with myself. points at Crysthur HER fault for putting all this Sasuke/Sakura angst into my head. We're sorry for this trauma we are putting you through. It stems from English. That class is slowly killing us. Man, but I feel like I'm stealing ideas from everyone and putting it all in one angsty crucible. Like that year thing…from Years…a fanfiction that came up recently. And the Sasuke/Sakura angstiness from Crysthur.