Where's The Love?

AN: I own nothing as always and I wasn't sure if this was Bonclay ish attack name.


Sanji rubbed his temples unable to think from the loud whines and cries from his last opponent who was currently sprawled on the floor weeping to himself about his image and how he wasn't of much use. The blond sighed and exhaled a puff of smoke; he wasn't good with people crying let alone his enemies.

"I'm so ugly" Bon-clay sobbed chucking the mirror to one side and rubbed his eyes smearing his make-up.

Sanji sighed once more and walked over to the other and kneeled down looking at him with his one visible eye. Bon-clay pouted and sniffled a little rubbing his eyes once more and looking at the handsome blond.

"Come on, cheer up.. You're not THAT bad looking..."


"Yeah, I'd sleep with you" Sanji grinned as Bon-clay smiled feeling better.

"So, you'd have sex with me? Like, now?" he asked hopeful.

"Sure! Just change into Nami-sama first!"

"BALLET CHOP" Bon-clay growled and slapped the male sending him flying into the opposite wall with a huff.

"Ok… I guess I asked for that.."
