Assassins Girl

By Chee-dono and Bri-chan

Disclaimer: The above mentioned idiots do not own RuroKen. I pretend I own Kenshin, and Bri-chan does likewise with Yahiko. However, we poor stupid girls own nothing but…well…I own my laptop!

Summary: It was supposed to be a typical trip to Japan. Go there, look at the art, laze around in the Aoiya Hotel...but Kamiya Kaoru learns this trip was planned differently. Her meeting with Himura Kenshin leads to an unexpected swirl of feelings, and she's thrown into a new world when she learns he's an assassin. Can she pull herself from the murky depths of Japan, and save Kenshin?

Muse: Bri-chan

Assistant Muse: Kenshin -wink-

And now, onto ASSASSIN'S GIRL!


Japan Bound




A weak groan was muttered into a pillow as a hand slammed onto the poor alarm clock. Long strand of silky black hair were scattered all over the pillow, moving only slightly as the figure groggily moved. Pale skin shone from the light sun's rays, and blue eyes wearily opened.

All was still for a moment…


A small form rushed into the room and jumped into the air, flying before landing on the prone girl in bed. A shriek of protest was heard, and a few sounds of a small scuffle were heard. There was another silence.

A light was switched on.

Kamiya Kaoru, a slender blue-eyed girl of 18, glared at her 11 year old brother. Kamiya Yahiko's dark brown eyes were reflecting her glare, a hint of amusement in them. He was sitting on her stomach, causing her to wince.

"What do you want brat? I was trying to sleep…"

Yahiko rolled his eyes and smacked her head lightly.

"You baka! If you don't want to go to Japan, I guess I'll jus-"


Kaoru pushed Yahiko off of her, causing him to fall to the ground with a thump and a muttered curse. She flew to her calendar. As her eyes skimmed the days, she gasped and smacked her hand.

"How could I forget?"

She ran to her closet. Okay. Bags? Check. Games? Check. Ticket? Check. Okay. She was ready. So…what? She was worried about what?

She ran into her closet.


Yahiko sat on her bed, sniggering. Stupid hag. She had a one-track mind. After about two seconds of being in the closet, Kaoru stuck her head out, eyes narrowing in annoyance.

"Hey, brat! Get out of my room!"

She flung a bokken out of the room, smacking him straight in the face.



Kaoru went downstairs in style. As in she fell down each step. She squeak with each bump, and ended up at the landing in a heap. She jumped up with an embarrassed look on her face, hand behind her head in a sheepish gesture.

"Ano…Ohayou, okaasan!"

Her mother grinned and turned back to the stove. She hummed as Kaoru lugged her three large bags to the door, glancing at her daughter only once.

"You're up early, sweet."

Kaoru blankly stared at her mother, confused.

"Nani? Okaasan, I go to Japan today. Don't tell me you forgot too!"

Her mother laughed and Kaoru slumped to the floor in defeat. Too…much…confusion…

"Baka girl, of course I didn't forget. But your plane doesn't leave till 8:00, you don't have to be there till 7:30, and it only takes about…30 minutes to get to the airport. Its 6:13 right now. We're leaving around 7:00. I thought you'd try to get some more sleep. You're in for a long flight."

Kaoru's pretty blue eyes widened and she banged her head on the table. As her mother sat a plate on the table she could hear her muttering, "Iie…iie…iie…iie…baka Yahiko. He woke me up…"



Kaoru's mother rolled her eyes. She briskly walked down the halls, stopping at her daughters face. Kaoru looked like the world had ended.

"We're going to be late! Look at the time!"

Her mother leaned her head around the doorway to glance at the kitchen clock. She looked back at Kaoru with a annoyed look on her face.

"Kaoru, its 7:01. We will not miss your flight. Now lets get going."

Kaoru's mother allowed herself to be dragged out by an overly excited daughter.


"Where is my purse? I need my purse! Where is-"

Kaoru's mother pulled on Kaoru and pointed at her arm, where a cute black purse was swinging daintily.

"Sweet, you need to calm down. Look there's your gro-"

"LOOK! My group!"


Kaoru laughed and carried two of her bags over to the small group of twenty kids. The Ayu High School Art class was taking a field trip to Kyoto, Japan, where they planned to examine the culture of a "beautiful, intriguing, and wondrous city" for two weeks. Ah…that was a quote. Thank God for brochures.

Kaoru headed in particular for a small girl with a long black braid down her back. Grinning, she tugged on the braid and was rewarded with a disgruntled yell.


"Misao!" The answer was mocking, but filled with laughter. Makimachi Misao's bright blue eyes swung to meet Kaoru's and she laughed.

"We're going to JAPAN! Japan Japan! Not the Japan-down-the-street! JAPAN!"

Kaoru blinked at the small girl jumping in front of her, her head bobbing as she followed her friends movements.

"Uh, Misao? Its fine. Here, lets take our bags over here. OH! There's Ms. Tae!"

Ms. Tae, the teacher, smiled and stood in front of the teenagers.

"Okay, while we want you to have fun, there are specific rules, and here they are; break them and you'll get kicked off this trip faster than you can say "Kyoto", got it?"

They nodded meekly and she laughed, a pleasant look crossing her face.

"No drugs, sex, alcohol, or any other illegal activities. You are to stay in the hotel premises at all times. Any violation will result in expulsion from the trip or being locked in your room for the remainder of the trip. Now lets go to Japan!"


Kaoru lazily watched cloud formations flit by, twisting and whisking away from the wind. She and Misao were listening to music, sharing a pair of headphones. Misao tapped on the armrest in rhythm with the song, and Kaoru mouthed the words, humming slightly.

One more kiss could be the best thing,

And one more lie could be the worst.

And all these thoughts are never resting,

And you're not something I deserve.

In my head there's only you now.

This world falls on me.

In this world there's real and make believe,

But this seems real to me.

You love me, but you don't know who I am.

I'm torn between this life I need and where I stand.

You love me, but you don't know who I am,

So let me go…just let me go.

Yep…just about 25 more CD's and they'd almost be there.



Kaoru gazed wearily around the hotel. The Aoiya Hotel was a beautiful place, but she was too tired from jet lag to care at the moment. Misao was practically asleep on her at the moment, and she willed Ms. Tae to hurry up and hand them the stupid keys.

It was morning, and they had the whole day to explore and do whatever. Most of the students were planning on sleeping the day away. Kaoru, however, wanted to look around later. Which meant she needed those keys. Now.

As soon as the card hit her fingertips, she was dragging Misao to the elevator. When the girl had revealed earlier that they would be on the third floor by themselves, Kaoru had been a little upset. She didn't like being away from the group. However, all she cared about now was sleep…

They gave the beautiful room (complete with a bar, two wardrobes, two chairs and a couch, a dinner table, a vanity, and plenty of lamps) a quick glance before collapsing on each bed. Sleep…



'Mental note to self: Never sleep in favorite shirt…'

Both girls took showers, dressed carefully, and glanced at the clock. It was the afternoon, and time to look around. Misao went ahead of Kaoru as the older girl grabbed a coat. Misao gave a muffled squeak and ducked behind the curtains of the window that gave them a clear view of the hallways.

Kaoru gave her friend a confused look before walking over. Her friends eyes were fixed on the spot in front of the room next to theirs. Kaoru followed her gaze to three men, standing in front of the room next to theirs.

The first she saw was a tall man, seemingly very muscular. He had deep brown eyes that matched his spiky hair, a headband worn around his head. His face held an arrogant look that…suited him. Kaoru found herself liking this man, his ease with himself and the world pleasant.

The second was tall as well, perhaps taller. Instead of brown hair, it was a deep midnight black. Ice blue eyes that looked like they could bore holes through concrete were glancing at the other tall man, and she shivered. He had a calm expression that would chill anyone. If that was so, why the hell was Misao practically drooling over him?

Her gaze shifted to the last man, and her eyes widened. In startling contrast to his companions, he was rather short, probably only coming a few inches taller than her. While his friends had darker, short hair, his was a fiery and brilliant red, hanging in a low ponytail to his mid-back. While being small and short, he definitely did not look weak, and calloused hands showed he worked, and worked hard. Violet eyes twinkled with a laughter that just barely showed the sadness that lingered in those pools. The most unusual feature was a scar, on his left cheek, in the shape of an 'X'. She vaguely wondered where it had come from.

'This man…cute does not begin to describe him…'

She tilted her head to the side, contemplating.

'He…he's beautiful…'


"So it is settled then. Sanosuke and I will take this room, and Aoshi will get the one across the hall, de gozaru. Lets go."

The smiling redhead pushed the grumbling Sano to the door, leaving a slightly amused Aoshi in their wake.

"Why does Iceman get a room to himself? He always- Hey! Look there, Kenshin!"

The taller man tilted his head in the direction of the room next to theirs and smirked. Kenshin followed his gaze and saw a bright pair of blue eyes staring directly at him, deep innocence and untamed wisdom glowing through. Long black hair, tied up in a ponytail away from her face, framed her delicate features and he found himself having a bit of trouble breathing.

'She…she's beautiful…'



Kaoru swung away from the window, gasping. She hadn't expected that gorgeous man to look at her, nonetheless smile! She ran for the bedroom, intent on hiding until it was safe to show her face again. She almost made it too.

Too bad Misao had other plans for her friend.

Grabbing the ponytail, she pulled her friend back to the door, smiling tightly. Kaoru obviously liked that redhead, for unknown reasons. She was determined to make Kaoru meet him. And…well, she rather wanted to meet that blue-eyed man too.

"Come on Kaoru. If we don't introduce ourselves, we'll seem rude."

"I'd rather seem rude than…than…stalker like! I was practically drooling over him! And he saw me! No way! No way in-"


"Hello! I'm Makimachi Misao! This is Kamiya Kaoru. We noticed you're staying in the room next to ours, and decided to introduce ourselves!"

That was Misao. The icebreaker. Talker extraordinaire.


Kaoru however…lets just say she needed some really cold ice to press to her burning cheeks. She couldn't help staring at that redheaded man. Well…he was returning the favor, so she guessed she wasn't being rude. She found herself lost in those orbs…those beautiful purple eyes. So deep…so much depth.

And now he was speaking…

'Better wake up, Kamiya. Don't want to look stupid in front of a god…'

"Konnichiwa, Kamiya-dono, Makimachi-dono! I'm Himura Kenshin, this baka tori-atama is Sagara Sanosuke, and he's Shinomori Aoshi."

Kaoru found herself struggling to stand. Even his voice was pretty! He seemed perfect. Himura…Himura Kenshin. Kenshin…

'What a wonderful name…'

"Ahm…please, just Kaoru. Kamiya-dono makes me sound like my mother," she said.

She was pleased when he smiled at her, and basked in the glow.

"Then I am Kenshin."

They stared at each other for a while, until a cough interrupted them. Blushing, the pair turned back to the others. Misao was smirking at her friend, and Kaoru glared back at her for interfering.

"We were just thinking about heading down to the pool, to cool down. Maybe we'll see you there!"

Misao pulled the still red Kaoru back into their room and burst into hysterics.

"You…you were almost drooling over Himura…th-that was so funny!"

Kaoru glared at her friend, enjoying a mental picture of strangling the girl with her own braid. Kaoru, being the peace lover, settled instead for grabbing the hair and pulling it to the other room where the men outside wouldn't hear them.

"I didn't ask to be introduced! And now he probably thinks I'm some idiot! Oh…Kami-sama…"

Misao patted her friend condolingly on the head. She glanced at her watch. Well, pity-Kaoru-time was over.

"C'mon. Lets get ready to go! We're going to the pool! Maybe we'll see Aoshi-sama…and Himura…"

Kaoru flushed and reached for a book. As Misao lifted her head from her bag, clutching a rather revealing bathing suit, she was smacked soundly.

"That…was for pulling my hair."


And then monkeys came, and Kenshin ran away. As for Aoshi and Sanosuke…

Kenshin: Bri-chan! I wouldn't run away from some monkeys!

Bri-chan-giggle-runs away-

Chee: Minna-san, that pitiful piece of writing…-points up- is not part of my story. My muse decided to steal it from me.-pokes Bri-chan- Review please! I've got to stop Kenshin from killing my muse!


Chee: Kenshin, would you like to say something-cough-

Kenshin: Oh yes. Review, or I come after you as I kill Bri-chan. -eyes flash amber- This is also for that time you tried to cut my hair!

Chee-sob- That was awful. It took almost all of my authoress powers to restore it. Anyways…

Why are you still reading this waste of space? Review! Plus, I hope this was long enough. I've been feeling I don't make my chapters long enough…2426 words in the first chapter should be enough for you people!

I would like to thank animeobsessed3191! Your stories ROCKED! And you have a bunch of good favorite stories-glomps- Thanks!

Ja ne, minna-san!

Bri-chan: And Cow and Chicken!

Kenshin: Oh, Bri-chan-evil smile-

Bri-chan: Crap.
