AN/ Ok. This is my first fanfic ever so pleases be kind. I don't own anything at all. Well nothing but the plot. I'm sorry about any mistakes so tell me if you see one. I don't have anyone to proof read it for me, but I'm looking. If you would like to help me out just let me know. So here it goes. My very first Fanfic...

Ginny's house

Ginny sat at her kitchen table with her mom and dad very confused and still in her PJ's ."So what am I up for again?." asked a very sleepy and slightly worried Ginny. Whatever her parents wanted couldn't be good. They woke her up at 4 in the morning, and never in her 15 years has she seen her mother cry so much or here father so quiet .

" Is anybody going to answer me?" Ginny asked. With those six words Molly Weasley was sent into a fit of tears.

" Molly please your just making this harder to tell her." said Arthur Weasley.

" Tell me what" Ginny demanded. She was starting to get a little worried. " Whatever it is I can handle it." Molly came up and put her arms around her baby girl.

" There has to be another way." she sobbed into Ginny's shoulder.

" No Molly we have tried everything already. Now please calm down so we can tell her." Arthur sighed. Molly sniffled but didn't say a word as she moved to go and sit in the chair in front of Ginny.

" Please just tell me what is going on." Ginny begged. She hated seeing her parents upset like this.

" Well see when I was about your age I had a best friend. We did everything together. We went to parties together. We ate at the same table. You could say that we where like the Harry and Ron of our time. Except we didn't save the world every year."

" Ok daddy, but what does this have to do with me and who was this guy anyway?" interrupted Ginny." I was getting to that part. This guy was Lucius Malfoy. Now before you say anything, back then Lucius was different. He cared about people and he didn't care about money. He told me that he wanted nothing to do with his abusive father that killed people for the fun of it. Anyway we where best friends and he was promised to Narcissa Black and I to your mother. So we all sort of become best friends. We all started to as you say hang out together. Since we where such good friends we decided that we would go to the ministry and have our first children nearest in age and of the opposite gender bethroved to one another. In short the document basically said that when both of the children where of age they would have two months to get married or there would be a hex on both families every person in families would die a slow death and painful death. As time went on we talked less and less. Then Lucius changed he started to hate muggles and muggle borns. He started to care about the amount of money people made and such. Since your mother and I still cared about all people and we didn't have a lot of money he said that he hated us, and he called us filthy. Him calling us filthy when he was the one fooling with dark magic. Who was the one that gave him a place to hide from his crap father and all those beatings he got. I did that's who. Ok so when he and Narcissa got married he forbade her of every seeing us again. Well a couple of years later we had all of your bothers and he had his one boy. As you know Harry was born that year and defeated You Know Who. The death eaters where trying to cover up there tracks while everyone else was celebrating. Since we thought that all we would have where boys we didn't worry about the contract. Then a year later you came along . All four of us went to the ministry and tried to break the contract, but it was no use. They said that we where a year to late."

Arthur and Molly looked at Ginny waiting for a response or any type of reaction, but nothing came. Ginny was awe struck. 'I have to marry a Malfoy? Mama and daddy have to be joking right? My father Arthur Jason Weasley would never be friends with a Malfoy. Just like I Virginia Layla Weasley would never marry a Malfoy. Let alone probably the only person not in my family to tease me. I just hope this won't be anything like the chamber."Ginny please say something" Her mother said. Ginny turned toward her mother with sad eyes. Molly burst into a new set of fresh tears as she looked at her only baby girl.

"When?" asked Ginny

"Two weeks"

"Two weeks! Why didn't you tell me before? Maybe I could have stopped it." Ginny said in a voice so soft you could hardly hear it.

"Don't you think that we have tried. There is nothing that we can do. If there was then we would have done it by now. You have to believe me." Said Arthur.

"Two weeks doesn't leave a lot of time to plane a wedding." Ginny said hoping for a way out.

"You know those times that I would be gone for hours at a time?" asked Molly


"Well that was the time the Narcissa and I planed yours, and Draco's wedding."

They all sat there in and uncomfortable silence. Arthur wondering how he could ever be friends. Lucius Malfoy. Molly praying that Ginny would some day forgive her and that she would be safe at the Malfoy Manor. While Ginny was hoping that all of this was a bad dream and any minuet she would wake up.

"Ginny love I know your upset and all but you have to meet him today Digon Alley." said Molly

"What time?" asked Ginny

"7:30""Fine but i want to let you know I'm only doing this because if I don't we all are going to die."

"We wouldn't ask you to."

" Do the boys know."

"About you going to see him today?"

"Yeah I guess but I mean about all of this like i do know."

"No not yet but your father and I are going to tell the today when you leave."

" Oh ok." Ginny went up to go get ready.

" She took that better that better than I would." Molly commented

"Yeah well it's still early and she hasn't had the chance to get fully awoken." Arthur replied finally snapping out of his thoughts.

Malfoy Manor

Draco woke to a trembling house elf slightly shaking him.

"Ma-m-master Draco your father would like a word with you sir." Squeaked the little elf. She jumped away from the bed and bowed when she saw that Draco was awake.

"Did he say what he wanted." Draco drawled

"No sir he just said to be in his office in 30 minutes."

"What time is it now Lilly."

"4:15 sir." Replied Lilly

"What time did he send for me?"

"4:10. Is that all sir or do you need anything else?"

"No you can go." Draco couldn't help but wonder what his father wanted. 'He never calls for me unless there is some sort of trouble, and trouble is never good with Lucius' Draco looked over at the sleeping girl next to him. Then he slipped her arm off of his naked body. 'I'll wake her up when I get back.' Draco got of bed and put on his boxers and robe. He left his room and headed towards his fathers study.

"You called for me father." Draco said as he walked into his fathers study."Yes. Sit down. When I was young about your age I was dumb and nieve . I actually liked dirty little mudbloods and such. I wasn't the man that you see before you. Money and power meant nothing to me I was even friends with that muggle loving fool Arthur Weasley." said Lucius with a look of pure disgust.

'Did my father Lucius Malfoy say that he was friends with Arthur Weasley. No way. I can't picture that ever happening. That would like me being friends with the Weasley frm school. That would never happen. He is such a bastard.'

"Draco are you listening to me." Lucius shouted.

"Yes father please continue."

"Right as I was saying . He was going to marry Molly Walters, and I had to marry your mother. That was when she was worth a damn and did more than sit on her ass all day. Anyway we where friends. We made a dumb ass choice together. We went to get our first children closest in age and of a different sex married well promised to each other. The years went by and they had all boys so I didn't worry about it. When you where born so was Harry Potter who weakened our dark lord. They were having raids at all hours of the night without any warning for all people with the dark lord. While everyone else held parties. No one knew until it was too late that Molly was pregnant with the girl. What is her name? Virginia. We tried to break the contract but not even my money or connection could do it. So in short you have to marry the little bitch." Lucius so bluntly stated.

Draco looked at his father with shock clearly on his face.

"Stop gawking at me you stupid boy." Lucius spat

"What will happen if I refuse." Draco asked 'Weasley? That snot nosed scrawny bitchy little brat that is in love with Harry Fucking Potter? I couldn't marry her.' Draco thought to himself

"All people in both families will die a slow and painful death. Not that I wouldn't mind seeing every Weasley die, but I would still like to be around."

"What will Voldemort have to say have to say about me marring a mudblood lover?" Lucius flinched as he heard the name of his master out loud.

"Don't you ever speak out the name of OUR master again!" Shouted Lucius as he raised his cane to beat Draco with.

"Sorry father, but what did he say." Draco apologized as quickly as he could. He has been on the wrong side of Lucius cane many times before. Lucius lowered his cane.

"He is quite pleased actually. He says he can use her."

"What does he want with a Weasley?" Inquired Draco.

"Don't worry about that just yet. Go get ready you only have an hour left before you have to meet her in Digon Alley."

"Father how much longer until the wedding?"

"Two weeks."

Draco walked back to his room ready to take a shower. 'In two weeks I will have to marry a weasley.' Draco looked over to his bed. ' Wonder what she's like in bed.'

AN/ Do you like it so far? I hope you do. Well let me know what you think. Please review. Love ya lots.