An Everlasting Love

Author: Sparkling-Diva

Rating: PG-13 (possibly more later)

Genre: Romance/Drama

Pairing: Christine/Erik

Feedback: Yes, please! Also being nice would make me happy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gaston Leroux's Phantom or anything I might refer to based on Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical adaptation of it.

Summary: Christine makes an important decision that could forever change the lives of many…

Author's Note: The finale! Gaaah! grabs tissues NOO! Why! WHY!

Chapter 55

"Raoul!" Christine yelled out in alarm at the sight of Raoul and his revolver.

"I knew it! You two together! Why!" he said pointing the gun in Erik's direction and then to Christine.

"Raoul! No!"

"After all I have done for you!"

Victor clutched himself to his mother.

"Raoul! Put down the gun! You're frightening Victor!"

"Put it down now…" Erik said calmly but with warning in his voice.

"Why should I?" Raoul said as tears streamed down his face.

"For your son…" Erik said as Christine and him stole a glance at one another.

Raoul said, "You are such an evil man, Erik. You stole my fiancée. My son…" Raoul said as he put the gun.

"Things don't have to be like this," Christine said as she tried to back away.

"You hurt her…" Erik said, "You hurt her and her child."

"I did nothing of the sort. You should know a thing or two though," he replied.

Erik began to slowly approach him. Christine tried to hold him back but he just gave a look to Christine and his eyes said not to worry. Christine nodded and held onto Victor.

"You're right," Erik said. "And all that has cost me is scars. Scars of hurt or pain. She doesn't want to be with you? Why force her?"

"We have a son."

"Whom you don't give the slightest care about until now? Don't excuse yourself. I have paid for my sins. You do something right now that you'll regret and I swear to it there won't be a moment in your life where you will get inner peace and calm knowing what you have done and what grief it has caused to others."

"I won't regret it."

"You never will know unless you do something. I just beg that you don't do this the hard way that it will scare your son. Don't forget, that I too was in love," he said looking at Christine. "I let her go. I let her go to a man who I thought could give her everything that I couldn't give. She came back, on her own, while I was trying to gain forgiveness for my sins. I did so without force. Love is not forced. Love is part of life and I swear that when you actually fall in love it will be someone who will love you in return for who you are but not because pf your actions of hostility. I fell in love and as far as I know she loves me too. At least I think she did. And for proof of real love I want to show that if you do not care what your own people, who supposedly over you think, then I give you the ultimate point of no return. Shoot me now. Then it'll be over. Not only for me but for you and all those lives that have been infected by our wrong doings. You stole her away from me and there's nothing now that can bring her back. Just know that I love her. That is all."

Christine stared in shock as Victor listened carefully.

"You lie. She was never with you after the incident."

"Believe what you want but don't take it out on her. If there is anyone needs to be punished among us it is me."

Raoul stared coldly into Erik's eyes as he moved his finger near the trigger.

"NO! Stop!" Christine yelled approaching them and leaving Victor at the other side of the lair.

"Don't. Don't do this."

"You lied to me Christine. You played me and even if we have a son!"

"He's not your son!"

The whole room went silent including for Victor who just gulped as his tears formed in front of him.

"What!" Raoul said lowering his gun and staring at Christine in disgust.
"I was with Erik. I even knew before you found me and used me that he was not yours."

"Who? Whose the father?"

Christine looked up at Erik who was staring in shock on his face.

She then looked down afraid to look him in the eyes, "Erik is. Victor is Erik's son."

"No…" Raoul said as he backed away in confused tears of a madman still sick in love.

"It's true. I'm sorry but there was no escape. You had me trapped. You would have hurt him or me and I couldn't let you. I couldn't. For once, I was actually scared of you. We're all scared of you."

"It can't be…" Raoul said.

"I'm sorry, Raoul. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

"Victor is my…" Erik wandered off staring at him.

Before anyone could do anything Raoul leaped forward and ripped off his mask and Victor gasped.

"No. You can't. You're hideous!" Raoul exclaimed.

"Raoul. Don't…."

"He has to be my son."

"You two never were alike and both of you know it," Christine said as she fell to the floor in pain.

"No…" he said slumping down as well.

Christine tried to lend a hand of sympathy on him but he shrugged her away.

"Raoul, let me be. Let us be. Don't hurt us. Forgive. Learn to really love. Don't…don't fall into a trap of which you can't escape."

"But, I…"

Victor suddenly came out and walked to Erik.

"You're my father?" he asked with tears.

Erik turned around to scared to face him, "I can't…"

"Mother said," Victor said. "Turn around. I'm not scared. I'll never be scared of my Angel of Music."

Erik slowly tuned around and Victor then rushed to hug him. In tears, Erik keeled down and stared at his son who didn't seem the least bit concerned about what he looked like and instead just gave him another hug as he himself cried.

Christine glanced in their direction as Raoul realized the look of love that was between the three of them.

"I'm sorry…" he stammered, "Please forgive me…I never meant…I'm so sorry," he said getting up and backing away.

"I know. I forgive you." Christine said as he fled.

"I won't tell anyone. I promise," he said taking off.

Once he was gone, Christine then whispered to herself, "I know I have your word."

Victor then let go and glanced at his mother who was lying on the floor in the pain of what she had just confessed.

"She didn't mean to father," he explained to Erik.

With a smile on his face, he then nodded and stood up as Christine sobbed at the other end of the lair.

He then leaned down and placed his arms around her.

"I'm sorry…"

"Shh…I forgive you…Is he really our son?"

"Yes…he is…I love you…"

"I love you too…" he said as they kissed. Victor soon came and joined them in a hug.

No matter what was in store for them ahead in life, they knew that as a family they would stay together come what may…

Author's Note: Thank you to all of my reviewers! You're reviews made my day and I'm so happy that you all liked my story so much! Forever Erik & Christine shall live! Wohoo! Well, I'll be away for at least the next two months but until then have a great summer!