The Los Angeles breeze billowed through the night catching the curtains of a rather peculiar apartment, its curtains dancing gracefully in the wind. From this room flowed a steady stream of magic, invisible to the mortal eye. It took on an eerie glow as a candle's golden blaze flickered seductively from side to side, creating a mysterious glow against the peach walls. In its wake stood two silhouettes, a young girl and an older woman. The elder of the two sat at a black marble table, famished, her eyes, pools of exhaustion. The table top was piled with ancient scripts, runes, and other mystical antiques. Her eyes were now scanning frantically over a clear, crystal ball.

"Maggie", the younger of the two stared at her worriedly, falls of raven tresses flowing over her back. She wore a black hoodie and ripped jeans, a single teardrop tattooed to her cheek. "You've been trying to find this chica all night. Give it a rest".

"I can't give up", Maggie mumbled under her breath. "The Atrox is growing stronger".

"I hope she's not some punk you dug up", the girl growled, throwing a fist at a velvet red pillow for no apparent reason. "I don't need some pussy holding me back".

Maggie gave her an amused smile before continuing with her research. "Believe me, she's less of a "punk" than you think".

"Whatever", Jimena rolled her eyes and slumped down on a sofa on the opposite side of the room. "I could take them alone". With that said, she glanced out of the window, a thoughtful expression spreading over her features. "No la necesito. I don't need no one".

Maggie turned to Jimena, sympathy in her eyes and before the young woman could catch it, she looked away. She returned to her scriptures and after a few minutes, her eyes lit up, the candlelight giving them a mad glint. "I think I found a spell that will enable me to locate her".

Jimena shrugged and jumped off of the sofa to take her place beside Maggie. She hoisted herself up onto the marble table. "So?"

"So repeat after me". And with that from Maggie's lips flowed a stream of strange, yet familiar words. Although, Jimena spoke the Latin, in her mind she saw the true meaning of the words.

O, mother of the moon, give us the gift of time.

After a few more verses, they had managed to finish.

Jimena stared intently at the scripture waiting for a sign. When nothing came, she sighed impatiently. Maggie immediately stopped, her eyebrows furrowed. "I believe I read something wrong"


"The spell was supposed to read sight instead of time".

"So what's that supposed to mean?"

"So I think we've just made a terrible mistake", Maggie gazed as the scripture took on a dangerous light, illuminating the dim room and finally spraying a milky shimmer out of the window and into the night air, it's glow almost undistinguishable from the moonlight.

Serena sighed, restlessly as she pulled a blanket of ivory sheets over her body. Her red and black T and pajama shorts weren't nearly enough to ward off the chill that had just run through her blood. At first, she had assumed that it was only the moisture from the ocean waves, but then she had developed a headache and finally the looming dread that something terrible was about to occur. The mystical white glow she had seen before it hit her, hadn't helped much either. She clutched her covers tighter around her as she heard the ocean waves brushing upon the shore. She loved living by the ocean. It was so peaceful and often a cure for emotional stress that accompanied the average teenage life. She frowned at the thought that she would have to move soon due to her UCLA classes.

"Serena", a familiar voice floated into the room.

"Collin", she smiled up at him, and with one gaze into his mind, she could tell that he was worried about her.

"Are you alright? Bad first day of highschool?" He gave a boyish grin.

She sighed. Her first day of freshman year hadn't exactly gone as planned. The girls hadn't exactly been accepting of her style or how quickly guys latched on to her.

"It'll get better, kiddo", he soothed her exhausted thoughts and walked over to plant a brotherly kiss on her dark, red hair.

"Ew", she pushed him away in mock irritation and gave him a sincere smile. "I'm a big girl now. You don't have to keep checking up on me".

She caught a glint of sorrow in his eyes before he hastily veiled it with a childlike grin. She prowled further into his mind. He was afraid that they were growing apart. Pushing the thoughts to the back of his mind, she looked up to smile at him again. "You should get some sleep"

"R- right", he muttered before walking away and closing the door behind him. Back where she started, she sighed and pulled a pillow over her head. Then, determined to stay awake the next day, she closed her eyes and sailed into an ocean of dreams.

Serena yawned as she awoke from her slumber, streams of sunlight pouring in through crystal clear window panes. Turning onto her side, she was met with deep sapphire blue eyes.

"Good morning", the young man gave her a warm smile.