Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, and I make no money from this work of fiction!

Carolina's Story

I started telling this story to the Grandma queen and Lottie was writing it down ... Grandma queen says that's not really her name, but Lottie said it was all right for me to use. Her real name is longer than that, but ends like Lottie. I like Lottie almost as much as the Princess queen, and the Grandma and Grandpa queen too. I don't know the Princess king yet, but I know I will, cause the Princess queen said we ALL would know him well! Anyway, I have the paper Lottie wrote it on, and some day I'll be old enough to read it, but not until I get bigger. Lottie wrote EVERY WORD I said down. I like Lottie.

The Princess queen gave us her castle to live in after making us all princesses at the parade. And we were in the parade because of ME ... although the boys say the Princess queen didn't notice me until they started teasing me, so THEY think it's because of them! But they're just boys, so they don't know anything. The Grandma queen and Grandpa queen come here to our castle a lot, and they always stand really close together. The Grandma queen is really nice, not stuck up like the boys said she used to be, and once she held me on her knee when I was sick and rocked me and sang to me ... cause that's what grandmas and grandpas do, she said. Then the Grandpa queen carried me to my bed when I was really sleepy. Do you know, I didn't know what a grandma or grandpa even WERE until the Grandma queen told me?

The Princess queen used to come to see us by herself, but now the Princess king is coming too, 'cause they got married and he's a king even though the boys said he wasn't and they laughed at me for the way I talk about the old people. The Grandma queen just said I was sweet, and she hugged me, and the Grandpa queen coughed a bit. Even if he's a grown up boy, he's pretty nice. Lottie doesn't EVER laugh at me, and she told me to just keep talking how I want to, 'cause even if I'm little and piccola, this is MY story and I can use the words I want. I like Lottie a whole lot.

Once Lottie brought her funny wig for us to see ... long white curls. It looks silly. Her own hair is lots nicer. She told us that's what she wears when she's talking about us in Parlment. Grandpa queen said Grandma queen is trying to make everyone happy like they are, even Lottie and the Grandma queen's son. Lottie got really red when he said that, and started to cough so much she had to leave the room, but she gave me this little machine to keep talking in and said she would write down what I say later and put it on paper so that when I'm bigger I can read it again, and so can everyone else and everyone will know about how the country children's group started here at the castle. And it's all because of me. I was a princess for part of a day and got to walk in the parade with the Princess Queen and wave and I didn't even suck my thumb! And now we're all living like princesses in this castle. Even the boys can pretend they're princes, but they're really not. Lottie says I'll probably like boys when I get bigger, but I don't think I EVER will! I really like Lottie, and she likes me, too. She said so.