A Lost Soul

Hey everyone! My first SK fic! I hope you all like it! It's a RenOC coupling since I think that RenPirka is just TOO weird Oo;;;

Anyway…let's get to full summary!

(Shortened Version)

Ren, while training, happens upon a lost, unconscious girl in a blackened alleyway. A victim of amnesia, Ren simply calls her "Lost". But could he and Lost spark something between them? RenxOC Slight JunxPailong

(Full Version)

Ren, while training, happens upon a lost, unconscious girl in a blackened alleyway. A victim of amnesia, Ren simply calls her "Lost". Lost develops feelings for Ren, but Ren's rock hard personality is something that won't break easily. But could he and Lost spark something between them? RenxOC

"Ren, are you almost finished?" Jun asked, coming out of the shower now in her nightgown. She blinked tiredly, still hot from the water as she looked around for her younger brother, who had been working out before she had gone into the bath. "Ren? Oh, don't tell me that he left again. He really should stay in the room…how many times do I have to tell him that?" Jun sighed and sat down in a chair. "Pailong?"

"Yes Jun-sama?" Pailong asked, coming out from a room in the corner.

"Do you know where Ren went?"

"He said that he was leaving to go train outside," Pailong explained, "I said that he shouldn't go out in the rain, but he-"

"Ignored you, of course," Jun sighed, "Nothing can get through that rock-hard skull of his."

There was a silence between the two as Pailong stayed standing and Jun looked at the large window, now covered with rain drops. She sighed and shook her head. "Don't you want to sit down?"

"I-if you insist Jun-sama," Pailong nodded and sat down in the chair across from her.

"I just hope that Ren's all right…" Jun spoke and Pailong looked up. Jun's eyes were slightly watery, which was so unlike her. "He seems…so lonely sometimes. I feel like…like I alone am not enough."

"Jun…" Pailong furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you all right yourself?"

"I'm fine…never mind," Jun shook her head, "I think I'll turn in for the night…Ren should be back by morning." Jun stood up and walked slowly to her room. "Pailong…you don't have to wait for Ren…he'll come back on his own." And with that, she shut her bedroom door behind her.

"This is excruciatingly boring, Bason," Ren snapped to his Chinese Warlord ghost. Ren was busy at an abandoned junk yard, slashing his kwan dao, slicing random pieces of metal and other garbage to pieces. Bason stood to the side, watching him. "I wish I had someone to practice with instead of garbage. But I couldn't stand being in that stuffy room for another second."

"Yes Master Ren," Bason nodded. "But I am afraid that we should be getting back to your home soon. It is raining, and I wouldn't wish you to catch, how do you say, a cold."

"Feh," Ren sniffed as he looked at the rain pouring down, soaking his hair and his bare chest. His shirt had been thrown to the side and his black pants hung low on his hips. The drops of water slid down his firm abs and chest, dripping down his legs and onto his feet. "It's just the rain, I'll be fine. I don't need anyone looking after me as though I'm three years old."

"Yes Master Ren," Bason bowed and kept silent as Ren continued to destroy garbage with a few flicks of his weapon.

A few hours passed and it was pitch black, the rain still falling. Bason kept obediently in the same spot as Ren continued to train, sweat now mixed with rain drops as he pushed himself farther than ever before, slashing at what seemed to be light speeds. Suddenly, after the last cinder block, sliced into at least twenty pieces, fell to the ground, Ren stopped and looked up. "I suppose we should head back now, I need to sleep if I'm going to get maximum training in tomorrow."

"Yes Master Ren," Bason bowed and then turned his head to accompany his master out of the yard. Ren snatched his shirt, not bothering to put it on and started to saunter out of the graveyard, his kwan dao now broken up and stuffed inside of his jacket pocket. He kept walking, but then stopped suddenly and looked up, his yellow eyes shining.

"Bason…there's someone coming," Ren spoke softly, and then pulled out his kwan dao. "No ordinary cockroach would be out her at this hour… Keep a look out…" He slowly stepped forward, making not a sound with his Chinese slippers and then, lunged forward. "HYAH!" he screamed, then stopped in his tracks as he saw a young girl stagger forward, beaten, bloodied, and crying. "What…in the world…?"

"Hel-help…" the girl struggled to say, blood streaming down her lips as she reached out to hi, falling to her knees. "Help me…please…" With that, she fell down in front of Ren, straight into the mud.

"Master Ren, the girl seems to be in trouble," Bason told her as Ren kneeled down to inspect her.

"Like I care…I'm going…" Ren stepped forward, then stopped and looked at the girl. He sighed and grabbed her by the waist, hoisting her up on his shoulder, "What the hell, I'll take her back. Jun can fix her up…and I'm curious what happened to her."

Ren continued to walk down the sidewalk, the girl over his shoulder, Bason at his side, the rain lifting from the clouds as the stars began to show.

"Here," Ren threw the girl onto the couch and looked at her, "She's pretty beat up…I should wake up Jun." He looked at her again, then stopped, "Never mind, I'll fix her up myself…I don't need Jun for every little thing." He slowly walked over to a counter and opened up a cupboard door, revealing a first aid kit. He pulled it out and made his way over to the girl. "Now…let's see…I'll have to take her clothes off-" He stopped and blushed, "Let me get Jun…"

"I see what you mean," Jun nodded, looking at the girl, "She's pretty hurt, isn't she?"

"Well, now that you're here, I'm going to bed," Ren sighed and started to walk toward his room.

"Excuse me, aren't you worried about her?" Jun asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Please! I was this close to leaving her there!" Ren snapped, "I'm tired…I need my rest." With that, he slammed his door and Jun once again gave a dejected sigh.

"Typical Ren," she shook her head, "Now…let's get to helping this girl."

"Are you not going to go to sleep Master Ren?" Bason asked as Ren lay awake in his bed. He had stayed like that for over an hour, blinking slightly.

"I'm not tired," he snapped and threw up his blanket. "I'm going to see how Jun's doing…better then lying here doing nothing."

He creeked his door open to see Jun wrapping the girl's head in a bandage. He could see that all of the blood, dirt, and mud on her had been cleaned off. But he could also see another thing…

That she was stark naked. He quickly turned the other way, his face illuminating the dark room with a crimson fury. He hadn't seen much, just her bare skin, and that in itself had made him extremely conscious. He threw himself into bed and snapped his eyes shut. "I'm going to go to sleep…" he commanded himself, "Just watch."

But Ren hadn't slept all night. That morning, as his alarm clock went off, he slammed his hand on it and got up, his eyes bearing dark circles under them. He opened the door to see that Jun and the girl were no longer on the couch. "Jun! Are you there?"

"We're in the dining room Ren!" Jun told him, coming from the door frame, "And don't shout in front of our guest."

"Guest?" Ren asked as he came in, "You mean that gi-" And he stopped…and stared. He saw none other than the girl he had saved sitting at the dinner table, lightly poking at poached eggs with a fork. Now that she wasn't covered in blood, Ren saw that she had blonde hair that went to about her shoulders, green eyes, and was wearing a green dress of Jun's that was much too big for her. She had a bandage on her head and her arms. As he entered the room, she looked up. "Who are you?"

The girl didn't speak; she just looked at him and then bit her lip. "I…don't know…" she admitted.

"What the hell kind of answer is that?" Ren asked rudely and Jun shot him a glare of which he ignored, "What's your name?"

"I…don't remember…" she spoke softly.

"Amnesia?" he asked Jun and she nodded.

"Doesn't remember a thing…" Jun sighed, "Not her name, where she came from, how she was injured…all a blank."

"Well…" Ren sighed as he sat down, "You'll be leaving soon anyway, so it doesn't really matter."

"What…what's your name?" the girl asked and Ren blinked in her direction.

"Tao Ren," he told her, "Not that it's any of your business."

"So…you're Jun-chan's little brother?"

"Yeah," Ren said rudely, "Don't get too friendly, you'll be out soon, I guarantee."

"Oh…" the girl said, still playing with her food. Ren looked over at the plate and noticed that she hadn't taken a bite.

"Aren't you going to eat? You must be hungry," he told her.

"I'm…not really hungry…" she spoke softly.

"Well, it's good food so eat it! You've got to eat it, it's only polite." he commanded and she stopped. He looked at her and growled. Something about her pissed him off, "Eat it!" He took the plate, grabbed the fork and tried to stuff the food into her mouth.

"Ren, stop it!" Jun commanded, but he ignored her.

"Pl-please stop!" she told him, "I don't want to! I'm scared!"

"It's just food, it won't eat you, you eat it!" Ren told her, still trying to put the fork in her mouth.

"I'm scared, stop it please!" she cried, tears now streaming down her face, "I'm scared of food…it'll make me go to sleep and then…when…when I wake up, everyone will want to hurt me!" she said, tears streaming down her face.

Ren stopped and stared at her, the fork still in his hand. He narrowed his eyes and then spoke firmly, "We're not going to hurt you, and you're not worth my time anyway, so just eat the food."

The girl looked at it and then, very slowly, put her mouth on the fork that Ren out held for her. She chewed the eggs and smiled, "It's good…"

"I told you," Ren sniffed, sitting down, "Jun, tell Pailong to get me some food."

"I'm afraid that he can't," Jun sighed, "We're going away for a bit Ren, we need to visit Father… We just got the message this morning, while you were asleep."

"What!" Ren asked, "Again! I swear, you leave at the most inopportune times!"

"Father doesn't like excuses," Jun reminded him and he nodded, "We'll be leaving this afternoon…"

"What am I supposed to do with her?" Ren asked, nodding to the girl, who was now eating the food much faster, obviously starved, "Can I just take her to an orphanage and be done with it?"

"No, Ren," Jun eyed him, "She'll be staying with us until we can find what's going on with her. Don't worry, her memory should return gradually."

"What the heck am I supposed to do with her?"

"She'll be staying in my room, you'll hardly know she's there," Jun assured him, "And I'll be back in a few days, so it's not like you'll be alone forever."

"Easy for you to say," Ren grimaced.

"Just be patient Ren," Jun assured him, "It'll all come back to her soon."

Author's Notes: Oh yeah! Do you like it! I know it was short, but it's just the first chapter!

Oooo…Ren and Lost (name not introduced yet) alone together…can you say steamy! Well…that's why this is rated PG-13! (Evil author) Just kidding! Nuttin's happening, I swear!