Disclaimer: Not mine. All phrases that these ficlets are based on belong to the Harry Potter Song, both the regular version, and the faux British-ish version, by Moosebutter. The plots from the stories do come from my brain, small as it is. And any similarities to other fics are entirely coincidental—I'm sorry if I haven't kept up to date to save myself from redundancy, but I'm busy. Dedicated to Ronald, my huge big bear that my oldest sister gave me in Taiwan (I met my birth family two weeks ago, and spent a Saturday with them—I love them so much!).

Author's Note (Prologue of Sorts)

Hello! Welcome! It is I, JamieBell, also known as Margaret. One who loves many people, but is unsure if she is loved back. I have just missed the first three weeks of third term, as a result of a trip to Taiwan to pick up my new adopted sister, and so, in a fit of nerves and stress (caused by the thought of three weeks worth of Physics Honors homework), I decided to listen to the HP Song by Moosebutter again, as it has been a long time since I have listened to it, and I have written and compiled a series of short stories—following the lines of my newest fic, "Peach Fuzz Burn."

These ficlets are dialogue, based upon phrases heard in the HP Song and bits of conversation in the faux British-ish version. I have tried extremely hard to make them as unconfusing as possible and I think you will be okay when reading. There will be one that involves five people, but I've managed to figure out a different font for each of them, and I've thrown names in so that you know who is talking. By the way, that's my favorite one.

It would be of very good use to you if you listened to the song beforehand or listened while reading. The phrases may jump out at you. Since the song is publicly available, I will once more plug it and give you the web address. Don't forget to delete the spaces. www . moosebutter . com Then go to the link that says "Free Stuff," click on it, and at the top you will see both versions of their tribute to the newest Harry Potter movie.

I am now working on the newest chapter for "Letters and Care Packages," and have completed a good portion of it. It is time for Ronald Weasley (after whom my bear is named) to take his place among the collection of correspondence. Please read Chapter Five, which I posted not too long ago. —grins—

Now, with no further ado:

A short fanfic poem so that this doesn't turn out to be an author's note chapter.

—clears throat—

(Just so you know, this is coming out of my head as I type.)

As I ponder the demented-ness of HMS Pumpkin Pie,

It comes to me as a flash of lightning,

Why doesn't the H/G ship have a food name as well?

Orange Crush can't possibly count as the only good name.

I mean, the implications! Doesn't soda go flat?

Doesn't it lose its fizziness after a while?

And if you try to freeze it, does it not explode

All over the inside of the freezer,

As my can of Diet Coke once did?

Why not HMS Watermelon? The fruit that

Embodies summer? The season in which so many

Harry/Ginny fics are set? The warmth and sunniness

And sweetness that H/G represents?

Watermelon does not go flat, and when you

Refrigerate watermelon, it becomes a snack fit for

A king! And when you freeze it, you can have cold

Watermelon juice in the winter, and watermelon

Smoothies when others drink hot tea.

The summer is brought back!

And the significance of the colors in

Watermelon! The green rind, a favorite color for

Harry/Ginny stories as it's the color of Harry's eyes,

And always the preferred color of Ginny's fancy.

The brilliant red of the fruit inside, reminding us all

Of the Weasley hair. The black seeds, symbolizing the color of

Harry's hair, and all the children they will have, as

Weasleys are very good at being fruitful, and multiplying and

Replenishing the earth.

The utter genius of watermelon! Why has no one

Thought of that before? Because no one was ever

Stupid enough to come up with a poem to

Argue it! But I shall cherish it in my mind and

Heart, because I just love watermelon—

The sweetness, and the crunch (when it's nice and cold),

Is just the best thing about summer.

And I just can't wait for the summer vacation,

Because we have to build a trebuchet in Physics,

And it's due in March, and we haven't started on

Ours and that class is killing me.

The End

Btw, I really just typed that straight out of my head, because I remembered you can't have an author's note chapter. Think of the poem as an addition to my H/G Poem "Ode to H/G," and just so you know, I've also written "Ode to R/Hr" and it shall be posted soon.

Hope you enjoyed, and will enjoy the following ficlets.

Thank you all so much, and please review after you read! Comments are greatly appreciated, whether they be good or bad!

A note to Kingmaker: In "Peach Fuzz Burn," you mentioned how you liked the exclamation marks comments. I hate to say this, but you were wrong when you said you could tell that that came directly from my conversation. I actually threw that it myself when I was writing it, because it's something I would say—"What, you can't be excited for me?" etc. As I read back over it, I realized what you saw, and laughed my head off at the coincidence of that comment and the fact that it was an IM conversation. Anyway, wanted to clear that up—dunno why. As always, I look forward to your encouraging, entertaining, inspiring reviews! I always have a good laugh and it's very cheering to read your words! I really appreciate it!