Harry Potter Boy who Lives

H P Boy who Lives 7th year

Final Chapter

Chapter 30



Nasty Exhausting Wizarding Tests are upon the seventh years at last and the graduating class ponders what their futures will be. Harry has the first anniversary of his final battle with Voldemort on his mind.

This is the end of the seventh year arch of my saga. The next journey will be Life after Hogwarts or something...that's when I get to have some real fun with the characters.

One note to add there was a question about why I call a certain activity cookies. One would have to read the chapter where Harry and Hermione first meet Daniel and Emma. Chapter 21 of the summer part of the saga...it was not as if they were going to say the proper word in front of two impressionable teens. That is just not something the two of them would do. Besides its obvious what cookies represent...As to the other about James overacting on Valentines Day. The man was stressed out of his mind with the twins impending birth and having to give up teaching, which was his sanity. So seeing the teenagers like that was more than he could tolerate so he lost it...Ron and Luna looked guilty as hell and Ginny was all over Draco in the hallway.

Hope that answers your question and now on with the story... One final note usually all of your questions get answered as the story moves along or have been answered in some other part of the story...just keep reading and all will eventually be revealed.


DADA Classroom

Ginny, Draco, Ron, and Luna were all taking their final N.E.W.T'S, while Harry finished off giving the final exam of the year to his first years.

"Now, I promise that this won't hurt much. Just try to do your best. You have two hours to complete the exam." He passed out exams to all of them, before walking over to the large hourglass on his desk.

"You may begin." He turned over the timepiece and the students put their quills to work. "Don't even think of cheating, because Ferria will know and inform me by appearing on your desk. Your exam will instantly combust and I will be sending your parents an owl informing them that you have failed first year DADA and why."

He sat down behind the desk that he and Logan shared, and got to work on one of the manuscripts he was working on. He was almost finished with the two projects that he'd been working on since April. This one was Every Wizards Guide to All Creatures Great and Small, it was based on his experiences with Wizarding World animal life, and countered nearly everything in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

"I see that you're back to writing yet another draft of your book." Albus appeared beside him. "I rather enjoyed the second draft, as did Minerva. Why the sudden need for a third?"

"Fear that it'll flop when it gets published, I suppose." Harry glanced up at his Uncle.

"Yours is a fascinating view on our wildlife and domestic creatures and we will be using it as a standard textbook for Care of Magical Creatures starting next term." Albus picked up some parchment read a few lines and arched on silver brow at him. "This is not a third draft." He conjured a chintz chair and sat down to read.

"Ron calls it DADA for Dummies, because it's easy for anyone to understand. If you ask me Ron's been mugglefied and is now an expert on all things muggle." Harry put away his one finished manuscript and focused on the final page of the other.

"This is quite brilliant, even the most mundane of our kind could understand this." Albus smiled. "You have a natural gift in writing as well as teaching."

"I guess maybe your right. Although, having Hermione to proofread it helps loads. I can also sound off on my parents, all of my uncles and aunts, and Grandparents. It's an irreplaceable source of information for me." Harry was proud of his writing, but he was worried that he might be usurping the authors who had been read by everyone for decades.

"You and Hermione have both found your niche in writing. Draco finished his final N.E.W.T and found Hermione hard at work on her own book The Pendragon Legacy, in the Camelot Wings main library."

Harry narrowed his eyes at the thought that she was skipping her nap, but Albus continued what he was saying.

"Now before you get upset with her for skiving her nap. I need to add that Draco escorted her up to your Flat and is making sure that she naps." Albus added hastily. "Ginny, Luna, and Ron are still taking their N.E.W.T'S, but from what Logan has seen they seem to be going rather well. Luna and Ginny were last, since they are sixth years, and are taking on a near impossible task." Albus went back to reading.

"She doesn't like her afternoon naps, but it's good for her and our girls. Draco just wants to read her creation and as for Luna and Gin they don't wish to be left behind." Harry reread the final paragraph before setting down his quill. "I've finishedEvery Wizards Guide to DADA I hope it and the other one will do well when they're published."

"Who are the lucky publishers?" Albus asked curiously.

"Fred and George read the first draft and know that it's gonna be a hit. They branched off a part of The Quibbler into Camelot Publishing, which Percy and Penelope happily run. They get the honors and that way it stays in the family. Rory and Dromi are doing the illustrations for the Creatures book and Lexi and Trista are doing the others for the DADA book."

Harry yawned. It had been him and not food that Hermione had been craving as of late, so he rarely got more than a few hours of sleep these days. "Hermione craves me lately, unlike Thea, who kicked Logan to the guestroom, so I'm the one in need of an afternoon nap these days."

"I will watch over the first years, you go get some sleep on the couch in the DADA office." Albus, fascinated by Harry's views on DADA wanted to finish reading this second manuscript of his.

"Thanks Uncle Albus, just come up and get me if you need me." Harry adjourned to the comfy couch in his and Logan's office for some much needed sleep.


Pendragon Common Room

Ginny was exhausted. Her head was pounding from using it so much. N.E.W.T'S compared to O.W.L'S looked like pop quizzes. Maybe she needed another year of school after all. Everything was crammed into those exams. Yet Harry, Hermione, and his sisters had breezed through them last November, as if they were nothing. The reason being was his sisters easily scored O's, because of all the knowledge that came with them being reborn into this world as twenty-year-olds. Then there was Hermione with her photographic memory, not to mention genius level intelligence, and Harry because of being aged two years older with all the knowledge of their world. It just wasn't fair!

"I can tell you this. So far I've blown my Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, Arithmancy, today was DADA and Uncle Max was the one who tested me." She collapsed face first on the LuvSac, burying her face in the pillows.

"We weren't nearly ready for that yet." Luna collapsed face first on the sofa and buried her face in the throw pillows.

"We had to try! Otherwise we're gonna be bored to death during seventh year without our guys." Ginny burst into tears. "And we blew it!"

James, Lily, and the twins were returning from their afternoon outing with the pups.

"Hello girls..." James saw how miserable the two of them were and sighed. "So it went that badly did it?"

"I'm sure that you girls did your best." Lily pushed the carriage over to the girls and sat on the LuvSac next to Ginny. "You should be proud that you were able to even take on your N.E.W.T'S at sixteen."

Rad sat next to Ginny and whined. Lady did the same with Luna.

James sat down next to Luna and she threw herself into his arms. "Hey, now sweetheart, it's an accomplishment in itself that you both have done a wondrous job keeping up with Draco, Ron, and Hermione." He cuddled her in his arms and comforted her. "No more tears. You both did a stupendous job."

"We tried so hard, but it may not have been enough." Luna sobbed against her father's shoulder.

"It's okay, sweetie." James rocked her in his arms. "We're proud of both of you, regardless of the results of your N.E.W.T'S."

Lily held Ginny. "You both want to grow up so fast, but sometimes more time is needed for the two of you to flourish. Draco and Ron will not think the less of you, if you don't pass them this time round with shinning results. Neither will Harry, Hermione, Dean, Seamus, Lexi, Neville, or Lavender for that matter." She stroked her hair soothingly.

"You've got that right in spades. Those tests were brutal on all of us." Draco came in with Isis and Tut on his heels. "Dry your tears, Peaches. I'm here for you regardless of the N.E.W.T'S." Ginny got up and flew into his open arms.

"I did so dreadful! I just know it!" She whimpered against his shoulder.

"Poor Neville, he almost didn't get to take his. Logan called his name three times while he was talking to Lavender." Draco frowned. "He's gotten really ratty lately."

"Thea isn't craving him like Hermione is Harry. In fact it's quite the opposite actually." James smirked.

"Poor Logan, no wonder he's ratty." Luna sniffled.

Ron walked in with a tray loaded with ice-cream sundaes. "My motto is this why wallow in misery when you can use it as an excuse to pig out on ice-cream with all the trimmings." He set the tray down on the coffee table.

"Who cares about dumb N.E.W.T marks? We have each other and can more than handle The Quibbler with my brothers. The test scores can hang for all I care. It's not like we'd fire ourselves for lack of high marks." He held out his arms and Luna launched herself into them.

"The thing is that I was thinking about being a Muggle Liaison for the family, but that isn't in any danger. I know that I aced my Muggle Studies N.E.W.T." Luna looked up at him.

"What about the paper? I thought running it was your dream." Ron frowned.

"I can still keep an eye on the paper and be a Liaison. The twins have done wonders with it and I know that you'll enjoy working with them. I just think that maybe you would be more useful putting your new muggle expertise to work, being a liaison between our world, and the muggle one for the family. In this case for Harry and Hermione or that was the plan anyway." Luna had her mind made up.

Ron continued frowning down at her not sure about her change of career plans. "The paper is your legacy."

"Maybe at one time it was, but Fred and George took to it like water. They're natural journalists. The Quibbler is thriving under their leadership. I wish to do something else that helps the family." Luna gave her reasons for her change of heart. "I see it as a challenge."

"Luna. I only want you to be happy." He kissed her nose. "If this is what you wish to do then I'm all for it."

"Muggle Liaison is no walk in park. You're the person between say Harry & Hermione and muggles like Queen Elizabeth and so forth. You also field the press." James explained. "You're the one who makes sure that events and functions run smoothly."

"No kidding? Then it really would be a challenge..." Ron could imagine the headache an event like a royal wedding would be. "Or a headache, but if that's what you wish then I'm all for it."

"When I left Hermione she was hard a work trying to finish her book. Do I need to check in on her?" Lily asked Draco.

"She's been napping since noon. I've been reading her manuscript up in their Common Room, which is brilliant by the way, as are Harry's creations. I made sure that she stayed put by having her nap on the LuvSac. I felt that Ginny needed me, so I came down to check on her." Draco looked over at his mother.

"I'll go up and check on her just to ease my mind." Lily vanished.


"The N.E.W.T'S were three times worse than the O.W.L'S." Draco fed Ginny some ice-cream.

"How do you think yours went?" James asked.

"I did all right, I guess. I have a memory and intelligence like Hermione, and can call up seven years of schooling in my head. Still, when Lexi started groaning and growling as the test went on..." He paused in midthought. "Now that distracted me a lot, but I finished every question of the writtens, and had good results from the practicals. I've enough confidence to believe without a doubt that I can enter the Auror Training Academy with the required marks."

"You already have years ahead of everyone, plus Dad's, Master Chen's, and Merlin's training. So, I've no doubt that you will, son. Having one year of training as intense as you underwent this year has you halfway into your third year of training." James was proud of his second eldest son.

"It just wasn't the same without Harry and Hermione sweating it out with all of us, but then he's been giving exams all afternoon and morning. That left Logan to snarl and growl at all of us." Ron sighed.

"Aunt Jenna & Uncle Sirius and their twins are all settled in their new place, as are Uncle Remus & Aunt Gene and baby Nate. Grams and Gramps are back in Godric's Castle and Grandma Violet and Grandpa Harrison are moving into their new home as well. The Fairy tree has moved back to the old oak on Sanctuary's grounds. The family Wing has shrunk considerably since second term is nearly over." Draco was going to miss the castle family wing.


DADA office

Harry awoke around four in the afternoon. Oh bugger! I overslept! The third year's exam started at three! He sat up on the couch, surprised to see Hermione sitting behind his and Logan's desk grading exams. "I only meant to sleep for an hour. Is Uncle Albus still overseeing the exams?" He stretched out the kinks in his back.

Hermione glanced up at him and smiled. "Logan is with him. It seems as though Uncle Albus can't put your other manuscript down. Did you enjoy your nap?"

"I put myself into a sleep trance that Master Chen taught Draco and me. It takes four hours of normal sleep and makes it feel like eight. So yeah, I enjoyed my snooze." He walked around the desk and leaned down to kiss her. "How was your day?"

"I'd nearly finished with the final chapter of my book. It would have been finished had Draco not forced me to take my nap." She rolled her eyes at him. "Mum treated me with tea and cakes after I woke up, I finished my book, and am happy with the result." Hermione was in a happy mood. "I popped in to check on you at three. Logan and Uncle Albus said you were resting in the DADA office, so I decided to grade some exams, while you snoozed away. I've finished the second, fourth, sixth, and am starting on the first year exams. Not one failing grade in the lot, which means that you, Logan, Uncle Remus, and Dad did an excellent job teaching them."

"That's what all the hard work is for and it's nice to hear that all of it paid off." Harry couldn't keep up with her during one of her energy moods and let her happily grade the exams.

"The end of year feast is tomorrow, so I was thinking that we could throw that bash for the graduating class tonight in the main Common Room." She suggested. "I'll finish these, while you go arrange for the food."

"Sure angel, if you wish a bash then a bash you shall have." He kissed her again before vanishing.

"After seven years I think all of us could use and have earned a footloose and fancy-free bash." Hermione smiled.


Camelot Wing- Main Common Room

By seven the party was in full swing. Everyone was a little sad that it was over, but excited about the new lives ahead of them. The very thought that all of their futures rested on the results from their N.E.W.T'S was far from everyone's minds. It was time to unwind and party.

"Is it me or is all the girls wish to think about are weddings and babies." Seamus frowned.

"You're engaged to Alex, Draco to Ginny, Ron to Luna, and Neville to Lavender. It's no wonder that they're all about weddings. Now add the facts that Logan and Thea are expecting a son or that Harry and Hermione are expecting three girls and of course that just adds to the entire situation." Dean grumbled. "Padma and I are almost there, but I have to meet the parents first before I pop the question."

"Look Gents. I'm sorry if the ladies are dwelling on life decisions, but as of less than two days from now all of you fellows will have life on the brain as well." Harry grinned, saluted them with his Butterbeer bottle, which was really Guinness, and took a swig.

"I have to grit me teeth and make a go at joining the Wizarding Police Academy to impress Alex's father." Seamus groaned.

"Uncle Max is happy if Lexi is, so if you don't wish to go to the academy then don't. I know that Cedric has offered you and Dean a place in Triwizards, so go for that. After all, it's what you wish to do." Harry gave him some sound advice. "Follow what you wanna do and not what you think Uncle Max will approve of."

"Lexi wants me to do the same thing and Cedric said the offer was always open." Seamus was relieved that Harry had given him a way out of being in Wizarding law enforcement. "I'll have to think on it."

"I'm gonna join Triwizard and make racing brooms." Dean had his mind made up. "Padma wants to take a gap year. She's still really good at Divination, but then that isn't really a career."

"Lav and I are going into Muggle Relations." Neville smiled. "The two of us are gonna be Muggle Liaisons."

"Really? That's great Neville maybe the two of you could be Hermione and my..." Ron cut him off.

"Sorry Nev, but Luna and me are already taking that particular Muggle Liaison post." Ron now knew the main advantage of being a Liaison for the family. He would be able to get his two best mates back or at least more time with them. "We decided it this afternoon. It's what Luna wants to do and I've a knack for all things muggle. That and I know that I got an O in that particular N.E.W.T."

Harry was gobsmacked by this new career choice. "If that's what the two of you decided then Hermione and I are all for it. Neville and Lav can be Mum and Dad's Muggle Liaisons. We'll talk about it at length later."

"I'm taking a gap year, because Daddy wishes me to choose an occupation, and I do not wish to as of yet. Healing is a choice, but then it is a lot of work. I could also be a Muggle Liaison." Alex mused. "Since we found out that Mum is Queen Titania and King Oberon's great-granddaughter, thus making her a princess of the fairy royal court and I have been raised like a royal all of my life. It would more than make me the proper Muggle Liaison for William's Grand-mère. Maybe being in Muggle Relations, as a Liaison, is the logical choice of career."

Alex at five foot eleven inches could easily perch her chin on Seamus' shoulder. It was one of her favorite things to do, besides snogging with him of course. "I think that you should take Cedric's offer, go into broom making, and ignore trying to impress my daddy. Momma and Binky love you to pieces and Logan sees you as a friend."

"Lexi, if I choose Cedric's offer then you have to follow your own heart and focus on your art. Trista wants you to continue studying under her at the gallery." Seamus turned to look down into her eyes.

"Being an Artist is not something that Daddy will approve of, but if you take Cedric's offer then I will take Trista's." She wrapped her arms around his neck.

Seamus lowered his mouth hers. "It's a deal." They sealed it with a long kiss.

"That's what's truly important in the end, all of you need to choose something that you will enjoy doing as a career." Hermione walked over and kissed Harry.

"Hello boys. Are we indulging in a bit of drinking tonight?" She tasted Guinness on his lips and was not pleased.

"It's just harmless Butterbeer, angel of my heart." Harry's was Guinness, but telling her one little white lie wouldn't hurt her.

"Is it really? Well then give me your bottle. I wish to have a taste of it." Hermione called his bluff by taking the bottle and putting it to her lips.

Harry transfigured it into a bottle of chocolate milk.

"A pity I was craving a taste of Butterbeer, though that had the distinct taste of Guinness, before you transfigured it into milk." Hermione reached up and yanked hard on his hair.

"No drinking!! Have the pleas for an encore performance to your magic show taught you nothing!?" She snarled into his ear.

"Bloody hell, woman!! One Guinness isn't gonna harm me! Now let go of me hair!" Harry's temper snapped.

"Annie, about your cravings as of late, I have a migraine! I'll gladly be crashing on the couch or in my old room tonight! You are my wife and I love you, but I'm just spending time with the guys!! Something that I've sorely missed! If I wish to get sloshed on the eve before Ron and Luna died! Not to mention us nearly dying! Then that's what I bloody well am gonna do! I need air not to mention space from you!" Harry grabbed a Butterbeer bottle filled with ale and vanished.

Not surprising to anyone his temper had created an instant tempest outside.


Hermione went from furious to near hysterics and full on tears in seconds.

"He's been playing me for a fool! Telling me that our girls and our marriage made him forget that terrible night! Lying too me! Humoring me!! His pathetic needy wife and my silly cravings! I know I'm hovering too much and he has every right to be ratty at me. I focused on our girls and me and not on what he's been going through! I fuddled this whole being a wife thing up!" She sat down burying her face in her hands.

"What the hell is going on with Prince? Why's Princess in hysterical tears?" Logan appeared in the Common Room.

"Hermione called Harry on drinking Guinness and he went postal on her." Ginny was seeing to Hermione, as was Ron.

"Thea's tucked in for the night. I'll go track him down." Logan growled. "Don't fret, princess. I'll drag Prince back home to you." He vanished.

"Logan's right. We have a prince to drag back home." Dean and Seamus hated seeing any girl cry.

"Logan has more of a chance against him than the two of you. Harry's got three years more magic under his belt than the two of you and is the Next Merlin." Ron was letting Hermione cry on his shoulder. "Draco and I'll go get him. He went to vent at Wills and always crashes at Highgrove when the two of you row."

"Let's leave no stone unturned. Neville, Dean, and Seamus check Hogsmeade and The Leaky Caldron. Ron and I are heading for Highgrove." Draco was not happy with Harry's actions.

Dean, Neville, and Seamus all left the room.

"Not to worry. Gin, Lav, Luna, and I will see to Hermione." Alex assured Draco. "Maybe what Harry needs is a gap year."

Draco grabbed hold of Ron's arm and they vanished.



"Hide the booze. Baby brother is beyond in a mood." Henry was soaked to the skin by the freak-evening storm. "It's nice to have a warning, but he nearly singed me this time." He shook water out of his hair.

"It's the eve of the first anniversary of the final battle, so I was expecting him to go off tonight. That's why we've enough food to feed a small army and only soft drinks, milk, water, and juice in the house. Not that it would make any difference, he'd just conjure his own drink if he really wished to get sloshed." Wills was reading his birthday present from Jo, an advanced copy of book six with a sneak peak of book sevens first chapters, in the Highgrove Common Room.

It was nothing like the book that she had given the others at Christmas and that was something he was going to keep to himself. He had discussed this with Jo and Harry's parents and they agreed that this version would be the way to go with the story and not the original manuscript. He planned on keeping it mum with Harry and Hermione, by sending them off on that two month long honeymoon in July.

"The girls are off with Trista, Katie Bell, and Kate tonight. So it's just the two of us here to calm him down." Henry also had his own copy of book six.

"I hope the two of you have pizza, because I intend to feast on Muggle food and soft drinks until I burst." Harry appeared in front of the fire.

Wills set down his book and focused on him. "Why aren't you at the party?"

"Why?! I'll tell you why! Hermione won't let me have any fun, unless it's by her rules! I needed some space, so I took it!" Harry raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. "One authentic Irish Guinness and she's all over me about it! Grabbing my hair and scolding me in front of the guys, like I was two or something!"

Draco and Ron appeared beside the couches.



"YOU DID WHAT?!" Wills and Henry glared murderously at him.


Ten minutes later Logan threw Harry into a chair. They both had a cut lip, were soaked, but that was the extent of the injuries from their row.

"You're mental! I hope you know that!" Harry snarled at him.


"I went to get some air! This is not about her! It's about my current nightmare and me...and that's when I'm allowed to sleep! I keep replaying that night in my dreams of what could have happened..." His voice caught. "What could have gone wrong…" Harry buried his face in his hands. "And wake up in a cold sweat because of it!"

"That's in the past. This is the future. Look forward to what's to come and not what once was." Wills got all wise with him.

"You took out his ass and we took out his mother on New Years Eve. Shove that tosh out of your head and focus on Hermione and your girls." Logan growled.

"Hermione and the girls are your bright future along with all of us. Just use that to vanquish your nightmare, if it rears its ugly serpent head again." Draco advised him. "That's what I do when my dreams haunt my nights. I think of Ginny, our future, my new family, and that eases its power over me."

"A lot of shit went down last year. It was bound to rear its ugly head eventually. Next month begins the two-month long celebration of our world's first year of peace. It's just so bloody difficult to party, when you're the one that experienced it all." Harry was in need of alone time with just him and Hermione somewhere faraway from everyone.

"Take the new yacht for a month. Spend some time alone with Hermione, while you cruise the Mediterranean in peace. The crew, are wizard friendly, as is the yacht, and they will see to your every whim." Wills as usual was one-step ahead of what they needed and already had a solution planned.

"I'd forgotten about our original plans for this summer." Harry's dark mood was lifting and with it the storm outside. "I know that a month long holiday will do us wonders."

"It would get Hermione to relax; besides everyone will see this as the two of you finally taking a honeymoon." Henry grinned.

"I start straight away the first week of July at the Auror Training Academy, so I'll be busy straight off this summer." Draco frowned. "I'll be very busy with waiting for N.E.W.T results next week and plowing through what needs finalizing at Dragon Manor."

"Luna and I'll be starting our Muggle Liaison training and learning the ins and outs of The Quibbler. Then there's finalizing the plans for our place in Godric's Hollow that Marcus is designing for us. So, she'll be staying at Sanctuary in her suite and I'll be crashing at my parent's new place that Mum loves, in Godric's Hollow." Ron went down his plans for the summer.

"What about Ginny, is she taking a gap year?" Henry asked.

"No. N.E.W.T scores pending, she's going to be apprenticing under Lucy at St. Mungo's. If not, my summer will be a living hell." Draco said a silent prayer for high marks on her N.E.W.T'S.

"Thea and I are gonna settle in at our new place and relax." Logan grinned.

"It's settled then, besides I arranged for it in May." Wills grinned. "Henry, Dromi, Rory, and I are booked solid with official duties starting July first to the twenty-ninth and then from August first to the twenty-seventh. We are not going to miss being here when Hermione has the girls."

"Yeah sure, if you just keep telling yourself that then maybe it will be true." Harry smirked

"I know the day and the time. We will not miss it." Wills vowed.

"It could be August twenty-eighth or sooner, but then again it might be September fifteenth. Who knows, only the girls, and they aren't giving out any hints." Harry chuckled when Wills glared at him. "I'm gonna need the details, so I can run this by Hermione. That is if she doesn't transfigure me into a toad or something. Who knows? She may want to lounge around Sanctuary all summer."

Wills went and retrieved the detailed itinerary of their time on the yacht and gave it to him. "The way I see it is this. No stress and a weekly visit from Lucy to keep watch over Hermione and the girls. Either that or she overdoes it and ends up on bedrest for two months. If you wish for company send Ferria, it's just that simple."

"Bed rest? She'd go insane and so would I. No your idea is best. I'll send Ferria with her answer." Harry vanished.


Harry and Hermione's quarters

Hermione was being smothered by attention, so much so it was driving her insane, so she ported to the tranquillity of her and Harry's bed. "If someone asks me if I want a pillow, or more tea I shall scream!" She grumbled.

Harry appeared just in time to hear her ranting to herself. "How does one month alone with us cruising the Mediterranean on a yacht sound?" He handed her detailed plans to Wills solution to their problems.

"Like heaven." Hermione was all for a holiday. "They'd hover worse at home, because everyone is living in Godric's Hollow, and would be constantly around. Just the five of us sounds heavenly."

"Then it's settled. We'll be off the first of July and return on my Birthday." Harry wrote a note to Wills, walked up to Ferria's perch, and gave it to her to deliver to Wills. "I will want a response, so please be a luv and stay until he writes one." He spoke in a soothing tone and stroked her wing. Then she was gone.

"It will be a chore staying out of the press and media." Hermione rubbed lotion on her ripening middle. "I don't exactly blend in anymore and using too much magic makes these three angels grow."

"No one in the Muggle World knows that you're expecting and our world knows better than to bother us. After all, its three days in Azkaban if any of the press, besides Fred, George, or Katie disturb you. The twins only print the exclusives that we give them. So it shouldn't be a problem. The yacht is registered to us as HJ and HA Pendragon." Harry checked out the things in the envelope that Wills had included in the plans that he had given him. This included passports for each of them, cash, a new black credit card, several new cards, and whatever else they would need for their holiday.

"Wills thinks of everything." Hermione smiled.

"That he does, angel. Now the rest of our family will probably not be happy about our plans." Harry didn't know how his parents were gonna react to them taking a holiday.

"We need the time alone and out of the public eye. Especially, with the summer long Four Hearts Celebrations, so they will understand." Hermione loved the idea of alone time with Harry.

Harry was gonna call it an early night, but he could hear someone pounding on the door downstairs. "Would me answering it wet and in a towel make them take the hint?"

"That depends. You see the girls might forget themselves and pounce on you." Hermione winked at him. "After all, you are my big, strong, handsome, Prince Wolfe." She sighed dreamily.

"You know what saying that does to me, my lioness." Harry growled nuzzling her neck.

"I just thought that you needed to look more, well, you know like they were interrupting us." Hermione purred.

"You are wicked, angel mine." Harry stripped down to his shorts and went to get rid of their company. "Hold that thought. I'll be back in a few minutes."


James frowned down at Lavender, Ginny, Luna, Alex, and Padma. "Are you sure that she was upset, because Logan, Harry, Thea, or Hermione casted Colloportus on their door that means they called it a night."

"Harry and Hermione had a row. We were watching over her, she growled something in an ancient tongue, and vanished." Lavender was worried.

"She's vulnerable now. I mean what if she goes into premature labor or something awful like that." Padma fretted.

"She called him on drinking some Guinness and he went mental on her." Luna filled her father in on some of what caused the row.

"Tomorrow's anniversary is eating at him and he's having bad dreams again. Add Hermione craving him, not food, and you have one grouchy wolf." Ginny frowned.

"She went mental over nothing and grabbed fistfuls of his hair to boot. That in itself was bound to start a row between them." Lexi rolled her eyes. "Don't get me wrong. I adore my cousin like a sister, but it's a wonder how he manages to stay sane."

Before James could respond to what the girls were telling him the door opened.

There stood a very annoyed Harry James in nothing, but a pair of gray sweat shorts. "When this is locked," He pointed forcefully at the door. "It means do not disturb period! Is the castle under attack, if not bugger off!" He snarled.

The girls drank in the sight of a nearly naked, beyond furious prince, and sighed clearly enjoying their view.

"You and Hermione need a holiday away on a yacht in the middle of some sea. All the family thinks so. Rory says that Wills is arranging it for you. Your Mum and I say go for it. The pups, cats, and other pets will be happy with us in Sanctuary. Just go enjoy some alone time, while you still can. Take a month or more if you need it." James suggested.

"All right Dad, the two of us will do just that. Good night Dad and fair maidens." Harry shut the door and chuckled when the girls all sighed as they headed back down the stairs, "God could he be any more perfectly gorgeous."

"Not bloody likely and he's all mine." Hermione was sitting on the stairs. "The pups would love the yacht, but Crooks and Pepper might be an issue. Pepper is going to have kittens."

"I suspected as much." Harry picked up Pepper and looked into her eyes for a minute or so. "Where we go then so do they. I guess our entourage is coming with. I don't see that as a problem. Wills took the Pups and the cats and had them checked over by a Muggle vet and they have had all of their shots. That and he had tags and paperwork made up for the pups and cats and included it in the envelope with the plans. That means that we're all set, besides I don't think that they would ever forgive us if we left them at home." Harry stared down at the nearly year old pups.

"No probably not, so let's tell Dobby and Winky to pack all of our things and have it sent to the manor. Rory and Dromi have already gotten Hedwig, Aristotle, and their owlets settled at home in the new Owlery, so they're all taken care of. We will spend tomorrow at Sanctuary, instead of here at the castle. I know the family will understand why we don't wish to be here for the end of the year feast this year. I know it'll be too hard on you and me not to think back on what happened. So, we will say our goodbyes in the morning and be off on our holiday the next day." Hermione smiled when he scooped her up into his arms and carried her back to their room.

"Angel, that sounds like the best plan that you have ever come up with and I love you for it. This castle will always be a welcome second home to us. It's time to get out, spread our wings, and fly on our own for awhile. Now let's call it a night." Harry was looking forward to their life after Hogwarts and their future what lay in store for them seemed glorious.


And so ends the seventh year and next begins a new arch

Life after Hogwarts

Chapter one

S Craven


I do not claim any of JKR's characters only that I love being able to create my own kind of mischief with her beloved characters. I do not claim any other things that are owned by other companies that I may mention once and a while in the stories...Although the original characters and ideas are mine and I loved creating them. So please review if you wish but try not to flame me too badly.


Cindra 2004-2008