And lo, we have the final part to this experiment of mine (I can't believe its really over ;;) This entire thing was somehow inspired by the song 'Half the Fun' by Snow Patrol. I don't know how, but as soon as I heard it the ideas just hit me and before I knew it… I had a four part fic. Yes there is angst. Hopefully there is sap. And odd surprises I only came up with in the previous chapter (I hope you were all paying attention now!) Nasty things happen, and you're all about to find out whether or not I really am incapable of writing an unhappy ending...



"I… I was wondering…"

"Wondering what?"

"…If I… did something stupid, I mean… REALLY stupid… and ended up in a lot of trouble… would you help me out?"

"What? Why the hell would you ask something like that…?"

"I just wondered… if you would save me…"



"You're an idiot…"



"Ahh, finally awake are we…?"

The dark voice stabbed at Kazahaya as his consciousness gradually fell back into place. Struggling to remember what had happened, he suddenly realised that somehow… even when he opened his eyes, it was pitch black… "Wh…what…?"

The voice was clearly smiling as it spoke again, "Kudou, do you have any idea why you were brought here…?"

"A…Amano-san…?" He blinked once, quickly realising that the reason for his blindness was that something… a strip of cloth maybe, had been tied tightly around his head. He gasped, trying desperately for a moment to reach for his face in order to confirm his suspicions, when to his horror he also found his hands and legs bound, the sensation of the thick, rough rope contrasting completely with the soft material over his eyes, "What the hell?"

A hand suddenly rested on his head, pushing down gently as the voice became closer, "Kudou, you haven't answered me…"

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about! What the hell do you think you're doing!" Kazahaya yelled in alarm as he eventually understood that his struggling was utterly useless, "Dammit, what do you want!"

Without warning, the soft, lightly weighted fingers rested on his head curled tightly, grasping his hair before violently pulling his head back, Kazahaya letting out another gasp as the pain hit him, "Ah!"

"Kudou, I think you know exactly why you're here…"

Oh god… Rikuou…

Forbidden to care for someone, just because this guy didn't like it… He just couldn't understand. Why wasn't he allowed to see him? Why was it so important that he be forced to stay confined to a group of people who hated him? Who he hated? Why couldn't he actually live his life…?

"Amano-san..." He said eventually, voice slow in defiance although it still retained a quiver of nervousness, "The only reason why I'm here is because you ordered it! You ordered those bastards to knock me out and bring me here by force! You-!" He was soon silenced by a sharp slap to his face, cheek stinging as the shock faded.

"You are in no position to raise your voice at me, Kudou!" came Amano's hardened tone, "Now, I asked you a question, and I would like it very much if you answered it."

Dammit, he knows anyway so what the hell is the point of all this? Does he just want to torture me or something…? Like a confession…

He paused, just feeling the lingering pain from where he had been stuck, before eventually speaking. "Because I… went to see him…"

"Him, Kudou…?"


No… I refuse.

He bit his lip for a moment before turning his head to the side. There was absolutely no way he would give Rikuou's name… Especially to a bastard like Amano… No way in hell…


"Being awfully bold, aren't we…?" The voice was certainly amused… almost cruel… "He was a boy from the Green Drugstore… Am I right…?"

Kazahaya shut his eyes tight behind the blindfold, contemplating for a moment what he would do if Amano were to do anything to Rikuou… If he were to loose him… Loose the only person left who really mattered… From the way he was talking, he knew everything already, but then perhaps… It was all just a mind game… someway to use him, to twist him into giving the information they were lacking to fill in the blanks… He couldn't risk it. Knowing that anything he said could somehow be used to hurt Rikuou… He resolved to keep silent no matter what.


After a moment's silence, the voice gave a low burst of laughter, the lighter haired boy crying out as he was struck across the face a second time. He was starting to feel dizzy… disorientated from the pain and complete darkness his vision was consumed with… Yes, this was good… If they knocked him unconscious again, then he wouldn't have to endure Amano's interrogation… he wouldn't have to worry about putting Rikuou at risk…

"…It's okay, Kudou…" Amano's deep voice brushed against his ear suddenly, "I know you. I know you all too well… You will break Kudou, mark my words…"

Kazahaya found his lips curving into a smile in defiance.

He would win this. If it took every ounce of strength in his body… Every fibre of his being… He would win…


I'll see you again… I promise…


Rikuou gasped, sitting bolt upright.

His heart was racing… Why? What was wrong with him…?

He glanced about the room, observing the darkness carefully, seeking some explanation as to why he had awoken so abruptly and in such a state. It had to have been around 3am… Utterly silent… Almost eerie… What could have startled him like that…?

Confused and somewhat uneasy, Rikuou pulled away his bed sheets, getting to his feet. There had been something… Some reason… He hadn't had a bad dream… Or at least, not one he could remember… Yet his heart was still pounding… He was still sweating… And the feelings of fear and alarm just weren't going away…


His eyes widened. It was Kazahaya… Somehow, though he wasn't absolutely certain why… He had the terrifying feeling that something bad had happened… Something bad had happened to Kazahaya…

But what? What was he to do? He had no idea where to find him… No idea what to do when he found him… Did this have something to do with that Amano guy he had mentioned…?

Eventually he sighed, raking back his raven hair. Then again… He was beginning to suspect that he was worrying too much… His gift had nothing to do with things like this, so perhaps it was all just an over-reaction to a bad dream… Yes, it must have just been a bad dream…

He smiled a little at himself. Honestly… Since meeting that guy - that clumsy, over-emotional guy who spoke so openly and so loudly… almost like he was a kid or something… All he had to do was get close to him and immediately he became so sensitive to everything… Even simple dreams were causing him to get worked up… It was stupid. Kazahaya was fine, so he should just go to sleep.

I'm an idiot…


"Isn't this like a dream?"

"What do you mean…?"

"I mean… how everything worked out… How we met like that… and now we find we both have these powers… Don't you think its all too perfect…?"


"Meeting again so many times… I… I mean… I feel kind of drawn to you… Its almost like we… were supposed to meet…"

"…Perhaps we were…"

"But it just sounds so stupid…!"

"Explain how?"

"Ah, I didn't mean it like that, I meant…! I meant… It seems too good to be true…"

"… You really are an idiot…"



"Good morning, Kudou. How are you feeling today?"

Kazahaya sucked in his breath, opening his eyes wearily to find that the blindfold still hadn't been removed. "Nnn…?"

He felt weak… So damn weak… Was this the second day he had spent like this…? The third…?

He hadn't been fed once… Only given a glass of water once a day… He had been struck, punched, kicked so many times it hurt simply to breath… Even to blink caused his body to become racked with agony… But he wouldn't give in… Not now, not ever…

"I would impressed at such endurance if I had thought it wasn't the work of an idiot…" came Amano's dark voice.

"…Bastard…" Kazahaya managed, his voice barely a whisper.

"Indeed." Amano's voice came from smirking lips, the lighter haired boy gasping suddenly as his chin was grabbed, head lifted sharply, "It seems I will have to go to further measures to get my way…"


Kazahaya flinched, sucking in his breath with sore lungs and an achy chest.


"…Hm…" Amano gave a small laugh, releasing Kazahaya's chin before calling… calling to someone else in the room…

Who…? What's happening…?

There was a sharp gasp, almost a cry coupled with the desperate sound of struggling, someone breathing hard as they tried so hard to get away from… from what…? Kazahaya couldn't help but feel apprehension at it all. Had they got someone else prisoner…? If so, just what where they thinking of doing…?

There was another cry, louder and clearer than before. Immediately Kazahaya's bruised ears picked up the sound; despite his fatigue, there could be no mistake - That had been a woman's voice.

"Now Kudou…" Amano said slowly, the person's frantic struggles continuing, "I'd like you to meet our other guest… This, is Miss Miyamoto… Sakura Miyamoto of Flat 237, Kingawa Road… I do believe you have encountered her before…?"

Kazahaya gasped almost silently, eyes widening.

Th… that name…

The address… That was the woman, the blonde woman with short hair in the white suit… That first job… He had gotten her address! Is this what they wanted it for? To bring her here against her will like this?


But had they really thought that far ahead…? Impossible…

"From the way your lips have twisted, I'll assume you remember her…" Amano spoke again, sounds of another burst of struggling followed by a loud thud and a cry, "Miss Miyamoto here is a very interesting young lady… Another of us… Another of the 'others'… But you see, Kudou, her gift is somewhat rare… That is the reason why I asked after her… Thank you for all your help…"

"I… I'm sorry…" Kazahaya whispered, biting his lip. Oh god, had this been what he was being used for…?

"This gift… Is almost the opposite to yours…"


"Of course, Miss Miyamoto could be classed as an empath… Like you, she can pick up memories and feelings, but there the similarities end…" Amano's voice became closer once again, only a short distance away from the lighter haired boy's face, "Unlike you… She can project those memories and feelings upon others… Or perhaps 'inflict' would be a more appropriate word…"

"Wh… what are… you thinking of…?" Kazahaya managed, voice still weak, shaky.

Amano's smile widened. "If I'm not mistaken, Kudou… Your 'powers', so to speak, become stronger when you're weak… And right now, you are so very, very weak, Kudou…"

No… NO…

"And Miss Miyamoto here… Well, her powers have also gotten stronger… Its her fear that makes them stronger… And in case you couldn't tell, she is terrified. That… and she has been put though a lot as of late…"

Please no… don't… DON'T…

More struggling… more cries and gasps… The sound of scuffled footsteps, someone being pushed… shoved forward… Finally, her hands on his face… Forced upon his face…

Kazahaya screamed.



Rikuou blinked once, tensing. What was that…? Like… Like someone had called his name…It was Kazahaya's voice…

"Rikuou…?" Came Kakei's soothing tone.

The darker haired boy looked up suddenly, eyes quivering. "Kazahaya is…!"

"Hm…" Kakei tilted his head thoughtfully, moving his fingers to his chin pensively, "It would seem… That friend of yours is in trouble…"

"What?" Rikuou took a step forward in desperation, pupils tight, "What's happened to him? Where is he!"

The shop's owner raised a hand as a sign to calm down before eventually putting both hands in his coat pockets, "If I tell you what has happened… You must promise me something in return…"

"I don't have time for this!" Rikuou roared, trembling, "If you know where he is, tell me!"

"Rikuou." Kakei's eyes had sharpened, his tone dangerous. Rikuou hesitated in his frantic rage, shooting a dark glare at the shop's owner. "Now… Listen to me. That boy has gotten into some rather big trouble… And it will not be easy to get him out, understand…?"

"Th…then what…?"

"The man who took him is not to be taken lightly." Kakei continued, "He is very powerful… Of course, he may be like us in that he has certain abilities… But these are not the source of his power. His power lies in his position… He is a very influential man, understand me Rikuou…?"

Rikuou's dark green eyes narrowed, his teeth clenched. "Th… then did he…?"

"Perhaps he did… I'm not certain, but perhaps he did also have some part to play in Miss Tsukiko's disappearance…"

The taller boy's pupils tightened, his fists so tight they were trembling. He felt so angry… So angry…



That guy… That guy, I swear I'll...

"But you see, he is seen as a leader, perhaps a ruler of those of us with these gifts. And because of this, whilst I refuse to have anything to do with him and his idiocy, he does have a lot of people with powers similar to yours… perhaps superior, under his command."

"I don't care about all that!" the taller boy eventually yelled, loosing his calm, "I swear, if he has done anything to hurt Kazahaya I will tear him apart and anyone who gets in my way!"

Kakei's face became deeply tainted with concern. He had only ever seen this side of Rikuou once before now… It genuinely scared him. Usually such a calm boy threatening to use his powers, such powers that he possessed, to harm others… It troubled him greatly…

Like this… Rikuou was dangerous.

"Rikuou…" He managed, voice a near whisper as he spoke his name in a shock ridden tone.

"Where is he!"

"Rikuou, promise me you wont do anything stupid-"

Rikuou growled, the glass bottles on the shelves beside him shattering loudly, "WHERE IS HE!"

The broken glass fell to the floor with a smash, smaller pieces following with a tinkle.

"Rikuou, calm yourself!" Kakei yelled, a rare scowl on his fair face as he stared into the other's dark green eyes so consumed with rage, "Getting worked up like this will not help Kudou-kun!"

Another line of bottles smashed, glass falling to the floor. The dark eyes were now almost completely lost in rage, near crazed as the boy spoke again, taking a step forward, "WHERE IS HE? TELL ME OR I'LL-"

There was a smack, Kakei slapping Rikuou hard across the face.

A long silence followed…

Kakei continued to scowl, watching the darker haired boy carefully in case he should loose control again, "… Rikuou…"



"…I… I want to save him…" Rikuou said eventually, voice shaky, "I want to find out what happened to Tsukiko too… But right now I…" He put a hand over his eyes, almost whispering, "I just want to save Kazahaya… I want to make sure he's alright…"

Kakei's hazel eyes softened, the scowl fading. "… The Plazza Hotel…"

"Huh…?" Rikuou removed his hand, eyes regarding the shop's owner in surprise.

"He's at the Plazza Hotel… To the South…"

The taller boy blinked once, a little taken a back.

"Save him, Rikuou." Kakei smiled kindly, putting his hands back in his coat pockets, "Do what ever it takes, but promise me… Promise me you wont kill anyone…"

Rikuou turned his head to the side, eyes narrow. It was an expression of thought, but also one of submission. "…"

"…One more thing…"

Rikuou turned back to the shop's owner, body still trembling ever so slightly.

"Whilst you're there… Make sure that man falls from power…"

"…" The taller boy stared for a moment, the shop's owner staring back with a stern expression, "…You… You know him…"

"It isn't important." Kakei said sharply, closing his eyes, "Now go and save that boy. And be careful…"

Rikuou hesitated only for a moment.

In an instant, he had ran from the store.

Kakei stood, regarding the shattered glass - the aftermath - with a pensive expression. Eventually he sighed, closing his eyes.

Honestly… When he gets close to someone…That boy is far too sensitive for his own good…


The fear…

The horror…

The pain…

Kazahaya whimpered, flinching in his sleep. The girl… Amano… everyone had left now, and he was all alone in the dark… or at least it seemed dark… The blindfold had not been removed once since his arrival, and he was beginning to forget just what light felt like…

Sakura Miyamoto… Those men… Amano had sent them… She had been stalked for weeks, maybe even months… Received phone calls… Threatening death… Threatening assault… Threatening all kinds of pain… She had been so afraid… First her dog… She came home to find the poor creature brutally murdered… gutted… She had thrown up so violently… Cried so hard… Then her boyfriend… She had received his dismembered eyes in a parcel, sent to her by post before the police had found the rest of his body left to rot… Finally she had been abducted… Raped… Beaten… She had lost all hope long ago, but still she feared for her life… Feared what was to come…

She was so afraid… In so much pain…

And Kazahaya had received all that suffering… So much suffering… all at once.

He had screamed, cried, thrashed about violently even hours after it had happened. He had retched, his body frantically trying to vomit what wasn't there to bring up, and even now, in his sleep…

It was all so clear… so vivid

He flinched, jolting with a small cry.

He couldn't escape… And at the same time, clawing at his conscious… his conscience…

It was all my fault… It was all my fault…

The guilt that it was him who had caused all this… Him who had given Amano her address… It was only him who could have done it, Sakura Miyamoto being such an elusive individual that following her would have been futile… Only he could have managed…

And look what he had done. He caused all this suffering… all this pain… And now it was all his…

Somehow… Despite the overwhelming agony…

It seemed so fair…


Kakei let out a small sigh, sitting at his desk with his head rested wearily in both hands.

How long has it been now…?

A faintly amused smile curved upon his lips. For someone who could see the future, he hardly ever thought to look back at the past. There just didn't seem to be any use in it… remembering something that had already happened… far too late to change now…

He sat quietly for a moment, musing silently to himself before eventually reaching into his pocket to pull out an old, bronze key, unlocking the bottom draw of his desk with a click.

A small, silver box lay inside, gleaming as it caught the light. Kakei carefully lifted it out, observing it silently for a moment with misty, nostalgia filled eyes before slowly reaching to open the lid.

"What's that you've got there…?"

He paused as the deep voice brushed against his ear, closing his eyes without turning around once, "You woke up sooner than I thought you would…"

Saiga grinned, moving to embrace the shop's owner from behind with his chin rested lightly on his shoulder, "That. Its beautiful…"

Kakei opened his hazel eyes, regarding the silver broach that lay within the box, pinned carefully to the red velvet backing. A butterfly… a silver butterfly with wings encrusted with gently glinting rubies, each no larger than a pin's head… "This was my mother's."

"Oh…?" Saiga's smirk softened somewhat, his embrace suddenly becoming a little tighter as if to comfort the other man.

"Its ok, it doesn't bother me at all these days…" the shop's owner smiled weakly, "She did what she had to… Its only right that I respect that… Its only right that I don't linger on the matter as if it were something sad… She was so strong, right until the end, and just knowing that keeps me satisfied…"

Saiga went silent for a moment, seeming distracted. Eventually he let out a small sigh, his smile fading altogether as he rested his head against the other's, "Still…Those people had no right to do that…"

"They were scared, that's all…" Kakei's smiled twisted a little, eyes sharpening, "They fear those who are different… Because I could see things they couldn't… Me… and him… The only way they could possibly have reacted was like they did…"

"She was a proud woman to protect you both like that…"


Both became quiet, deep in thought.

Saiga was the first to speak. "…That boy… Do you think he'll…?"

"I'm certain Rikuou will save him." Kakei said firmly, looking over the broach for a moment before slowly closing the lid, "They were supposed to meet and to be together… Perhaps more than that… In either case, nothing should be able to prevent what was meant to happen from happening…" The smile sharpened, "Even him…"

"…'Amano'…? He's a cunning bastard, I'll give him that…" the man in shades murmured, moving one hand to turn the other's head in order to plant a kiss upon his lips.

Kakei gave a cruel, faintly amused smile as he leant away, "of course…" he whispered, the other's breath caressing his face, "He's my brother…"


Rikuou had been stood in the building's shadow for sometime now, staring up with dark, rage consumed eyes. So tall… It must have been 90 floors at the least… And at the very top, over looking the city…

The Penthouse…

He growled under his breath, his fists, hung by his side, tightening so hard his knuckles turned white. The overwhelming rage was being pent up - saved for the task ahead. Kakei had said this man was not to be taken lightly, and even if he did indeed have people more powerful than himself, he refused to be beaten. There was no way he was going to allow that man to get away with what he had done…

If you want to destroy my life… I'll take you down with me…

His eyes shifted, glancing about the place quickly before he took his first steps into the building…



I'm awake…?

Kazahaya felt his mind slowly strengthen, coming to though he remained in a state of half consciousness, body in complete agony. He was faintly aware of tears streaming down his face…

"Kudou…" the deep voice was right beside his ear, "You still refuse to say a word…?"

"…" Kazahaya sucked in his breath, nipping his lip, hoping the stinging pain would waken him even just a little.

He gasped as he felt his body tighten, someone embracing him from behind with a finger tracing his lips, "You really are so very stupid, Kudou…" came Amano's dark voice, "Blood…? Do you really think biting yourself like that will do you any good…?"

"I…If you're…" Kazahaya groaned, voice barely audible as he strained to speak, "…going to kill… me… just… just d…do…it…"


I'm sorry…

There was a moment's silence before Amano let out a low burst of laughter, tightening his embrace ever so slightly, "What ever made you think that I would kill you…? This isn't leading to death… No, I merely wish… To reprimand you…"


"You see, Kudou…" Amano rested his chin on the boy's shoulder, lips beside his ear, "You went against the rules… When a pet bites its master's hand, you don't kill the pet… You punish it in the hope it will learn its lesson and not bite again…"

"I…I am… not your…"

"Try not to talk… It'll be much easier for me if you simply think…" Amano tilted his head a little, pressing his cheek gently against Kazahaya's, "I can hear you clearer that way…"

Kazahaya felt his heart tighten, jolting in shock.

He… He can read minds…?

"Yes. But only the surface… Only the first layer of consciousness… That is, Kudou, your immediate thoughts… I cannot see your subconscious, your memories or anything you yourself are unaware of… That you are not currently thinking of…" The smile widened, "…You disobeyed me, Kudou. Don't forget, if it wasn't for me, you would have been dead for a long time now… It was me who said you could stay with those other children… It was me who gave you work… But still…" the voice became lower, breath brushing Kazahaya's ear, "Even though I told you not to… you went to see that boy… Do you still wonder why I'm angry…?"

I just want to know… why am I not allowed to see him…

"Normals are below us, Kudou… Try not to get attached to something so vile and underhanded…"

Normals… You mean… Other people who don't have 'powers' …?

"Precisely… Those pathetic creatures who fear us, who desire to destroy us simply because we are superior to them… Have you never experienced it for yourself…?" Amano's hand moved to stroke the boy's hair, "Have you never experienced such discrimination and persecution because you are different…? Have you never lost anyone because of it…? They, those normals… They deserve to be crushed… I want them to suffer for all they have done…"

No… No, you can't…!

There was a loud smash, shouts and cries of alarm followed by the frantic sound footsteps pounding the floor.

Wh… what is…?

The sound of the door crashing open sounded, many footsteps… many men charging into the room, breathing hard…

"What is it?" Amano asked in an unusually concerned tone of voice, Kazahaya feeling his body released.

A deep voice replied, somewhat alarmed, "Th…There's trouble on the lower floors…! A boy… A boy has been making his way up here! He's been taking out the guards with some kind of power…!"


Kazahaya's eyes widened behind the blindfold, his heart skipping a beat.


Amano growled, going silent for a moment before speaking in a low, angry voice, "Which floor is he currently on…?"

"The last we heard it was the 57th…!"

"…Stop him. Whatever it takes, make sure he doesn't get here…!"

"Yes Sir!"

The footsteps retreated in a flurry, the door slamming shut behind them.

"… Kudou…" Amano's voice was sharp, dangerous, "I suppose this must all be for you… Right…? Rikuou Himura, is it…? Haha… Of course, how could I have even suspected him to be a 'normal' granted his place of work…?"

"Wh…what….?" Kazahaya shifted a little, body immediately racked in agony, "A…ah!"

"You think too loudly, Kudou… But no matter…"

"D…don't… hurt him…!" The smaller boy cried out, trying with all his might to raise his head only to find his neck twinge in pain, "Don't… Don't…!"

"Kudou, if he should try to harm me, I will have no choice but to defend myself…"

"Y…you bastard…. You bastard!" Kazahaya roared, jolting violently, his body trembling from the pain as he continued with what little strength remained to break free, "You-!"

There was a thud, Kazahaya giving a strangled gasp as his breath was knocked from him completely. Amano's smile was audible as he pulled his foot away from the boy's stomach, grabbing his chin with rough fingers as his head lolled to his chest, "You are a fool, Kudou… Now, be sure to stay here like a good boy…"

Through the dizzy hurt, his consciousness slipping away as the throbbing pain from where he had been kicked spread through his body, mingling with the sharp agony already present, the gut wrenching starvation… Kazahaya faintly heard footsteps… The door closing… Silence…


He had come for him, right…? He was putting himself at risk like this, for him… He shivered, sobbing quietly, the cool sensation of tears streaming down his face returning.

Rikuou… Please be okay…


Rikuou sucked in his breath, peering around a corner tentatively. Blood was already pouring from a deep gash on his upper arm… bruised… cuts and scratches on his face… But he refused to give in now, no matter how worn out he felt… No matter how tired…

Kazahaya, where are you…?

He was beginning to wish he had had the option to take the elevator… But as soon as he had entered the building, he had almost immediately caught the attention of some guards. A hotel, yes, but also a base for this man and those who followed him. The elevator was soon disabled, so the stairs had been the only way… A fact that was quickly sapping his strength, though not his will. He had to have been half way there by now… Perhaps more…

Kazahaya had to be close…

Hesitating for a second, he growled, charging around the corner. There must have been five men or so laying in wait, quickly spotting the intruder.

"There he is!"

They tensed, bodies burning in a fiery aura before attacking the darker haired boy, throwing barrages of flaming punches at his speeding form. Each was dodged, each avoided before they found the floor beneath them shatter as if it were glass, collapsing down with the rubble as Rikuou continued to rush through the corridor, coming to the next flight of stairs. He gasped, clutching his arm. One of the flames had caught his shoulder, biting at a patch of skin to leave it raw and red… stinging…

He clenched his teeth, ignoring the pain as he pushed himself onwards.

So many people with such powers… Powers to burn… Powers to break… Powers to paralyse… It made him sick to think that they were all being used in such a way… That they had all played some part in this… In taking away all that he cared for… It made him furious… Enraged… And it was that burning anger, his desire for retribution, which gave him the strength he needed to push himself on.

Up and up… Fighting… Forcing his way through the guards… Running on and on…

It was only a matter of time before his legs gave way. With a gasp, he collapsed to the floor, desperately trying with all his might to push himself back up to no avail.

Get up…! Get up!

He growled, eyes screwed shut.

Dammit, get up!

Body trembling all the while, muscles shivering, aching, he pushed his hands down hard, forcing every fibre of his being to bring his body back up.

Remember… Why you're doing this!

"…Ka…" He groaned, slowly, shakily rising, "Kazahaya…!"

In one final push, he stumbled to his feet, collapsing back heavily against the wall with his head lolled back, gasping for air.

I can't give up now…

Pausing only for a moment, he exhaled wearily, calming himself before turning his head to the side, carefully observing the stairs leading upwards with a look of determination. The plaque…

The 85th floor… I'm so close…

Summoning all his strength, he moved on, continuing to steadily climb the stairs.

More guards soon appeared… Around three now, rushing down to attack him.

He snarled. He was used to them all now. Only three…? Granted many were far more powerful than he was… His sheer determination was enough to give him the advantage.

Suddenly he froze, eyes widening. Impossible… He had only caught a blur, but… Slowly, his eyes shifting to glance down… He found a great gash across his chest, blood pouring from the wound. It was almost like a blade, a katana had slashed him, but when did?

He gasped, quickly stepping to the side just in time to evade the second attack which cut the banister clear in half. Growling, he turned to regard his attackers with an adrenalin consumed gaze.

What are they?

The men stood a little way up the stairs, smiling calmly with their hands stuck casually in their coat pockets… They seemed so relaxed…

"This guy… I can't believe he ran all the way up here…" One murmured to the others, shooting a superior glare down at the boy, "He's either really brave or really stupid…"

"Whatever, lets just cut him up, eh?"

Rikuou snarled, preparing to dodge again.

They… Their powers… Whilst I can break at a glance, they…

He gasped, hurling his body out of the way, only barely dodging the barrage of attacks which caused deep gashes upon the wall behind him. Through carelessness his leg was caught in the onslaught, blood splattering to the ground. He collapsed to one knee, staring at the deep gash on his left ankle.


Red was already staining his jeans, first hot… then cold… cooling…

"What, is that it?" One laughed, shaking his head, "Please, you raised such expectations, it seems a shame that you turned out to be so pitiful…!"

"Yeah, you could have at least been a little tougher…! What the hell did you think you were doing, anyway…? Attacking us head on like this… Didn't you realise just who you were dealing with…?"

"I feel sorry that you came this far…! Whatever you came for… Oh well…"

The men let out a burst of laughter, the sound clawing at Rikuou's mind… Scratching…

He raised his head, shooting a deadly glare at his attackers.

"I… I wont let you stop me…" He growled, body trembling as clenched his fists. "I wont let you stop me!" In an instant he threw an arm out, sending a blast of energy flying at one of the aggressors.

There was a loud crack, the man sent tumbling back with a thud, blood streaming down his face… unconscious…

The others looked on in horror, turning back to Rikuou with shocked expressions on their previously calm faces.

Rikuou stared back, eyes burning. Gradually, ever so slowly, a faintly amused smile formed on the boy's lips, "You… You're all idiots if you think that'll stop me…" He murmured, pulling back his hand, "I wont let you get away with it… Everything you've done… Keeping me back like this… I'll break you!" In a flash he had charged forward, running head on, almost recklessly towards the two remaining men who scowled hard, frantically throwing invisible swipes, slashing his shoulder, chest and face.

Rikuou threw his hand forward, a blast sending another of the men flying back, causing him to hit the wall with a loud crash, face already a bloody mess. He soon turned his attention to the final man. He was shivering in terror, staring back at the taller boy with fearful eyes before going to take a step away which only resulted in him tripping over his own feet, falling back with a thud.

"G…get away from me!" He yelled desperately, Rikuou finding his body slashed several more times as he continued to walk forward, face a picture of calm... Green eyes just staring, unmoving… The man scrambled to get away, rushing to turn tail and run when Rikuou grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around to punch him hard across the face with a smack.

There was a thump the man fell unconscious to the ground.

Rikuou paused for a moment.


He took a deep breath, slowly moving to continue up the stairs.


This rage… This anger… This absolute desire to save that which mattered…

He felt blinded, so enraged that he had reached a place beyond calm… This wasn't overconfidence… Neither was it acceptance of defeat… It was simply focus.

Primal focus...

He walked on, faintly aware of having passed a plaque which signalled the 89th floor… So close now… He was vaguely aware of others having tried to attack him, only remembering cries… snaps… cracks… blood…

I wont kill… I wont kill… But I will break you… I will make you suffer…

Many chose to run. So much smarter than those who had stayed… Those who had had their arms broken… Ribs shattered….

Rikuou groaned, focus fading as his mind came gradually back to reality. He felt heavy now… The fuzzy rage was fading, and the stinging sensation of pain was becoming clearer every second. New wounds… When had they happened…? Slowly, through hazy eyes, he spotted the final plaque - The 90th floor…


"How is the situation!" Amano yelled at the last remaining guards - only ten or so left now…

One turned, panic stricken, "A…Amano-san, he's…!"

There was a scream. A loud crash followed by the tinkling of glass… cries of terror… pain…

What…? Amano's eyes widened, taking a step back as the culprit came skulking from around the corner.

Rikuou raised his head slowly, face tired, exhausted, covered in blood… His clothes were now almost completely soaked red… His own blood… The blood of those who had been in his way… He was battered, bruised, bloody… He barely had the strength to keep his eyes open, but all that didn't matter… No… Not when he was so close…

"Wh…what are you waiting for!" Amano yelled frantically, "Stop him!"

The dark green eyes narrowed as the first five men charged towards him, each quickly finding their arms twisted by an invisible force, snapping… Each toppling to the floor like they had been cut down as grass to a blade.

He exhaled, swaying a little before taking another step forward.

"Stop him!" Amano yelled again, the final five guards hesitating for a moment before eventually choosing to advance. But no sooner had they taken the first step forward had they found themselves face down of the burgundy carpet, arms broken… Ribs shattered… Legs snapped…

The sound of a gunlock being released clicked suddenly.

Rikuou stopped, observing the man before him. "…"

Amano returned the hard stare, aiming the gun at the boy's head, "… You… You're Rikuou Himura, yes…?"

Rikuou scowled hard, eyes quivering. That voice… Those eyes… The resemblance, as vague as it was, was unmistakable. "…Kakei…"

A slight look of surprise appeared on the man's face, though it quickly faded, "I see… So you do work for that coward…"

"You took him…" Rikuou said quietly, eyes not moving from the man once, "You took Kazahaya…"

"Rikuou Himura…" Amano said slowly, tasting each syllable, "You wouldn't happen to be a relative of Miss Tsukiko now, would you…?"

Rikuou's eyes widened, body jolting as he gasped, "Y…YOU-!"

Amano let out a small laugh, still keeping the gun in place, "Yes, I know all about it… Yes, I was one of those who played a part in her sudden departure…Though I think you should know…" His smile widened, eyes softening ever so slightly, "Right now… I really haven't any idea where she could be… Perhaps she really is dearly departed"

"DON'T LIE!" Rikuou roared, shutting his eyes tight.

"I may be a lot of things, Himura, but a liar is not one of them…"

Rikuou gritted his teeth hard, returning his gaze back to the man before him,"…I'll kill you… I swear… I'll kill you…"

"Honestly, what would my dear little brother think if you did that…?" Amano looked over the boy, smile remaining in place, "…You're a fascinating boy, Himura… Whilst I have met many others before now who are certainly more powerful than you by far… You seem to have something else that makes you much much stronger…"

"Where is Kazahaya…?"

"Himura… Surely you hate them just a little…? Those who don't have powers… Those who persecute us… Didn't Kakei tell you? How they killed our mother trying to get to us…?" The hazel eyes sharpened, "He was such a coward… Still is… We're so superior to those fools, surely its our right to put them in their place…? I don't simply wish to do this out of revenge… No, I believe that one day it will be us… Us with powers beyond their understanding… It should be us in control… Don't you think, Himura…?"

"Don't compare me to a bastard like you…" Rikuou growled, clenching his fists tight, "And still, you say this isn't out of revenge… Somehow that seems exactly what its for…"

"Miss Tsukiko… She was attacked once, was she not…?"


"You and Miss Tsukiko… Those people… They were afraid… They tried to hurt you, didn't they…?"

"How… How did you…!"

"If they had killed her… Can you honestly tell me you wouldn't want to get them back for what they had done…?"

Rikuou just scowled, clearly unnerved. "…"

"…Heh…" Amano's smile widened, "I prove my point… But you see, whilst we suffered the same, me and my brother… Whilst we both bore witness to our mother's slaughter… He refuses to play any part in my vision… That coward… He refuses to cause them any suffering at all…" He growled, lowering his voice as if to speak privately to himself, "Why did you leave it to him…? Why him and not me…? That coward who wont lift a finger to avenge you…!"

The taller boy snarled, eyes narrowing. In a flash, the gun was blasted from Amano's hand, falling to the floor with a clatter, "YOU'RE THE COWARD!" He roared, taking another step forward, "You… aren't you ashamed of yourself? If you truly see the 'others' as superior, why do you prey upon them? Why do you use them like you do? The only thing you see as superior is yourself!"

Amano glowered, rubbing his hand, "Himura, just think about-"


In an instant, Amano found himself sent tumbling backwards, hitting the ground with a thud as Rikuou walked towards him. He groaned, pushing himself up.

The dark green eyes were ablaze, fiery in rage, "If you've done anything to him… If you've so much as harmed one hair on his head… I swear… I will break every bone in your body…"


"…" Rikuou leant down to grab the man's throat, tightening his grip until the satisfying sound of choking passed Amano's lips. He scowled, hauling the man up, "I'll ask you again… For the last time… Where is he…?"

Gradually, realising his situation was utterly futile, Amano raised a shaky hand to point in the direction of his room, Rikuou turning to glower before closing his eyes. "For your own good… You had better not be lying…"

There was a loud thud as Amano was thrown to the floor, gasping for breath.

Rikuou paused, regarding the fallen man for a moment before turning to head for the door that had been pointed to.


Finally… It was over…

There was a deafening bang.

Time seemed to stand completely still in the silence which followed… unmoving… Almost eerie…

The darker haired boy froze, eyes wide, pupils tight. In an instant the searing pain had hit his body. He gasped, collapsing to his knees with one hand clutching desperately at his shoulder, blood streaming from the wound as he gasped for breath…

Amano's laughter soon broke the silence, "You idiot… You are such a fool, Himura…!" He laughed, lowering the gun, "Turning your back like that… Had you forgotten there was a gun right beside me…?" Slowly, rubbing his neck, he rose to his feet, aiming the gun once again at the boy, "You've caused me a lot of grief, Himura… But still, I admire your efforts… I'm sorry that you came all this way for nothing…"



"I… I was wondering…"

He flinched, forcing open his hazy eyes.

"…If I… did something stupid, I mean… REALLY stupid… and ended up in a lot of trouble… would you help me out?"

"…" the dark green softened, quivering.

"I just wondered… if you would save me…"

"Goodbye, Rikuou Himura…"

Like lightning Rikuou spun around, pupils shrinking. In a tremendous blast the gun smashed to pieces in Amano's hand. A second blast, sudden, sharp cracks as the man's finger's were each snapped in half, a strangled scream resounding from the man. Another blast, his arms twisting with a snap before he was finally sent crashing against the wall, crying out in agony.


Rikuou shivered, collapsing to the ground with a thud as the sweat, the blood dripped from his face, each breath making him feel like his lungs could burst at any moment.

Idiot… Kazahaya, how could you be such an idiot…?

He forced a smiled through the pain, eyes still screwed shut…

I'd rather die than see you suffer…


Kazahaya moaned, slowly awakening.


Gunshot… He was certain he had heard gunshot… But now it was so silent… This silence… This deathly quiet silence… It scared him… It made his heart pound hard with terror.

Rikuou… Oh god, please be okay… Rikuou…

He couldn't stand it. If anything had happened to him… If he had gotten hurt… If he were to ever loose him, he just… Didn't know what he would do… He felt so afraid… Life without him... Life without Rikuou… To never see him again… He felt he could die…

Rikuou… Rikuou, I…

With a creak the door was opened, footsteps approaching… Such heavy, weary footsteps…

Kazahaya tried weakly to raise his head, lips trembling with both pain and worry, "Wh… who are you…?"

Silence… A silence which felt like an eternity...


He gasped, freezing. Th… That voice…


A soft hand gently cupping his cheek, comforting…


"Rikuou… Rikuou…" Kazahaya whispered, trembling in disbelief.

In an instant the blindfold was removed, light stinging the boy's amber green eyes… The ropes broken… His arms… His legs… Everything hurt so much…

"Kazahaya, I'm here…"

"Nnn…" Slowly the blinding light faded, eyes adjusting to that he had been starved of for so long… And that face… Features gradually coming into place… Face so cut and bruised… So bloody… But then… That expression… That look… Those dark green eyes so happy… So sad all at once… Above all else… So relieved… "Rikuou…" He sobbed, tears streaming down his face, "Rikuou… Rikuou…!"

In a flash he threw his arms around the other boy's neck, burying his face against his chest as the other embraced him tightly in return, one holding the other so strongly despite the agony being sent shooting through their bodies…. It was nothing. In their own world… At that moment there was no pain… No suffering…

"Rikuou… Rikuou I can't… I can't believe you really…" Kazahaya whispered through his tears.

Rikuou smiled in exhaustion, voice low, tired, "Idiot… You really think I'd just leave you…?"

Kazahaya smiled, still crying. They always had to be so stupid… It seemed that anything concerning the other had that effect. "…Thank you…"

"…But I think I should warn you…"

"H…huh…?" Kazahaya blinked, confused, "What… what do you mean…?"

"I mean…" Rikuou closed his eyes, resting his head against the other's as he moved one hand to stroke his lightish locks, "I don't think I'm going to be able to let you go…"

"And you call me an idiot…" the smaller boy said teasingly, tightening his grip on the other ever so slightly.

Another moments silence…

Rikuou opened his eyes, hazy with thought. It was sometime before he finally spoke, "…All of this… Its made me realise…."

"Realise what…?"

"…Just… how important you are to me…" Rikuou paused for a moment, considering just what it was he was going to say. Eventually he let out a small sigh, pulling away before cupping the smaller boy's face in both hands. He smiled, a little embarrassed as his eyes moved carefully over his face, taking in every feature in adoration, "… I love you…"

"Wh… wha, wha, wha…?" Kazahaya stuttered, going a deep shade of red, "What….?"

Rikuou couldn't help but laugh, regarding the stunned look being sent his way, "You heard me you idiot…"


"And what about me…?" the taller boy's face softened, "Surely you like me just a little…?"

"I…" Kazahaya started mumbling incomprehensively, averting his eyes in embarrassment, "I… I, uh… Um…"

At that moment….

When I thought I had lost you…

Imagining life without you…

Even if it was just the thought…

I felt like my heart could break…

He went silent, eyes quivering, "…I…"

"Meeting again so many times… I… I mean… I feel kind of drawn to you… Its almost like we…"

"…I think…"

"…were supposed to meet…"

"…I… love you…"

Rikuou smiled, giving a small sigh in exasperation, "Then everything's okay."


He closed his eyes, smile still firmly on his lips… But the pain and exhaustion were beginning to catch up with him, and everything seemed to be getting dimmer now…

I feel like I'm dying… Dammit, I'm not dying… I just…

He tilted the other's head back, leaning closer.

I just need sleep… A lot of sleep…

Carefully he pressed a tender kiss upon the other's lips, Kazahaya accepting tentatively.

But not yet… First… First I have to get you out of here… I have to get you to safety…

He flinched as he pulled away, clutching at his shoulder with a groan, "…kch…!"

"Ri, Rikuou..!" Kazahaya gasped, eyes widening, "What's happened…? What's wrong…?"

"I…Its not important…" Rikuou pushed himself to his feet, still clutching the wound where he had been shot, "Come on… We should get out of here… it's a long walk down…"

"Rikuou…" Kazahaya weakly got to his feet, swaying slightly before collapsing against the other, "Ah… I… I'm sorry… I'm so tired…"

The taller boy gave an affectionate smile, wrapping an arm around him to support his slender form, "Its okay… Its all over… so its okay now…"

"Rikuou, stop talking like that…!" Kazahaya turned his head angrily, clearly upset, "You make it sound like you're dying or something…"

"Not yet… I still have stuff to do…" Rikuou smirked, closing his eyes again, "Maybe later…"

"Rikuou! I swear, if you die on me, I'll… I'll…!"

The taller boy let out a low laugh, pulling the other closer against him, "I wont die… Okay…? I promise… So stop threatening me already…"

"Y…You'd better not!" Kazahaya huffed, swiping weakly at a few stray tears which had begun to trace a path down his already tear stained cheek. He smiled, closing his eyes and breathing shakily. He was drifting off now… The other's weight against him… Strong… Supportive… "Hey… Rikuou… where are we going…?"



Kazahaya blinked, eyes opening hazily. "H…huh…?"

Familiar… This room… The smell…

Gradually everything came into focus, amber green eyes adjusting to his surroundings. He blinked again, pushing himself up with a groan. Apparently he still ached… But no longer did he feel exhausted… It would seem he had rested well. Then… This place… He may have been a little disorientated, but there could be no mistake… It was the room above the Green Drugstore…

"Rikuou…?" He murmured, looking about nervously in search of the other, "Hey, Rikuou…?"

Finding no sign of the taller boy, he pulled away the bed sheets to find himself dressed in jeans and a t-shirt far too large for him, arms plastered and bandaged… Still some vague patches of bruised skin… Other than that he seemed completely healed. He stepped onto the ground, pressing his foot down experimentally before standing up completely, swaying slightly before regaining balance and stumbling forward, over to the curtain.

"Rikuou…?" He blinked as he pulled the cloth away, finding the shop's owner stood beside the other's bed - Rikuou laid unconscious, "U…um…"

Kakei smiled, turning to beam kindly at the boy, "I see you're finally awake… I've never known anyone to sleep quite that much…"

"How… How long was I asleep for…?" He asked timidly, resting a hand on the wall for support.

"About 53 hours now…"

"Th… That long?" Kazahaya said in surprise.

"Yes, you were really very weak when Rikuou brought you back… Looked like you hadn't been fed for days, you poor thing… You were quite bruised as well… And your wrists and ankles looked very sore…" Kakei turned back to Rikuou, lowering his voice in condolence, "…But… I'm sorry…"


"I'm afraid… Rikuou didn't have the same luck as you…"


Kazahaya's heart froze in his chest, eyes widening in disbelief.

He had heard it…. He had heard it, but at the same time…

No… That's…

His world suddenly cracking like glass… shattering into a thousand pieces…

"He… He…"

"I'm sorry…" Kakei closed his eyes, speaking softly , "He did everything he could to save you… Right until the very end…"

"…You really are an idiot…"

"…Ri…Rikuou… is…" Kazahaya uttered in a stunned silence, voice barely a whisper, "…no…"

"…I'm very sorry…" the shop's owner walked slowly towards the door, giving Kazahaya a sympathetic smile, "I'll… leave you alone…"

Kazahaya just stared straight ahead, eyes unmoving from the other's body.


He stumbled forward, walking weakly to the other's bedside, his face frozen in disbelief.

"I'd rather die than see you suffer…"

"Hey… Rikuou…?" He whispered, tears already rising in his eyes, "…Rikuou…?"

Tentatively he reached out with trembling fingers to shake the other's shoulder, teardrops falling onto the sheets, "Ri…R…" He sobbed suddenly, the amber green tainted with sorrow, squinting as if in pain before he screwed his eyes shut, the tears streaming down his face in full force, "Rikuou! Rikuou, wake up! Wake up, dammit!" Both hands now, desperately shaking the other's shoulders, "RIKUOU!"

How could this have happened…? After everything they went through… After all that suffering… All the pain… How could things end, just like that…?

"Rikuou… Rikuou, no…"

Don't leave like this… How could you just leave after everything we've been through?

He gave a strangled cry, shaking his head.

Don't leave me!

In a flash the other grabbed his wrists, opening his eyes with a smirk. Kazahaya wasn't certain what happened next, but all he could remember was suddenly finding himself collapsed… Perhaps pulled down upon the other, gasping in shock, "Ri… What the…!"

"You are so damn hilarious when you get worked up…"

"Rikuou…?" Kazahaya pushed himself up, sat on the other's stomach, "Rikuou? But-!"

Rikuou grinned, still holding onto the other's wrists tightly, "Surprise…"

"You… YOU BASTARD!" He roared, struggling to get free to no avail, "I-I can't believe you'd do something so cruel! Do you have any idea how I just felt? YOU INSENSITIVE BASTARD!" He sobbed, tears still streaming down his face, "I hate you…!"

"Hey, stop that, you're getting me all wet…" Rikuou sighed, closing his eyes before pushing himself up, the other still sat on his stomach, "I'm sorry… Stop crying…"

"NO!" Kazahaya sobbed, rubbing at his eyes furiously.

The taller boy wrapped his arms around the other's waist, pressing his forehead against his, "I wont do it again…" He said softly, moving to kiss the other gently.

Kazahaya huffed as he leant away, turning his head indignantly, "Bu…but your boss said…!"

Rikuou laughed a little, "Welcome to the Green Drugstore… You'd better get used to the odd sadistic gesture…"

"You're both bastards…"

"I wouldn't say that if I were you…" his smirk widened, "Don't want to get fired now, do you…?"

"F…fired…?" The smaller boy blinked, slightly alarmed, "What do you mean, 'fired'…?"

"You work here now."


"Kakei said you can work here now… And live here…" Rikuou moved one hand to cup the boy's face, staring back darkly, "…any problems…?"

Kazahaya stuttered, averting his eyes again, "Nn…no…" his lips twisted into a small smile, eyes narrowing hazily, "…Thank you…"

"Stop that, it doesn't suit you when you act all quiet like that…"

"…" The smaller boy paused for a moment, pensive, "…um…"


"Umm…" He lowered his voice, mumbling, "…are you… Okay…?"

"…?" Rikuou looked surprised for a moment, regarding the other's embarrassed expression. Eventually he moved a hand to the boy's nose, flicking him lightly.

"Ah… Ow! What was that for!"

He smirked, closing his eyes, "That's better… Now I'm just fine…"

"…" Kazahaya glowered, rubbing his nose, "You're such a bastard…" He huffed, pulling his arms around the other's neck, "I hate you… Dammit, I could kill you…" He leant closer, brushing his lips against the other's, "…If I didn't love you so damn much…"

Rikuou smiled, embracing the other tightly to initiate a long and passionate kiss. Kazahaya flinched, moaning as he felt the other pressing so heavily against him. It ached… But at the same time it felt so warm… secure… It felt so hard to believe that only a few days ago he had suffered so much… The both of them…

"Isn't this like a dream?"

Kazahaya's lips curved as the kiss continued, smiling blissfully.

He had never even expected things to be this perfect… Ever since he had ran away… He hadn't expected to ever be happy, especially like this… Having aimed to live alone…Even if it had taken him a while to realise… Right now he was completely unafraid… This feeling…

He just wanted to say it over and over again…

I love you…


It was about a month or so later when the young lady had turned up at the Green Drugstore. At first Kazahaya hadn't recognised her - the previously blonde, almost platinum hair dyed a dark red….

He blinked, halting in his sweeping of the store, "Y…You're…"

The lady smiled kindly, tilting her head to the side, "Hello Kudou-kun."

"M…Miss Miyamoto…!" He gasped, stepping away as if he had half expected her to hit him, "H…How are you feeling…!"

She giggled at the boy's nervousness, beaming, "I'm fine…! Please, you don't have to look to scared…"

Kazahaya calmed, bowing his head sadly, "I… I'm sorry…"

Her amused smile softened, reaching out with a gloved hand to gently stroke the smaller boy's hair, "Its okay… Kakei-san explained everything to me…"

"But… Still, I'm so sorry…"

"…Kudou-kun, do you like animals…?"

"Huh…?" Kazahaya blinked, caught off guard by such a seemingly off topic question, "I… Yes, I like them…"

"You see… Just a few weeks ago I opened a pet shop a few streets away…" She winked, smile widening, "Do you know just how long I've wanted to do that…?"

Kazahaya went silent, shaking his head.

"For a long… long time now…" She giggled again, clasping both her hands to heart as she continued in a soft, silky voice, "I didn't think I could ever be happy again… After everything that happened… But since I've found this direction… This reason to live my life… I've come to realise, when everything seems so awful… When you feel like things are at their worst … After that, it can all only really get better… Don't you think so, Kudou-kun…?"

Kazahaya stared, dumfounded. He was surprised… So surprised to hear all this… It made sense. It made perfect sense…

"Y…yes…" He managed eventually, nodding with a bright smile, "Yes…!"

"So don't worry about it…!" the lady giggled, patting him on the head, "Its all okay now, right…?"

"Yes…!" Kazahaya bowed, smiling away, "Thank you Miss Miyamoto…!"

Kakei smiled from by the till as he observed the scene, Rikuou stood beside him.

"… I didn't kill him you know…" Rikuou said slowly in a low voice.

"I know."

"But what if he tries all of this again…? Don't you think he's going to be pretty angry…?"

"Oh, I think he's learnt his lesson…" Kakei's eyes sharpened, shifting to observe the taller boy, "His pride has been hurt really badly from all this…And even if he does try something so stupid again, I think it'll be a long time before he gathers enough power to reclaim his position…"

"… You should know… You and that bastard… I guess sadism runs in your family…"

"Please, Rikuou, don't compare me to that man…"

"Hahaha!" Came Saiga's booming laugher as he materialized as if from thin air, putting his arms around the shop's owner, "Sounds like an interesting man to me…! Maybe I should meet this older brother-"

"What ever do you mean by that, Saiga…?"

"Ahahaha, it was just a joke…!"

"I hope so."

Rikuou sighed, smiling to himself as he left the two to continue their dispute. Kazahaya was still bowing furiously when the lady finally waved farewell, leaving the store with a bright smile.

Kazahaya sighed, turning to find the other watching him before laughing, rubbing the back of his neck, "What? What are you staring at Rikuou?"

He sighed shaking his head with a smirk, "You're far too cute sometimes…"

The smaller boy grinned, bouncing over to throw his arms around the other, "Thanks…"

"Now get back to work."

"Huh…" Kazahaya huffed, a little disappointed, "If you're going to compliment me, you could at least be a little warmer about i-!" He was cut off as Rikuou kissed him suddenly… passionately… moving his lips hungrily against the other's with one hand moving to cup his cheek. It wasn't long before Kakei's sigh resounded from somewhere behind them, Saiga laughing away.

"Come on you two, back to work now…!"

"Ah, yes Kakei-san!" Kazahaya gasped as Rikuou pulled away, rushing to continue his clean up of the store. Grabbing the broom, he continued to sweep furiously at the floor, a little red in the face.

Just having him around makes me do such embarrassing things…

He sighed, glancing sideways to find the other watching him with his arms crossed, an affectionate smile curved upon his lips.

Ah… I didn't think I could have ever been this lucky… I guess things really do only get better…

He blushed harder, smiling back.

And for now at least…

Watching each other… no one but each other in this perfect world…

This is my happy ending…