Veiled Qualms & Painful Departures


Don't give up . . . do the right thing . . .

Usagi growled as she looked down at the young girl. A growl not meant to scare her, but to give her a reassuarance that she would pull through, Yutamiki seemed to understand, though she did tighten her hand and glared at the buttons that threatened to kill Kagome. "That one."

She pointed to a button that had Self Destruct on it. InuYasha bit his lip to stifle his retort, but Usagi was more upfront with her as far as her ignorace. "Have you lost your mind? That'll kill us all!"

Everyone grimaced as they turned their heads back to the fight. Blood pooled around the two sisters feet as they each held an arm or their stomach and panted as fatigue drifted over them, threatening to cause them to fall and lose the battle. They were now fighting on stubborness and rage, and to say they were getting no where was an understatement. InuYasha whimpered. "We have to hurry before they kill themselves!" He urged. "We have to do something!"

"That button right there." Yutamiki said dryly as she pointed to it. "You have to push that button."

InuYasha didn't say anything as him and Usagi exchanged glances. Usagi dropped to her knees in front of Yutamiki. "Honey. . . are you absolutely sure that that will help us? Are you sure?"

Yutamiki didn't say anything as her gaze dulled and she looked at Kagome in the barrier. Taking her hand out from Usagi's, she walked over to the barrier and closed her eyes.

Do the right thing . . . Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked towards the direction of the young girl.

Kagome . . . do the right thing . . .

The right thing . . . Who are you . . . my chest . . .

Do the right thing . . . and you'll feel so much better . . .

Why should I . . . InuYasha's . . . been taken from me . . .

InuYasha whimpered and flattened his ears against his head. InuYasha's here . . . do the right thing. Save the miko . . . save yourself . . .

How can I when . . . it's all my fault . . . it's too late . . .

It's never too late to do the right thing . . .

Who are you . . . . I can't see anything . . . It's so dark . . . and cold . . .

Yutamiki sighed and opened her eyes, just to pin her glare on Yoko. "She's too far gone." She said blantantly to InuYasha as she stared at the neko. "I have no choice. Push the button."

InuYasha did a double take. "Do you realize . . . what that button does? We'll all die! It'll defeat the purpose---"

"Do you want to help Kagome or not?" She said calmly. InuYasha felt his skin crawled, and he had a feeling that something was different about this human girl that he hadn't realized a long back. With a sigh, he turned around and looked at Usagi.

"You can't . . . you won't . . . surely you understand . . . "She tried. She really did, but the look in his eyes, the way his jaw tightened, she knew he made his mind.

"I trust her . . . I have faith in Yutamiki. She would never hurt me . . . or Kagome. Do you think she would hurt you too? She knows what she's doing. Please . . . push the button."

Usagi trembled as her mind slowed to a crawl. Everything, everyone was focused on her. She felt a cold drift, causing her bones to chatter and her knees to practically go weak as she turned and stared at the button that ensured her demise---or did it? Her heart . . . her mind was pressing at her to push the button, but an unknown force, something that had suddenly becaome too strong for her to fight back, rose in her, choked her, strangled her, and she found . . . she could not budge. "I can't . . . I'm sorry."


Sesshomaru groaned as he opened his eyes slowly. Trying to look around, his winced as everything slammed into him, and he felt someone slightly tapping him, whispering so softly, yet it felt like they were screaming in his face. "Sesshomaru . . . "

"Lecherous monk . . . do not speak so loudly . . ."

Miroku hid his grin as Sesshomaru sat up stubbornly. Miroku didn't miss the grunt of pain . . .didn't miss the agony that flashed across the tai-youkai's features. "How do you feel?"

Sesshomaru tried to answer the question. But his fairly loud cry of pain answered it for him. But as something registered in his mind, he gave weak attempts at trying to stand. "I have to . . . see her . . . "

"Your hurt! You shouldn't be up . . . not to mention moving!"

"I need to see her . . . if it's the last thing I ever do . . . surely you understand this . . . "

Miroku nearly did a double take as he stared at the tai-youkai. Where was the stoic expression he normally planned his battles with? Where was the ego and pride of a fearless leader that lost none a battle, who was scared of nothing except life itself? What happened to the one that made mother nature tremble with fright, yet made her cry with melancholy that this being could find no peace in the world?

All his saw . .. was a lost young boy. He could tell the boy was not human, but something in that gaze told him that he was showing more emotion than he wanted to. Raw need couldn't cover up the flash of worry and absolute horror that he would lose something so important to him . . . as well as the understanding that he might not live to see another day, Miroku didn't have the heart to refuse his dying wish. "Very well." He managed with a neutral tone. Sesshomaru took slow, careful steps as they started up the stairs.

"Promise me this."

Miroku looked surprised. "Hmmm?"

"If I don't live to see another day . . . my brother inherits my father's lands. You know this."

Miroku cleared his throat. Wondering where Sesshomaru was going with this, he waited a while before answering. "I do."

"Tell him this for me . . . that being a man will sometimes make him admit his fears. Tell him to promise me . . . that he will maintain a strong leader. Also, tell him the things that my heart never allowed me to say with words, but rather with brutal actions."

Realizing the depth of Sesshomaru's request, realizing that the end must be near for Sesshomaru to say such uncharacteristic things made him push to go faster up the stares. He watched as a weak smile crossed Sesshomaru's face, before it twisted in pain and he coughed blood once gain. "Sesshomaru . . . we're almost there . . . just hold on . . . "

Miroku could feel the dark energy growing stronger before he even walked into the doorway. He watched as Tsukiko's bloody figure turned to stare at Sesshomaru, before she slowly staggered towards him. "Moon! Do not walk away from me! If you do . . . you forfeit the battle!"

Tsukiko didn't stop walking until she reached Sesshomaru, who was now sitting on the floor. Smiling as she kneeled down and cupped her cheeks, she kissed him tenderly as Yoko's shrieks of absolute rage rang in her ears, followed by a gust of wind, and a cry of agony as her scent diminished from the presence of the hanyous, youkais and humans, revealing Aneko.

She didn't say anything as she turned and looked at Usagi. She didn't have any emotion on her face , nothing more than a tattered and bloodied mess, her eyes called out to Usagi, dared her to remember something far more than her useless feelings.

Usagi tossed her long white ears back over her shoulder as she sighed in irritation. Glancing back at her watch, she tapped her foot impatiently as she sniffed the air again. What's taking her so long? She closed her eyes and focused on her hearing ; nothing. They just weren't on their way. She didn't have time to be out here waiting. She had things to do. Important things to do than to be bossed around by a no show's cousin.

Dusting off her peach skirt with an incredulous skirt, she fiddled with the buttons going down the middle as she tugged at the ruffled bottom. She didn't know why she felt the need to better her appearance, but by now, she guessed it was habit. Tucking her crisp white shoulder-less shirt into her skirt, she tugged the matching peach jacket open slightly as a breeze blew one more time, forcing her to blow her ears out of her face once more.

Shifting from one foot to the other, she bent down and tugged off her shoes, letting them drop to the ground next to her. Then, she began tugging on her skirt once more. She didn't even want to be here. Personally, she didn't necessarily like this member of the Ayamamuras. But she was given the task to check up on their progress, and she knew better than to refuse. She swore under her breath after ten minutes of waiting, and bent down to pick up her shoes.

Rolling her eyes as she turned on her heels, she stopped suddenly and clucked her teeth. "You decide to show up when I decide to leave?" The other youkai snorted.

"I was here a long time ago. Your patience is very thin you know." Usagi crossed her arms, refusing to turn around and look at the female standing behind her. She could feel her cold yellow eyes raking over her back, could feel the slight irritation as she felt her gaze fall to her feet.

"Well? Did you complete your task?"

"Not exactly. It seems my younger sister doesn't take orders very well." Usagi tried to hide her growing irritation at how the female was toying with her. She hated being toyed with, and the fact that her boss would slaughter her was the only thing keeping her from turning around and striking the damned woman

"Well, teach her to follow rules or she's going to get you killed." Usagi growled.

"You know as well as I do the actions of my sister will do no such thing. However you should watch how you speak to me." The woman replied smugly. Clenching her teeth together, Usagi counted in her head before she spoke.

"So, she killed her?"

"Not her per se, but the unborn." Usagi ignored the knot in her throat. Swallowing hard, she flipped her ears over her shoulder again as the gentle breeze threw them in her face.

"Where's the others?" She asked tightly.

"Home. We have not decided when to strike."

Usagi made an attempt to hide her grin. It didn't work. "Don't. I shall talk to Sun about it." The woman scowled.

"What did you call her?"

"What is it to you?" Usagi let out a choked cry as she felt herself being slammed on the ground. Opening her eyes, she found herself laying on the ground, half propped on her elbows with a sword at her neck. Sweat slid down her temple as her breathing became labored, and cold fear began pumping through her veins. But stubborn pride, and an ego to match allowed her to gaze into those narrow yellow eyes that dared her to challenged the woman's authority one more time.

"Repeat that statement."

Usagi grinned idiotically. "I said what is it to—" Usagi coughed as the neko pushed the tip of the blade into her neck dangerously.

"Remember this." The woman growled. "Know your place. Respect what those greater than you have offered. A servant should act like one, or your time here is short." Usagi was speechless as the woman in front of her vanished. She was frozen on the spot. That gaze…those eyes…they changed into that of something different.

Usagi snorted as she stood up and dusted off her skirt. Wrinkling her nose, she began walking out of the empty field. Why do I feel that . . . she just tried to . . .wanted to. . . help me?

Usagi turned and stared at the button that promised damnation as well as salvation. If she pushed the button . . . would the miko be saved? Would she be able to survive the aftereffects of pushing the damn button? She had to be sure. . . . she was in no desire to die . . . not yet anyway. "Yutamiki . . . tell me. After I push the button . . . then what?"

"You must leave. Don't worry about me . . . I'll be fine. Just you have to get out."

InuYasha's breath caught in his throat. "Hurry! She's been enveloped in the dark light of the energy forming at her chest! We're wasting time!"

Usagi's held her breath. Her finger lingered just inches away from the button. Her hands was shaking and sweaty, and her heart was hammering against her chest. Why couldn't she push the button? She felt every nerve in her body knotting up, making her unable to move, and yet slowly she moved her hand until she slammed it atop the button. Usagi looked up on the screen of the machine, which was now flashing red.

"Warning! Warning! 20 seconds until detonation! Warning! Starting countdown!" Usagi felt Yutamiki's hand slip out of hers, and watched as she quickly ran over to the barrier. Turning around, and with the help of Miroku, picked Sesshomaru up while InuYasha picked up Tsukiko.

Ten seconds left . . .

They quickly stumbled to the window, securing themselves before they jumped.

Five . . .

InuYasha bared himself . . .

Four . . .

Miroku jumped first . . .

Three . . .

Usagi let go before she herself went out the window.

Two . . .

InuYasha, not realizing what happened, jumped before he had a chance to stop Usagi. Usagi, however, ran back to Yutamiki. Slipping her hands in Yutamiki's, she gave a warm smile as they were developed in a pink glow. "Do the right thing." She whispered.

One . . .

InuYasha covered his head as the building lit up with a screeching sound before it exploded in front of him. Bricks fell to the floor, yet he smelled and saw no blood whatsoever. Looking around frantically, he could feel the panic rising in his throat, could feel his heart aching as the fatal truth registered in his mind.

No . . . she can't be gone . . . I don't believe it.

It was disturbing how he wanted to cry, but he was afraid that if he did, he would never stop. He searched frantically in the bricks, careful not too move to much in case Tsukiko was uncomfortable, but he saw, heard, smelled, knew nothing, which made the painful ache in his chest swell up so much that it was hard to breathe. Caught with the feeling to sink to the ground, but too ashamed to show so much weakness in front of others, he stood there, tears stinging his eyes, when he threw his head back and let out a long howl that made the moon shatter and the sun disentergrate.

Feeling his muscles relax because of the action, he felt a strange familiarity over this one action, and images of a young woman laying at his feet flashed through his mind, yet he threw his head back and howled one more time, this time stronger, and full of so much emotion, he didn't really notice when Sesshomaru threw his head back, and gave a mournful, yet stricken cry.

InuYasha allowed himself to howl twice more before the movement of his throat muscles became too much to bear. He watched as the sky cleared up, and the sun began to rise over Tokyo, easing human hearts. But his hanyou heart was shattered to a million pieces when he accepted that Kagome was gone. Slowly, he turned to leave without saying anything to anyone.


InuYasha turned slowly to find Yutamiki and Kagome floating down in a miko's aura bubble. Kagome, who was still unconscious, hit the ground softly at Yutamiki's feet as the young girl rubbed the back of a rabbits head with her knuckles. "Yutamiki?"

"It is done." Yutamiki said as she exploded in miko's energies. She smiled sadly as she looked at the faces of her friends, her family. "Take good care of us InuYasha . . . "

"Us? Yutamiki . . . wait! Where are you going?"

Yutamiki simply smiled and waved as a tear of sadness strolled down her cheek. The sun shined on her, before she faded away into nothing. The wind blew, reminding InuYasha of her scent one last time before he let go of Tsukiko and kneeled in front of Kagome.

"InuYasha . . . she is dead."

No . ..


Kagome blinked her eyes as the darkness that clouded her mind faded away and the pain at he chest slowly diminished. Even though it was hazy, she found herself in the same garden that she was before, except a whispering voice was calling to her, begging for her to answer.

Are you awake . . .

Who are you . . .

The child within yourself . . . you've freed the child within yourself . . .

Wha---the child within myself. . . .

Kagome . . . do you remember those days when you were young, and you used to cry for hours at a time. Or now, when you felt that InuYasha hurt you more than he ever realized, you used to keep that pain bottled up, creating the child within yourself.

I . . . I don't understand.

When a person constantly suffers pain, it forms dark energy in their soul. That's where most demons like Naraku start out. But you, a miko with a pure heart, instead you created a separate being, unleashing the child within you that was lost and didn't have anybody to turn to. But, you have freed the child within yourself.

The child . . . who's the child?

Kagome . . . have you not realized that a young child resembles everything about you, even shared the same hopes with you when you were younger? Have you failed to realize the similarities?

I . . .

Get up.

I . . . I can't. Everything is too heavy . .. Help me . . .

Unless you wish to see another day, unless you wish to see your family, your beloved hanyou , you will get up.

InuYasha . . . I have to get up.

Chikara Nanda Ai Shiteiru. Do not forget what you have learned. Farewell, my daughter.

Kagome opened her eyes slowly and coughed, spurting water out of her mouth as her heart beat quickened and every body function snapped back into order. Her body pushed off the ground, and she howled in pain for a moment before everything registered in her mind, and she was sitting up, looking around.

The first thing that came to her, was everyone was deathly pale. The other thing that came to her, was that everyone was practically bleeding to death. She turned and looked at InuYasha, her mouth open to form questions that she couldn't ask. Why? She didn't know. But it hurt to know the truth, and he nodded sadly as he pointed to a flower that lay near Kagome's hand.

The flowers that Yutamiki had first been holding when I met her. Wha----Wait . . .

Kagome pictured her and her father sitting in the meadow. It was a very nice day, perfect weather, and his birthday. Kagome had long forgotten about this moment, and yet, it came to her clear as day as tears formed in her eyes.

"Kagome, tell me. What do you want in life?"

"To be with you and Momma."

"You can't always be with me and Momma. And we can't always be here for you either."

"You can't?"

Her father looked off into the distace sadly. "There's a period in every humans life when they disappear from existence, and go into the afterlife. Your mother and I will experience it, and you will too, but we will way before you do."

"How can we escape this fate daddy? I don't want to disappear."

Kagome's father, had laughed. Not to mock her, but he laughed at how his predictions were coming true. "I do not know my darling, but you are a special girl. I acknowledge that kami has big things for you later on in life. Who knows, you might even find a way."

"Daddy, when you leave, can I go with you?"

Her father smiled. "No, when one leaves, none can go with him. But I'll tell you what. When I go, I'll beg kami until his ears fall off for me to become whatever you wish. And I'll be with you forever."

The first thing Kagome turned and saw was Goshinboku, and under it, hundreds of the flowers she held now.

Thank you, father.


Kagome smiled as InuYasha swore and bounded the room, holding two mirror images of him grinning from ear to ear mischieviously as he raised an eyebrow and swore once again. "Your sons just tried to shove Tetsusaiga up my . . ."

Kagome growled as the baby began to stir. "Stop yelling, you'll wake her."

InuYasha snorted. "Oh, now the baby gets more attention than I do. Perfectly swell wench. Perfectly swell."

"Inuakamori . . . " One of the twins said sweetly. "Me thinks papa needs his claws clipped."

The other one smiled as they wiggled out of his grasps and darted through the house, the father right on their heels. Their laughter echoed through the house as Kagome picked up the baby with a sigh.

"Hello honey . . . did they wake you? Momma's terribly sorry."

Kagome looked out the window. It had been nearly 5 years since that incident with the Nekos, and her and InuYasha were living a happy life. She missed Yutamiki, sure, but that didn't mean that she couldn't live her life like everyone expected her to.

She had told her mother what she figured out of the whole situation, and it warmed her mother's heart to know that her father guided her through the times she needed him most. But when she told Shippou . . . a part of him was still mourning. She knew that. Yet the other part wanted to live his life to the fullest just like she, they wanted him to.

He was now a teacher as Kagome's old high school. Kohaku, who didn't have an occupation just yet, finished college and hopes to work with the police force. Miroku and Sango still worked for Kagome and InuYasha. But nothing gets done. She giggled.

Rin lived with Sesshomaru, becoming an aspired writer. Hanako studied art, while Daichi was mainly into finances. Kazuyu was just starting school next year, and everyone couldn't be more happy.

Well . . . this is my life. Kagome thought as she walked in the living room to find her sons pinned on the floor by their father. She said nothing as she walked by into the kitchen, intending to feed the baby.

"Who put ramen all over the kitchen floor!" She screeched. Unfortunantly.



Covetousness 2 : Discoveries will be posted once I get home from school! I would like to thank those that gave me tips, and encouraged me to write even more, because I love to make peoples day. I hope you enjoyed!