I am sooooo sorry about taking forever to get this back on but you have to understand... my computer wasn't working... now I am on my grandparents computer... so hope you like this very much..


There is no last time...

Kouga woke up to see Angel still fast asleep. He smiled and traced his finger on her jaw. He saw her shiver and cuddle closer to him. He smiled again.

"Angel" He said softly."You need to get up." He kissed her cheek.

"No I don't want to get up mommy" Angel said and cuddled up to him like he was her pillow.

"Angel I am not your mother because I am a boy" Kouga said a chuckled.

"Eep" Angel said and fell off of the bed. Kouga started laughing at her.

"Aww did I scare wittle Angel" Kouga asked her.

"As a matter of fact yes yes you did" Angel said and got up and changed into a black dress. "Hurry up if you want to make that movie." She said and looked at the clock it read 6:32 p.m. They slept in really late. Angel started putting on make-up. It was simple. Some mascera, eyeliner, and black eyeshadow which she applied very lightly, and some clear lip gloss. Kouga walked into the room wearing some black pants, a tight thin sweater with a dark green shirt over the black sweater. He had on some black nike shoes. She put on some black highheels and got a black coat and her black purse and they went out to the garage to Angel's black mersadesse. (A/N WP: I am obbsessed with black right now Inu Gang: We could tell WP: ohhh shut up)

When they got there they got tickets to see The Grudge. They got in there and Angel was griping to Kouga really tightly during it. When it was over they walked out. it's now or never thought Kouga.

"Wait Angel" Kouga said and she turned and faced him. "Angel the first time I saw you I thought I was in heaven but you brought me back down here. I knew that I had fell in love with you when I first layed eyes on you. It's one of those love at first sight things. I could hardly control my self around you and that is why Angel Higurashi I ask your hand in marriage" Kouga said and kneeled down in front of her and revealed a very beautil ring. It had a head with diamons around the edge and a huge diamond in the middle.

"YES YES YES YES" Angel said and the crowd around them that they hadn't noticed was there, started clapping when Kouga put the ring on and they kissed passionatly.


Ok so everyone lived happily ever after... or so they say anyways this is how they turned out.

Inuyasha and Kagome

Kid: 1

Kid Name: Kimiko

Kouga and Angel

Kids: 1 that's not here yet

Sango and Miroku:

Kids: 2 Twins

Kid names: Miroku Jr, and Lilly

Sesshoumaru and Rin

Kids: 1

Kid Name: Alex

ok and about Kikyo... well she kinda had some butt ugly kids with Naraku anyways that's how it all ended well bye Waves until next time!