Author's Note: My first attempt at first person POV. Written for the 30 kisses community on LiveJournal. A short, rather fluffy InuKai fic.

Beta read by wanderingscribe. Thanks!


I watch Kaidoh Kaoru as he sleeps beside me. He is a lovelier sight than I ever would have predicted in the weak sunlight of early morning. I reach out slowly to brush his unbound hair away from his closed eyes, but stop just shy of touching him.

It is such a wonderful thing to be free to do something as simple as brushing his hair back. Even a few months ago, there was not a chance that he would have let me do that. He would have pushed me away even if no one was around to see. He also probably would have shoved me twenty percent more violently than he intended and blushed fiercely.

He still blushes now, of course. There is a seventy percent chance that he always will, but he doesn't shove my hand away and his flushed face is rather endearing.

My hand still hovers above his face as I study him closely. He sleeps on, oblivious to my gaze. No, he wouldn't flinch at my touch here and now. He would probably welcome it, as a matter of fact. He is sixty-five percent more prone to cuddling in the early hours of the morning. He sighs in his sleep. He doesn't know how childishly innocent he looks while sleeping and I don't intend to tell him. Despite my love of data and facts, I find something magical about being able to watch him this way.

Unfortunately, it is a spell that cannot last forever. In just a few short hours, we will have to rouse ourselves to get ready for school and he will put on the mask he wears in front of others. He will pull away and hiss if I try to take his hand as we walk to school; I've tried it on several occasions. Also, he insists that we walk up to the school doors separately so that no one guesses that he spends the night at my house more often than not.

Any public display of affection on my part is met with more hissing and glares. He won't let me kiss him anywhere there is a chance of being seen. Even if I manage to accost him between classes in an abandoned back hallway, he constantly looks around nervously. I admit that his fears are not unfounded. If Fuji ever saw us there is a ninety-eight point seven percent chance that he would use his knowledge for blackmailing purposes. However, it is still very difficult not to kiss Kaidoh the entire time we are at school.

I finally let my hand lightly brush away the hair that is in Kaidoh's face. I think there is only a fourteen percent chance of him waking up, but he surprises me yet again. He is always doing things that defy my reasoning and my predictions. He blinks up at me in mild confusion, for he is definitely not a morning person. "Inui?"

I am ridiculously happy to hear him say my name, although I have heard it so many times before. This is the only time he will dispense with the -senpai after my name.

It feels to me as though we are in a bubble that will burst when real life intrudes. We can only be honest with each other and ourselves when we are within this bubble. When we venture outside, we must pretend to be who we are not and pretend that this world of our own does not exist.

I smile, partly to myself and partly at Kaidoh, who looks sweeter when half asleep than at any other time. I stroke his hair back again and lean down, planting a tender kiss on his lips.

Perhaps I am foolish to think of our predawn time together as a flawless magical world that belongs to us alone. It is certainly not a very scientific thought for an avowed collector of data. The word "flawless" is itself not very reasonable; in my studies and research, after all, I have concluded that nothing can be without fault. But as Kaidoh closes his eyes and pulls me down for a deeper kiss, I cannot help but think that this world is one hundred percent perfect.