Blurb: Piper and her sisters are in trouble, Grams just died and the manor is being put up for auction unless they can gets some serious money fast. Piper finds and ad in the paper from a man looking for someone to have his child for a price. What is Piper to do? PL.RR

Ages: Prue - 23, Piper - 20, Phoebe - 18 and Leo - 27.

Disclaimer: I do not own Charmed or any of it's characters, any others that are not in charmed on the other hand are mine. But this story does happen to be mine and my own idea.

© Charmed-Phoebe03

The Baby Bargain… Chapter 1 (The Ad)

Piper's PoV

Piper didn't know why she was so nervous she thought anxiously gripping the newspaper clipping in her hands. Looking back on her decision now she was a bit uneasy, but she needed the money. They desperately needed the money, money had been basically fictional ever since their Grams had died. Prue had had to give up her hobby of photography for a more stable profession to help support home life and no matter how much Piper wanted to help she was in her fourth year of college and didn't want to give it up she thought as the door opened to reveal a very English looking butler. She told him why she was there and he offered her seat in one of the many sitting rooms say nothing but "Mr Wyatt has been expecting you, he will be down shortly. Please make yourself comfortable" itself the room was pretty grand, if not beautiful. She had wanted herself to look professional but she had realised that might be the right image to put across for what she was going to putting herself up for, so she stuck to a nice pair of comfy dark blue jeans matched with a red button sweater she borrowed off Prue, and to top it all off she ended it with a classic pony tail reasonably high on her head, but not too high she didn't want to give off the wrong impression. She continued to think if she got this then she would still be able to go to college until she started showing, and then she study at home. She honestly didn't know why a millionaire would put out an ad in a news paper for someone to have a baby for him. She hadn't heard much about this Leo Wyatt but she had heard he was quite the business tycoon. She had even read her far bit about him in the gossip pages, they would only by little bits commenting on his social life that's why she didn't understand it. From what she had read he was noting short of being a Greek God, though she hadn't seen any pictures of him, she still wouldn't able to understand why women wouldn't be queuing up to have his child. Even if he was ugly. But then the thought dawned on her women were lining up to have his off-spring and she was just one of them. And that thought was starting to scare her again. This was actually pretty professional in it all considering that she was told to bring her resume. She had been asked to bring not only her resume but, her medical history, her high school grades including her reading averages in primary school, baby photos and photos of her growing up, she was also asked to wear no make up at the interview. Which she had gone along with, she could understand why he wanted all of that information and her photos. The phone call to say she was interested in this hadn't been too pleasant though it just made her think what this interview was going to be like. And that was the thing that probably scared her the most, it was an interview for a job, just this one only lasted nine months. The phone call was just stale almost, she had gotten a personal assistant just basically asking her who she was, giving address, and a few personal details like how old she was and stuff and telling her what to bring as well as where to come for the interview. And now here she was scared spineless and with no make up to hide it.

She began to read though the ad she had gotten from the paper in her fingers again, it read:


A woman aged 20-30 that is

willing to bare a child.


- 20-30 yrs old

- physically fit

Other requirements are

mentioned in later interv-

iew. Best Applicants will

advance. A wealthy money

gift will be given as


She couldn't believe she was even considering this. Just then the double doors leading into the sitting room were quickly opened making her jump nearly out of her seat, and walked though the door was a tall blonde man, maybe 5'10, maybe 11. With the most beautiful aquamarine-green eyes she had ever seen standing above her in a dark grey suit matched with a black shirt making stand up to meet his gaze, even though as soon as she stood up she soon realised she wasn't going to match up to him.

Extending his hand out to her "Miss Piper Halliwell I believe, I'm Leo Wyatt" he said sitting down

Meeting her hand with his she sat down. "That's me"

"Looking through the information you given me my first question is why?"

She edged on her seat "why? As in why am I willing to do this? Well…" she paused a moment "…well it's more a case of money, me and my sisters are in some finical trouble at the moment. Ever since our grandmother's death we are trying our best to get by."

"Yes I see your grandmother was your guardian, after you mother died and your father left." he said emotionlessly. She looked up at him confused.

"don't be afraid" he said noticing the reaction to his statement. "I have everyone who is interested checked out myself better to be safe after all"


"now my second question, your twenty years old why do you think this will work better in my advantage?"

"Well you know I'm not able to drink being a year younger then the legal age, and I read in school, the general economics classes that the younger the mother the less chance of abnormalities in the off-spring, that includes the probability of downs syndrome, as well as complications in birth, which could lead to miscarriage."

"you know quite a lot for your age" he said observantly.

"I like knowing as much as I can. It prepares you for what comes ahead."

"True, true" he said looking at her in the eye.

"I see your still in college"


"Oh will continue if you are chosen?"

"well I thought I would go until I started to show and then continue at home with my studies."

"you have a plan" he observed again.

"I like to know whats going to happen, sometimes surprises aren't all that good" he nodded before saying.

"basically I have everything I need from you at this present time, but there are a few things I want you to know." she nodded.

"one that before you leave a fertility test will need to be done before you leave, I have a doctor in a spare room upstairs, also that if I were to chose you, you would have no right to this child after it was born, and if I chose you would need to sign a contract that would specify this further." he paused "and I would also like you to know that I believe in the natural way of things but, even I wouldn't make you do anything you wouldn't want to I would insist on natural insemination, but if it makes you uncomfortable I would go for artificial insemination." she had had a feeling that, that would be part of the deal, she thought as she nodded at what he had said.

"your prepared to do that?" he said leaning closer to her.

Taking a big breath "yes" she was in a way relived, she hadn't wanted to have sex with him, but she thought she might have to.

Patting her on the back "good" he said getting up "Lyle here will so you to the doctor" then turning to exit the room.

Getting up "May I ask you a question Mr. Wyatt?" he turned around looking her in the eyes.

"what might that be?"

"why are you asking complete strangers to have your child?"

Emotionless he said "I think it's time for my legacy to continue plus, no one else will have me" saying that he exited the room.

With that Lyle the butler stood next to were she was sitting, taking the hint she got up and followed him to the grand stair case. Oh god she though how could she be going though with this, but wait she thought to herself, he might not even choose her, yes she thought as she entered the one of the many guest rooms it was beautiful but what she couldn't help but notice was the big white screen with a curtain also. She was frightened, and she soon found out that it showed also.

"Are you okay my dear" the kind doctor looked at her. It was a woman with red mid length hair. "you looked distresses"

"I'm fine, just…" she paused looking at the screen. "…scared"

"Don't worry it's not as bad as it may seem, just come this way and get undressed behind the curtain for me, put on the gown please." doing as she was told she went behind the curtain, and got ready for the doctor.


Walking to Prue's car she picked up her pace. Prue had only let her borrow her car if she got it back in time, but in all fairness Piper hadn't expected a physical examination, although she had to admit it was a good idea- he didn't want to waste his time did he. It made her wonder if he had taken one, what was she thinking of course he would have. Starting up the car she drove out of the gates and on her way home, what a way to spend a Saturday she thought hardly. She wondered what her sisters were going to say. She wouldn't tell them, not unless she got the job. Then there wouldn't be any point in not telling them after all they would be stupid not to notice. And Mr Wyatt was cute she had to admit it, but at the time she was too nervous to think about it but now, she could gladly think about it she thought as she parked in the driveway.

"were have you been?" Phoebe said as soon as Piper had shut the door behind her.

"I was at the library" she lied.

"where's Prue?" she asked putting her coat on the hook.

"she's on the phone to the bank, she's trying to get a loan so the manor wont be put up for auction." that's what was going to happen to the manor if they didn't get the money soon, Piper admitted to herself, no matter how much she didn't want that it didn't make much difference. If she was going to do this she needed to go to the library for real.

"Phebs tell Prue I just went to the library"

"I thought you just came from there"

"I did I just realised I forgot my books" she lied again, getting her coat.

"god Piper if your head weren't attached to your shoulders-"

"yeah, yeah I know I'd forget it" she said in a jokey tone as she closed the manor door behind her.

Please Review I'd be grateful

NOTE TO VIEWER: For all those who read my note in Lessons in Love: College, temptation got the better of me. I know this is a way different plot to some stories but i think it works and it will be all good in the end, or will it?