Yes, this is an Epilogue, and yes, this is the end of the story. I know probably all my fans are grabbing pitchforks and lighting torches right about now, so I must assure you, I WILL continue this story in a sequel… as for now, read and enjoy! Thanks to all of those who reviewed, especially all the lurkers who came out of hiding!

Epilogue: To space, and beyond!

"I can't believe I'm going to space with a bunch of aliens!" Sara said as she darted about her room, looking for the book she had most recently been reading.

"Indeed. I did not expect Leader Draka to take you, let alone your friends," Illi'thus answered. He was personally shocked at all of the recent happenings.

"Well, what do you expect?" Ven'tise asked, lounging on Sara's bed, "Do you know how much honor Leader Draka is going to receive for retrieving the Sater Kreshebon? That's probably why he was so impatient; he's so close to finally delivering the shard to the Elders that he can barely wait."

Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door and a muffled voice yelling, "It's Zoë and Alex! If you do not open the door in a minute I will run to the feds being that you left us here!"

Sara chuckled. Zoë and Alex had both gone to each of their homes to assure their parents of their safety, and made it back to her apartment in under a half hour. Sara now had about forty five minutes to get back to the alien ship.

"Ven'tise, would you mind letting them in?" Sara asked. Ven'tise hopped off the bed and hurried out of the room. Sara finally found her book under her bed and jumped when Fuzz bolted out from underneath it.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about you," Sara muttered, walking over to her desk where she had hastily written a note to her dad:


I can't tell you where I'm going to be for the next few weeks. All I can tell you is I'll be with Alex and Zoë and I'll be fine. Trust me; I'll be back.



She had wanted to write more but couldn't think of anything else to say. If the Feds got a hold of it, she wasn't about to be arrested for consorting with aliens when she did get back.

Now, she scribbled a P.S. reminding her dad to feed Fuzz. She heard the door slam and Zoë quickly entered her room, "Are you done yet?" she asked impatiently, holding a soccer ball under her arm.

Sara glared at her, "Well excuse me if I'm not as excited as you are to go into space with a bunch of aliens. And what's with the soccer ball?"

"Sorry," Zoë muttered, "I'm still a little ticked you had planned to go without me. And as for this, I've got to stay in prime condition for when we get back; we both made the team, remember?"

Sara shook her head in disbelief and asked, "Did you see your mom?"

Zoë shook her head, "No; I thought that seeing me would only make my mom feel worse about me leaving again. I left her a letter though saying I am safe though…" Alex walked in the room, listening to music on an MP3 player.

"What about you Alex? How did aunt Sally take the news?"

Alex raised an eyebrow, "Do you seriously think my mom would let me go to space? I don't think so. I told her I was going on a last minute trip to check out some collages. I ran out the door before she could ask any questions."

Sara shook her head, but knew her Aunt Sally could take it. Once, Alex had disappeared for a month, eventually returning home to a more annoyed than worried Aunt Sally. Alex always did crazy things, but as long as he didn't break the law or do anything that would seriously endanger him, Aunt Sally allowed it; except the nose ring. She couldn't stand them.

Finally Sara felt that she had brought everything that she thought would keep her busy, namely three very long books and her sketchbook which she threw in her backpack. She didn't have to bring food or water or clothing; Illi'thus had told her she would be provided for, as well as Alex and Zoë. They had all just wanted to bring a few essentials to keep them busy on the two week journey through space.

"Ok, where's Fuzz?" Sara asked looking around. They others shrugged and Illi'thus spoke, "We must leave now. We do not have that much time to get back to the ship, especially avoiding your government's agents." Zoë had been right about one thing; the entire town was swarming with the "matrix" government dudes.

Sara sighed; she would just have to leave Fuzz without a goodbye. Grabbing her jacket just in case, Sara grabbed the Crystal Shard and headed with the others, back to the alien starship.

Sara leaned over to Zoë and whispered to her as they were being led to their rooms by Illi'thus and Ven'tise, "Would you have really turned us into those fed guys if we had left you?"

Zoë looked at Sara and smiled evilly, "No way; but they didn't know that, did they?" Sara laughed at Zoë's cunning.

"This will be your private quarters," Illi'thus said, leading them into a room, "You should probably stay here the majority of the trip for your own safety. If you wish to explore the ship, do not leave unless we are with you."

Sara had thought the outside of the ship was weird looking, but never could expect what the inside looked like. Then entire ship seemed to glow of an eerie red-orange light. Upon all of the walls, carvings of battles and other random pictures made the walls quite an interesting sight. There was also a white mist that covered the floor that was absent in the room Illi'thus led them into. Illi'thus showed them a bathroom connected onto the room and told them that meals would be brought to them three times a day.

"Well, a little paint, a few curtains, and a couple of throw pillows should make this place livable," Zoë said tossing her ball on one of the three small beds. Sara did the same with her backpack and jumped when a loud squeak came from it.

"What was that?" Ven'tise asked.

Sara shrugged and jumped back as her bag began to move. There was the noise of the zipper being pulled back and a familiar, furry face poked its head out of the bag.

"FUZZ!" everyone yelled in unison. The little kitten's answer was a high pitched mew as it pulled itself out of the bag and hopped on the bed sniffing furiously at its' new surroundings.

"You brought that thing with you!" Illi'thus yelled. Alex and Zoë were laughing, and Sara could only hold back her own giggles.

"I guess he slipped in my bag and I didn't notice."

Illi'thus glared at the kitten angrily while Ven'tise merely smiled, "I wonder how Draka is going to react to this?"

"He'll probably jettison the animal," Illi'thus muttered getting a horrified shout out of Sara.

"He wouldn't dare!"

"Yes he would."

"If he does I'm blowing up the ship…" Sara paused and smiled, "Or I'll put a force field around Zoë and let her loose; it'll seem like all hell has broken loose."

"Amen to that!" Zoë said with a smile.

Sara picked up Fuzz and stroked his head, thinking to herself. So far, in a week, she found a magical crystal, had aliens attack, befriend, attempt to murder, and abduct her, and is now on her way to a different planet, bringing the crystal with her. Sara vaguely remembered the shooting star she saw and her wish.

Sara smiled and remembered her father's favorite saying, "Be careful what you wish for, it just might happen."

How true that was…

To Be Continued…

Oh, how I love cliffhangers! And to end a story on one! Well, I'm pretty sure I'll at least have some people come back for the sequel. I'd like to thank first my reviewers who have been with me from the beginning of the story to the end! Thanks you guys! And of course I have to thank the lurkers who really made the hit counter fly! I'm dedicating this story to my cat Fluffy, who died in April. I'll miss you Fluffinator! So, with another thanks to my reviewers I'm off!


P.S. If you can't wait for the sequel to this story to come out, check out my other stories: Predator: Hunters, Predator: Ancient World, and my first non-Predator fanfic, Legacy of Kain: Revival. For Predator: Ancient World, I'm having some trouble contacting Amouthea so as soon as we talk I'll get another chapter up!