The Orochimaru Case

KaibasShadowGirl: Hello peoples! Ummm… so what's up? This is really stupid so its one of my theories… a stupid theory.

Summary: Kabuto decides to watch the news one day and he is shocked to see Orochimaru going to court… … MADNESS! The sound nins get scared, And become witness's Feel the terror of the Michael Jackson case!

Orochimaru: - You degrade me to a whole new level…

KaibasShadowGirl: Ummmm… I know. But would you like to say the disclaimer?

Orochimaru: Not really, but since this fic is based on me I will because I am nice.

KaibasShadowGirl: Right….


Disclaimer: KaibasShadowGirl does not own anything listed here, Naruto characters, Michael Jackson, Neverland, Global, CNN or Seto Kaiba's lawyers… There... The disclaimer has been finished.

Yawn 'This is soooo boooring', Kabuto thought to himself while performing open heart surgery on Kimimaro. He looked down at the bloody chest and then up at the clock which was convieniently placed in front of his face. After realizing it was his break, he decided this operation was too much trouble. So he reached inside and ripped his heart out. Quickly before Orochimaru yelled at him, he t placed the clock where the heart was meant to be and quickly stiched him up.

The anti-septic wore off soon after and Kabuto gently placed the bone-using fighter on the recovery table. Kimimaro looked at his stiches and smiled. "I-it ticks! Oh! How I love you!" he shouted and tried to hug Kabuto but he already left the room and was on his break…. Needless to say Kimimaro had a nice conversation with the floor.

Grabbing a bowl of ice-cream(my mom's eating ice-cream right now so to say.. epiphany!) from the fridge in the strange kitchen, he decided it was best if he caught up with what was happening in the world today.

After getting in a comfortable place and kicking both Zaku and Dosu(ha! Had to mention them) off the couch and stole the converter from them, he flipped the channel to CBC news… He almost fell asleep and decided that was "definitely not" a way to keep a youth his age entertained… so he turned on global which also had news.He was planning to change the channel when Zaku moaned a very bored "The great me is booored ! This show , if you call it is booooring!"

Kabuto nodded his head at him and was going to change the channel (what else?) to YTV, but a something caught his eye.. A certain someone.

Kabuto's like this write now: Oo. Dosu looked up and then looked at the screen. He was also like Oo. Now Zaku was getting highly annoyed he was like + ( the + is supposed to be a vein)"What are you two looking at!", he shouted.

Kabuto never moved his eyes(1) from the t.v. screen and simply pointed towards the tv. When Zaku looked he almost fell over…Silence engulfed them for a while except for the lady who was the reporter…"Michael Jacksons trial has been postponed for a week due to a death in the family for one of his eterny…" she trailed off.

Zaku was the one to break the silence. "Dude… Was that Orochimaru-sama?"

Dosu shook his head, the frilly pompom thing following after him, "I-I don't know…"

Kabuto's eyes filled with fire, 'This is my chance! I can finally get revenge on that perverted Sannin!', He punched his hands and pulled a cell phone from those creepy scarves he wears around his waist. He dialed a number and waited patiently for an answer.

(The phone conversation)

A secretary answered, "Hello", came her ringing voice," Kaibacorperation how may we help you?"

"Hello.", he replied, "This is Kabuto; get me the great lawyers of Seto Kaiba."

KaibasShadowGirl: Chappie 1 is complete… I wish I wrote more. Oo okaaay… that wasn't very a funny chapter but that will have to do for tonight. My mom is kicking me off TT waah… I promise if you give me lots of reviews flames or comments I will update… tell me how I'm doing! Ill give you credit for any ideas!... READ AND REVIEW! Um… and yaah… okay!