First of all, I can't belive I'm being reviewed from people are like the best writers in the world!I'm not worthy , I'm not worthy.(starts bowing to reviewers) Really, I thought I was dreaming when I saw some of your profiles. (trys to hug reviewers ,but Link pulls back)

Link: this is what happens when someone(points to SSL) eats too many sweets.

Ok now that that's out of the way...I bet you want to know who the girl is Huh? And what happened to the Yoshi huh? And why...Never mind I'll blow it.

Discaimer: This goes for the rest of the story:I do not own SSBM or any NINTENDO character.

Link was still crying and Marth was trying to find out how to speak the forbbiden language called English.

"Stop crying , you little green man ! "yelled Roy.

"Did you just call him a little green man ? " asked the girl who still has no name. Link cried harder.

"I don't want to be a little green man ! I want to be part of the blue man group. " cried Link ,pounding his fists on the floor.

" Keep dreaming. " said the girl.

" Shut up ,theif . " said Roy.

"You shut up. " Said the girl. Marth , Pikachu , and Link looked at her.

"No , you shut up. " Now everyone looked at Roy.

"Shut up ! " Look at girl.

"You shut up. " Look at Roy.

" No, You shut up! "(everyone looks at girl)

"You, shut up."( you should know by now.)

"I'm not shutting up until you shut up. "

" I'll shut up when you shut up. "

" Your weak scrawny voice is giving me a headache . "

"What! SHUT YOUR ..." Roy looked around. Everyone was staring at him. Could he really say the word? Did he have the guts , to say the word especailly to a girl? " "Your... Fudging mouth . " was how he answered.

Four pairs of eyes were staring at him. It was so quiet you could hear Captain Falcon singing the Barney song way off in the distance. Suddenly, everyone burst into laughter except Marth who didn't have a clue what was going on.

" Fudge? " asked Link holding his side , laughing.

" Pi ka chu! "

" Me no get, but me go along. " said Marth who suddenly joined the rest , who were laughing their heads off. Roy now was looking really annoyed. You could see his vien popping out of his forehead.

" You-"






Back to Nintendo headquarters:

" Can we really trust Shadow Link? He has a criminal record ,what if he goes againts us. " said a worried Zelda.

"He-a got rid-a of Link , didn't he ? " said Mario.

" Yes , but I still don't trust him... I think you should banish him. "

" Why? That would-a made him more prone to rebel. "

"I don't trust him being a Nintedo character... he seems too heartless. "

" Look -a Zelda I respect your-a opinion , but Shadow Links staying here. And thats-a final ! " Zelda glared at Mario and stormed out of his office.Mario made sure Zelda was gone before he said " Man , it's freaking hard to talk in an italian accent ! " The so called Mario removed his mustace and his big nose. " Why do I have to be Mario ? "

" You're the only one that is smart enough not to blow our secret. Unlike these two idiots. " said a familiar voice. It was Shadow Link , but he wasn't alone. Behind him were Ganondorf and Bowser.

" You only picked me because I'm of the Pokemon species . "

"That and your the one who didn't say "not it". " said Shadow Link.

" I told you I thought that was too childish to participate in ! "

"Whatever , Mewtwo , you're still Mario. "

" I refuse to be this italian plumber any longer. "

" Fine , we'll decide again. Not it! "

"Not it ! " yelled Bowser and Ganondorf.

" Hmm... looks like Mewtwo once again is Mario. "

" My genius should be praised , I could be teaching hobos to write, I could be reading the intire history of the world , but NO! i'm here pretending to be some midget plumber ! "

" Speaking of plumbing..." started Shadow Link as he handed a plunger to Mewtwo.

" The bathroom on the thrid floor is clogged. It appears that SOMEONE here misused the facilities. "

" Hey, I really had to go. REALLY BAD!" whined Ganondorf .

"Where's Mario? CAn I see Mario? Is MARIO okay? CAn I feed Mario? Did Mario have a girlfriend? IS- " asked Bowser before Shadow Link covered his big mouth with his shield.

"The answer to those questions in order are 1: tied up in the basement. 2.No. 3.He's breathing, and that's all that matters. 4.You already fed him five times today and its only eight in the morning!What are you fatting him up to eat him!"Bowser nods" 5. Why do you want to know if he had a girlfriend ? You can't have a girl. " said Shadow Link releasing Bowser.

"I can have girls. In fact I can have all the girls I want.See those things that everyone thinks are spikes? They're really-" Mewtwo pounded Bowser with the plunger.

" I think no one wants to know the end of that statement. " said Mewtwo.

"We won't have to for long. When we are the new rulers of this company , the first thing I'm getting is censors right after I buy a gang of bloodthrishty rabid robots. " said Shadow Link as he stormed out of the room.

"Robots? " asked Mewtwo. He looked at the plunger. " Well better take care of that.What are you going to do ,Bowser?"

"Feed Mario." he said grabbing a bag of chips and other fatty foods and exiting the office.

Back to the idiots-I mean very intellegent members of society:

"Yoshi..." the giant Yoshi was lost ,tired, and more than anything, hungry. He had lost track of Link and the yellow mouse and was wandering around. Suddenly ,he heard the magical word , the word that gave him hope, the word that fed his soul and his stomach. Coming from the far left he heard people screaming 'fudge' and lauging. The first thing that popped into Yoshi mind was a huge bar of chocolate fudge melting in the sun ,he drooled and ran off to find the source of the magical word.

The green Yoshi searched for 600 hours (well it was really a minute, but to Yoshi it was 600 hours) ,then in the middle of the green field he spotted a group of insane food products. There was a red headed licorice whip , a blue-haired blue rasberry lollypop, a punker chocolate bar, a green jellybean , and finally a red cheecked Twinkie.

"Yoshi..." (translated it means: MMmmmmm fatty sugary sweets...) Yoshi ran to the source of the junk food.

"Come on. It wasn't that funny! " yelled Roy trying to shut everyone up , but saying this made evryone laugh louder.

"Roy, appreciate that you said something hystarical for a change. " said Marth. Suddenly ,everyone became quiet and stared at Marth.

" spoke English and very good English . " said the girl who still doesn't have a name and hasn't had a name for nearly 2 chapters.

"Huh...siajfidsoiehoirewrihw" said Marth.

"Well that didn't last long." said Link.

Pikachu was away from the gang as he got bored of being with inferior beings for so long and he went exploring.Suddenly he heard a rustle .Pikachu turned back , there was nothing there.He went on unware of the danger that awaited him.

" Yoshi! " the Yoshi jumped out of the bushes with a crazed look in his eyes and grabbed Pikachu.

"Pika! " yelled Pikachu trying to escape the wrath of Yoshi ,but no one could escape as soon as he had them in his grasp.

" Hey where's your Pika ? " asked the teenage girl.

" My what? " asked Link.

" Pikachu . " Blank expression on Link's face. " Short yellow mouse! " Blank expression. " sigh , the sewer rat. "

"Oh. I don't know. "

" Pika." Said a familiar voice behind them. They all looked back. It was Pikachu covered in some sort of gooy substance.He was covered in it and he didn't seem too hapy either.

" What happened to sewer rat ? " asked Link.

" Pika chu..."

" Yoshi? What's a Yoshi ? " asked the girl.

" Wait you understand him ? " asked Link.

" Well he either said Yoshi or something about wanting a banana. I could have been parapharsing "

Suddenly a green crazed ,hungry Yoshi jumped out of nowhere and ate up both Marth(a.k.a Lollipop) and Roy(In Yoshi's eyes:licorice whip) and like everything that comes into Yoshi's mouth out came an egg(evetyone knows where eggs come out of?readers nod. One shakes his head. Well ask your parents kid.)

In the egg:

" cramped. " said Roy who was now stuck in the Yoshi egg with Marth.

"Its ...cozy. "

"'re weird. So now what do we do? " Marth opened his mouth to answer but was interruped by Roy " No Marth not that."

Outside with the killer Yoshi:

"Oh, so that's a Yoshi . " said the girl.

" Yeah." Pikachu ran behind Link in fear.

"Now what ? "


" I agree with the yellow mouse. RUN! " as soon as they tured to run the Yoshi charged . They( Girl,Link, Pikachu) were lucky, Yoshi was worn out from running so much and because of lack of food aqnd they were easily out running it ,for now.

" Stupid Yoshi! I am not food! I am Flare ,agent number-"

" So your name's Flare? " asked LInk.

" Sure as hell isn't Tinkerbell ,but must we discusse this now? "

" Why not? "

"Well, we are about to be eaten if we don't think of something. "

"Oh yeah. Too bad we can't stun it somehow. "

" Stun that's it!Link,tell Pikachu to use one of his attacks at Yoshi! "

" Yes...attacks.. " said Link.'crap. I don't know any of this rat's attacks. um..I'll make up someting that sounds good.' thought Link "Pikachu use your Hypersuperflamewatershot gun! " Pikachu stared and Flare too. " Ok. Use your Megahypersuperdestuctorearthquakes ! "

Same expression.

"You...don't know any of his attacks don't you ? "

" Yes I know! I...just my damage?"

"Right. Pikachu...use Thunder. "

The Yellow mouse smiled and released a giant charge of electricity that sent Yoshi flying. " YOSHI YOSHIIIIII!" (translation: I will get you giant twinkie bar!) the Yoshi screamed as it was blown away.

"Phew. That was close. " said Link.

" Well maybe if you studied Pikachu's attacks we would have been saved earliar. "

"Sorry , but since Pikachu is mine that means I saved You which means I get a reward! "

"You expect me to give you a reward for that? " Link nodded. " Well..." Flare dug into her pockets and took out the blue stone she stole- I mean found. "Here have this. "

"Wait. This is the first element! Yahoo! YAhoo! "

" Was that worth money? " whispered Flare into PIkachu's ears.Pikachu shrug his shoulders.

5 hours later:

"Yes!YAHOO!Now where's the next one? "

"Next what ? "asked Flare while playing poker with Pikachu.

"Next one of these stones ! "

"yawn I think there's one at Infinte Glacier. Some girl named Nana has it. "

"Crap...Its for the world...its for the world. " said Link walking down a dusty road along with Flare and Pikachu. To save the world they must collect the stones...but is that truly saving the world? What if there is something bigger...something bigger that anyone has ever thought of?

Enjoy the story now? Well you'll really like when Link meets Nana . We'll finally find out what Link did to Nana. I know a lot of you who are sick minded have very sivk thoughts right now. It's not what you think...Well Next few chapters Are going to be short(I think) so they get posted sooner. Well this is a boring author note...oh well. Nothing left for you people who are reading my story now to do except...REVIEW!Review or I sic Pikachu at you. You have been warned.