Fideldy dumb, fideldy dee, who owns Yu-Gi-Oh? Well it isn't me!
Chan: Alright! Whoever it was who got me hocked on Yami-torture should be very ashamed of themselves! Also whoever it was who got me hocked onto darkshipping should be very proud of themselves!
Yami: No, No, No! Don't tell me that you wrote another story in which I get tortured!
Chan: Sorry Yami!
Yugi: Darkshipping?
Chan: Eventually!
Yami: (bangs head on desk)
Chan: While he gets on with killing brain cells I'm gonna' do the warnings. Let's see… Darkshipping, child-abuse, violence, self-abuse, and of course everyone's favourite: YAMI TORTURE!
Yami: Agggghhhhh! (Bangs head and leaves dent in head) ow.
Chan: Could be set anytime but I think just after battle city is best. But Yami and Bakura have their own bodies. I use the dub names but the sprit of the ring is Bakura and his hikari is Ryou. And it is set in America not Japan! The first chapter is basically just Bakura's thoughts but a story will follow!
Yami: You aren't fair!
Chan: Never claimed I was…… (Voice fades out)
Bakura's P.O.V.
I wonder why the pharaoh is nearly always late for school.
I wonder why he always forgets his P.E. kit.
I wonder why he never brings his own lunch money and has to take food off of Yugi's plate.
I wonder why he is getting so skinny.
I wonder why I'm the only one who's noticed.
I wonder why the pharaoh gets upset so easily.
I wonder why he was crying in the boys toilets the other day.
I wonder why he said he wasn't.
I wonder why I'm even bothering to worry about him.
I wonder if he worries about me.
I wonder why I just thought that.
I wonder why he doesn't go to the after school singing club even though he has a great voice.
I wonder why I do go to the after school singing club.
I wonder why even bother to listen to him when he sings in music.
I wonder why he doesn't seem to mind when he gets after school detention.
I wonder why I tease him so much.
I wonder why I don't want to tease him and still do.
I wonder why I got so annoyed when I saw the graphite about him on the wall in the toilets.
I wonder why I thumped that senior on the arm when he said Yami was pathetic wimp.
I wonder why I just called him Yami.
I wonder why I usually call him pharaoh.
I wonder why I've always been so nasty to him.
I wonder why he is never nasty back.
I wonder why he is always complaining about his head/arm/leg/stomach/back/side/head/cheek/chest/other part of his body, is hurting.
I wonder why he can never remember how he hurt it.
I wonder why he had a bruise on the back of his neck last Thursday.
I wonder why he said he hadn't got one.
I wonder why I hope no one gave it to him.
I wonder why someone would ever want to hurt him.
I wonder why I care.
I wonder why he is so forgiving.
I wonder why he never gets angry.
I wonder why he flinches when someone touches him.
I wonder why he hates people shouting.
I wonder why he gets scarred so easily.
I wonder why he fell asleep in science class.
I wonder why every time I go past his house on Wednesday I hear someone yelling and the sound of something hitting the wall.
I wonder where he learned to play guitar.
I wonder why he played why he played good Charlotte 'hold on' in the music room when no one was around and then ran out of the room crying.
I wonder if any of his friends wonders about all the things I wonder about.
I wonder why the pharaoh never wants to go home on Wednesday.
I wonder how he got those weird marks on his wrists
Me: There it is! Story will come soon! Read and review! No flames!