Laughter in Townsville: Tickled Pink, Green, and Blue

Scotty Boyo-PPGTKL Productions

is proud to present

The Powerpuff Girls


Laughter in Townsville:

Tickled Pink, Green and Blue

Chapter 9: A Sunni delight, and an unwelcome Blast

Bubbles and Buttercup were playing a video game at home, and Buttercup, being the more experienced at playing computer games, was easily whooping her little sister's butt in the racing game. She'd taken an early lead and just kept swerving all over the track, blocking any attempts to overtake her.

"Hey - no fair!"

"Who said anything about being fair?" Buttercup said, teasingly. Bubbles just pouted. Then, she got a mischievous plan and, dropping her controller to the floor, she reached across the couch and tickled her sister's tummy.

Buttercup was so busy showing off her "mad skillz" that she didn't actually notice at first; that didn't last long though, and she soon dropped her game controller as she tried feebly to push Bubbles' hands away from her ticklish belly.

"H--h-h-h-h-h-h-hahahahahey! Wahahahahahaha..." Buttercup blurted out as she writhed in ticklish agony. Her computer car was travelling awfully close to a sheer cliff-face. She made a grab for the controller and managed, somehow, to pick it up through her jerky body movements, but wasn't able to shake Bubbles off from her tickling rampage.

"Ha! Let's see you make it to the finish line now!" Bubbles said, and continued to scrabble all over Buttercup's belly and up and down her sides, causing her to twist from side to side as she fought to keep the CG car on the road, swerving erratically, but now not to show off in front of Bubbles. Just a little further... The finish line was in sight...

Bubbles went for Buttercup's sandalled foot, but rather than fiddling with the buckles, she just tickled under the toes, making them scrunch and flex with a life of their own. Buttercup yanked her foot away, so Bubbles just moved on to the other foot, holding on to the ankle to stop her escaping again.

"Hee hee hee...I got you now, Butterbutt" Bubbles teased Buttercup, using her annoying pet name for her sister, which Buttercup just laughed at under the circumstances.

At that moment, the front door slammed shut, and soon Blossom burst into the girls' games room to find Bubbles sprawled across Buttercup waist, holding a sandalled foot. At the sight of the scene, she just ran straight for her bedroom, bursting into tears.

"What was THAT about?" Buttercup muttered, rhetorically.

"I dunno." Bubbles said, simply.

Buttercup sighed. "Think we should go talk to her?"

Bubbles shrugged. "Prol'ly should"

So, after extricating themselves from the tangle of wires, they went across to Blossom's bedroom, to find Blossom and Robyn both lying stretched out on the bed, panting heavily for breath and red in the face as though they had run a marathon.

"What happened to you two?" Buttercup was the first to ask the important question.

"We had a run-in..." Blossom started, still panting. "...a puff...evil...attacked us."

"We barely got away", Robyn added, nodding her head absent-mindedly. "What did the puff do to you?" Bubbles asked, amazed.

"" Blossom began, and then trailed off. She didn't really want to tell her sisters that they had been incapacitated by tickling to such a degree; she's surely never live that down if she did. But what could she say?

"She tortured us."

"And she tripped us up when we ran away", Robyn added, thinking of something else.

"So?" Bubbles and Buttercup said.

"So she was several f...yards away" said Blossom, avoiding the word "feet" for tickling-related reasons. Coincidentally...

"Robyn, where are you're sandals?" Bubbles asked. Robyn was glad she was red in the face; it hid her blush.

" completely the fight, so I chucked them", she said, which was partially true. "Oh"

A knock came on the door, and the Professor poked his head inside the room cautiously.


"Yes, Professor?" All four answered at once.

"Dinner's ready. Robyn, would you like to stay for dinner?" Robyn's face lit up at the invitation.

"I'd love to Professor Utonium." "That's great. Well, come on down then", he said, and left the room, whistling a jaunty little tune. The girls followed down a few moments later, after Blossom and Robyn had caught their breath fully.

Dinnertime was more uncomfortable than usual; Blossom and Robyn were reluctant to talk about their attack in detail, though they did give a description of Brite and Burst, along with Brite's powers of telekinesis which had tripped them up. Bubbles was quiet and for the most part just spent the time picking at her food, sneaking shy glances at Robyn when she thought no-one was looking; several times, though, Blossom caught her at it and smirked to herself, having twigged as to the cause of Bubbles' odd behaviour. Buttercup just stuffed her face, as per. The Professor shot Buttercup reproachful looks occasionally, which were wholly ineffective.

After the dinner had finished, followed by ice cream for desert, Robyn bid the Utoniums goodnight and went next door, confused by Bubbles seemingly ignoring her all evening. The three puffs reconvened in the lounge once the Professor had gone back to his lab, to discuss their next move.

"I say we pound 'em!" Buttercup said, smacking one fist into the other.

"That would get us nowhere, Buttercup", Blossom said calmly. "They're far superior in strength, and Brite can control movement with her mind; if you tried to attack her, she could stop you without laying a finger on you."

Bubbles thought for a moment.

"What about her sisters? Maybe they don't have that power?"

Blossom ruffled Bubbles' hair playfully. "Good thinking Bubbles, but we can't be sure - though it's a safe bet; we all have unique powers - well, WE do", Blossom said, amending her statement at Buttercup's scowl.

"What about trying to find out what they're up to?" Bubbles then asked.

"How, Bubs?" Buttercup asked, sharper than she'd intended it to sound.

"We-ell...get one on their own, and try to force them to spill their plans."

"Again, I say 'how?'. Especially as Bloss says they're stronger and faster than us."

Blossom sat stunned that Buttercup had been listening. Then, an idea sparked.

"By Jove - I think Bubbles has it!" she said, a massive smile threatening to split her face in twain. She took off and dragged her sisters behind her out of the window, after leaving a note for the Professor - "Fighting crime; back soon".

"Burst should be here with me," Blast muttered, "where could she've gotten?" An image came to mind of Burst caught in Brite's tickle-torture yet again.

"Oh, I'm sorry Burst, but mom would kill me if I abandoned my post now. I'll make it up to you later though, I promise." She hugged her waist against the cold - compared to Hell, Townsville in mid-summer is still cold - and floated down to examine a nearby video store. A new superhero blockbuster film was being advertised in the window display, and Blast just drooled at the image of the chief villain.

Nearby, someone chuckled evilly, and a huge orb of sunlight burst out of nowhere, vaporising everything it touched, and leaving a near perfect hemispherical bowl-shape in the middle of the main road. Several cars had their brakes tested to the limits as they swerved wildly to avoid falling into the big hole, which was 40 feet across and 20 feet deep.

Seconds later, the Powerpuff Girls appeared to find two puffs staring at the still smoking hole in the ground; one in shock, and the other in insane glee. The first looked liked Brite, with purple hair, except this girl had black hair tips; she was wearing a plain purple t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans, and had a pair of open-toed, backless mules on her feet. The veins in her forehead stood out black under her skin.

The second looked nothing like her, dressed in a gold coloured singlet and a golden knee-length skirt, and her feet were in a pair of gold coloured slippers of the type that ballet dancers wear. Her hair was a shining golden, as were her eyes, and the air around her seemed to glow with a faint golden tint to it, like a halo of sorts.

Blossom and Buttercup didn't know what to make of the scene they were witnessing; Bubbles and the purple girl, meanwhile, seemed to be having trouble drawing their gaze away from the golden angel-girl.

Sunni just took all this in, noting the hold she appeared to exert over Bubbles and Blast, and wondered why that was, when Buttercup and Blossom seemed unaffected.

Blossom finally drew herself up, and rounded on the purple girl.

"You - you did this?" she said in a way that didn't sound like a question, indicating the void in the middle of the highway.

With difficulty, Blast came to her senses and turned to face Blossom.

"No I didn't; I was just looking at the videos. SHE did it!" she said, pointing at the golden girl. All present had trouble believing this, as the girl just looked too...pure, too innocent to have done anything of the sort. Even Blast found herself questioning her own memory of the events.

Sunni watched on still, as the Powerpuff flew at Blast, attempting to make a grab for her; as they swooped in, Blast dodged out of the way, faster than lightning, only to bump smack into Sunni.

Before Blast knew what was happening, she had doubled over and was left gasping for breath, and then the Powerpuffs were on her, grabbing her arms and forcing her down to the sidewalk, where they held her backed up against a hydrant.

"What...what are you gonna..."

"We'll ask the questions", Blossom said, cutting Blast off, and poked Blast in the ribs, causing her to twitch. The puffs gave each other knowing glances, and Bubbles waved "thanks" up to Sunni, who flew off, planning her next move.

"Now...are you here alone?" Blossom asked, as Buttercup and Bubbles advanced on either side, hands out, poised and ready to tickle at a signal from their leader.

Blast glanced around nervously; no way was help coming to get her out of here; another image of Burst came to mind, lying on her bed, panting for breath, obviously having been let go by Brite, having gotten bored of tormenting her. She pled for help from her exhausted sister. Burst looked up when she received the distress message.

"Erm..." she said, stalling for time. "Yeah, I am. My sisters are at home."

"Sisters?" Buttercup asked. "How many of you are there?"

Blast wasn't going to answer, but a quick tickle from Bubbles put that to rights. Blossom had her tummy and one side covered; Buttercup, her other side. Bubbles reached down, and tickled the backs of Blast's knees through the thick denim of her jeans.

"Mmph...heh...ekkkkk!" Blast squeaked out, and would've fallen but for Blossom grabbing her at the last moment about the waist, squeezing her sides just a little two. Blast could feel her legs giving out as she tried to force Blossom's hands away, but Bubbles distracted her with more knee tickling.

"Oh g...okay okay okay, I'll ta-hahahahahahahahalk!" Blast gasped out though more squealing and giggling. The girls finally relented and let her speak.

"I have two sisters; Brite, I believe, you've already met". Blossom nodded curtly in response, before 'prodding' Blast for more info. "Ahhh!...and Burst is my other sister."

"More triplets?" Buttercup asked, incredulously. At that moment, a FWOP! sound was heard nearby, as the final triplet arrived at the location, and threw an energy ball that engulfed the Powerpuffs; not an ordinary ball though, as it contained tickling energy. As it surrounded the girls, they began to twitch and jerk, wriggle and giggle, as they tried to force their way out of it. Blossom bit her lip so hard to hold back a giggle, she drew blood, but it still didn't work; Their grip on Blast quickly faltered as they had a hard time controlling themselves. Blast easily pushed the ball, complete with girls, out of the way and rushed to give her sister a thank-you hug.

"Thanks, sis, I owe you one." Burst just grinned back affectionately.

"You owe me two", she said, and Blast looked mock-shocked. "Me saving you from THEM, and not saving me from our freak of a big sister."

"OK, so I owe you two," Blast agreed. "Shall we?" She said, holding her arm out. Burst linked arms with her and they teleported back home, to another double FWOP! sound.

"Heh...not...heh heh hehe...again...hee hee hee hee hee hee hee heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee..." Blossom squealed, as her defences crumbled yet again that long, long day.

Eventually, the energy ball dissipated. Sunni watched from a distance as they got up, brushed themselves off, and headed home to bed in silence, all to embarrassed to say anything to each other. It had been a VERY tiring day.