Authors notes: Hello everyone this is my first fic so I'm really excited. I decided to try writing a fic since I've been reading them for ages. I would like real feed back on this what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it. I'm in an advanced English class and my teacher keeps telling me I need work on my spelling and coma usage so please tell me what needs to be fixed. I want everyones opinion no matter how harsh. Thanks and here's the story. Shu/Yuki and no I don't own it.

Silence reined supreme throughout the room. Eiri sat in a state of shock after what his brother-in-law had just told him.

"No way in hell!" he yelled at Tohma who was still just sitting there smiling at him. Tohma wanted Eiri to play teacher to some idiot of a singer he had at his company and there was no way Eiri was going to do it.

"I won't do it and there is nothing in this world that could convince me otherwise!" Eiri shouted standing up fists clenched and heading for the door.

"Eiri isn't your family's reunion coming up soon?" Tohma asked with an innocent air.

"So?" Eiri growled his eye began to twitch at the thought.

"I was just thinking that there will be no way for you to avoid it this year. Mika's already got a plan for you and trust me you won't be able to escape. Unless of course you were busy with a student there would be no way you could just up and leave Tokyo then." Tohma's smile widened as he watched Eiri argue with himself in his head.

"All I have to do is teach the brat English right nothing else?" He asked without looking at Tohma.

"Well there will be one other condition but I'm sure it wont bother you at all at least not that much anyway you do have a big house after all. Please send Mr. Shindou in." Tohma said pressing a button on his intercom and then standing to welcome their newest guest. Eiri cringed what the hell did 'you have a big house,' mean? Before he had too much time to dwell on it though something with a pink head came dashing into the room. It was a boy a teenage boy to be exact, who was currently throwing himself at Tohma's mercy by groveling on his desk.

"Please don't fire me Seguchi-sama! I've been working really hard my teacher's evil. I can to speak English see I can say 'where's the bathroom?' Please don't feed the animals!"

Tohma's smile widened as Shuichi turned into a puppy dog on his desk and rolled over for a belly rub. Tohma accommodated the pink haired singer and tickled his sides. Eiri noted that a look of pain momentarily crossed the singers face but then vanished. Shuichi was lost in the throes of laughter and didn't notice the looks Tohma and Eiri were giving one another. Eiri was staring at Tohma in utter horror. I mean Tohma had said the kid needed help but no amount of tutoring was going to get that thing to speak English.

"It's him or the family reunion, which one will it be Eiri?" Tohma said ceasing his assault on Shuichi and sitting the boy up facing Eiri on his desk. The pink haired thing grinned at Eiri and waved, it seemed he had just noticed that Eiri was in the room.

"Fine I'll teach him but it's not my fault if he's to dumb to learn." Eiri said crossing his arms.

"Good well that's settled." Tohma turned to Shuichi still perched on his desk. "Shindou let me introduce Eiri Yuki he's going to be your new English teacher and guardian while you are in Tokyo." Eiri's jaw dropped he had never agreed to that! He couldn't take care of the brat.

"Now I have some work to do so I'll let you get acquainted and I'll see you tomorrow at nine A.M. right Shuichi?" Tohma said leading a bouncing singer and stunned novelist to the door. He pushed them out and promptly shut the door in their faces.

Eiri started down the hallway and got in the elevator. When he turned around to push the button down the pink haired idiot was still standing at the end of the hallway gaping at him.

"Are you coming or not?" He asked pushing the button and waiting for the doors to close. Shuichi realized what was going on and was afraid that if he lost his new found guardian he my never find him again. He made a mad dash down the hallway and dove into the elevator forgetting that the doors would have reopened if had simply stuck his hand between them. Upon taking his leaping dive into the elevator he slammed into the blond man and knocked him to the ground. Shuichi landed between his straddled legs shaking a bit from what he felt had been a life and death situation that he had just almost lost.

"Oh my God I just almost died. What would the band have done? They would have to find a new singer I bet they're already looking. Am I that easily replaceable?" Shuichi was crying like a little girl and staring up at the man he had landed on begging for reassurance. Yuki stared down at him in disbelief there was no one in the world who could possibly be this stupid. Suddenly the elevator doors opened revealing a taller man with long red hair, a younger boy who looked suspiciously like Tohma only with green hair, and a tall blond haired American with a gun. Shuichi looked up and lunged off Yuki into the red heads knees taking him down. Shuichi was still halfway in the elevator.

"Don't replace me see I'm still alive!" He screamed into the red heads chest.

"Shuichi we would never replace you." The red head said smiling sweetly but a little confused down at the singer.

"Really Hiro?"

"Really no one could replace you." By this time Shuichi was crying more and Yuki had finally gotten up.

"Come on I need to go, get up." Eiri said grabbing onto the singer and trying to pull him up. He had a death grip on the red head. Eiri finally ripped him away but fell back over in the process once again landing with the boy on top of him.

"I pity you Eiri-san." The green haired boy said as the doors to the elevator closed. Now Eiri recognized him it was Tohma's cousin Suguru why would he need Suguru's pity? He glanced down at the pink thing in his arms it had stopped crying at least and appeared to be snoring. Yuki slammed the back of his head into the elevator wall good god what was this kid?

"Wake up." Eiri said trying to stand. The kid mumbled something and Eiri leaned down to hear it.

"You're soft." Shuichi said wrapping his arms tightly around Eiri's waist. Eiri visibly paled no one had ever said something like that to him, and he wasn't sure he liked it. He didn't want this kid getting close to him he didn't need that.

"Come on get up." Eiri said finally standing and sending the pink singer toppling to the floor. Shuichi laid there a moment staring up at Yuki then quickly got to his feet.

"I'm so sorry I." Shuichi started.

"Just shut up and follow. If I have to take care of you there are going to be some ground rules ok." Eiri stated rather harshly. The boy flinched and nodded. They got in Eiri's car and took off. Eiri had expected the boy to be bubbling over with excitement the way he had been in Tohma's office but the yelling he had directed at him seemed to have deflated him.

Eiri sighed there was no getting around it he was stuck with a kid. He looked at the pink haired boy who was shifting in the seat next to him.

"What is it?" Eiri finally asked getting irritated at the boy.

"I-I'm sorry about all this, listen I know I'm a problem so I'll stay out of your way. I-I could go live with Hiro as long as Seguchi-san and my parents didn't find out it would be fine. I mean I'm going to be eighteen in a little under two years so then I'll be gone anyway. I could live by myself but my parents don't trust me, and I know I'm not very smart but I can take care of myself." By the time he got to the end Shuichi's voice was a whisper. Eiri snorted at that last comment, and turned to look at the pink haired kid who was glaring at him.

"I highly doubt that you could take care of yourself." Eiri snickered as they pulled into his drive way. Shuichi gawked at the house it was huge this guy must be rolling in dough. Shuichi grabbed his duffle bag that contained all his belongings and followed Yuki into the house.

"You can have any room upstairs that you want. My rooms at the end of the hall don't go near it or the room next to it that's my study. I'm a writer so if I'm in my room or study, don't make a sound. We'll start your English lessons tomorrow when you get back from the studio assuming I'm not busy. I'm not your mother so do things for yourself just don't ruin my apartment." Eiri finished and turned around to look at the boy, he was staring at his feet.

"Well that's it do what you want go out, I don't care just be back by eleven. There's not much in the house to eat so if you want to order out just tell me and I'll give you the money." Eiri was hoping the boy would cheer up at that but he still just stood there.

"I'm not hungry I'd like to just go lay down." Shuichi whispered softly.

"Fine I don't care what you do." Eiri said lighting a cigarette, he watched the pink thing make its way down the hall and up the stairs. 'What's this kid's deal?' he thought to himself as he made his way to his study.

Reveiw and tell me if I should continue. Bye Bye!