A/N: Hey everyone! This is story two! Keep in mind that this series will jump around with Margarets age. If I write her older, that doesnt mean I have stopped writing her as a child in other stories! To those of you who have not read Strawberries and Sugar, this is a sequel.

Also, I have re-written this chapter more times than I care to remember. At one point, it was a completely different story(one I might write later). Im still not entirely happy with it.

Disclaimer: I own Sulwen, Calin, and Margaret only.

Glorfindel listened to the chirping of the blue birds that were seated in a tree out side of the window. He had come to the study to find peace and quiet from the rest of the Imladris life. Being an Elven lord did have its disadvantages. Elves were always asking him 'how he is' or 'if he could help them with this and that'. Not that he minded. He always loved to make himself useful, and appreciated the respect with which the others showed him. But sometimes he felt like he needed a break, like today.

Today Glorfindel wished that he could just be alone. He didnt understand why, but he was feeling extremely irritable. Elrond had forced him to take the day off, saying that he needed a break. Not that he ever could get a break. There was always something to be done. At the moment, he was writing another dispatch to the patrols. It seemed to be the tenth one he had written to the same patrol that day.

'Elrond is right,' Glorfindel said to himself, ' I do need a break.' He was so far in on his musings that he did not see the large, oak door open or the tiny figure that entered the room.

"Ai!" screamed Glorfindel when he felt a tug on his sleeve. He looked down to see a girl with brown eyes and brown hair staring back at him.

" Glorfindel?" the child asked, " Can we go out for a ride on Asfolath?"

" No, not today, Margaret," said Glorfindel as calmly as he could.

" Why?" asked the little girl.

" Because Im busy," said Glorfindel turning back to work on the dispatch. He had written a few lines when the paper was suddenly moved out from under his quill pen, causing a line of ink to smudge all over the page.

" Can I see?" asked Margaret, oblivious to the damage done.

Glorfindel took a deep breath and tried to calm down. ' She is only eight,' he told himself, 'She didnt know any better.'

" Margaret," Glorfindel said tensely, " Why dont you go and help Sulwen tidy up the sleeping quarters?"

" But I already helped clean the dining room after breakfast. Sulwen said that I could go and play."

" The study is not a play room," admonished Glorfindel.

" Then why am I allowed to bring toys in here? You always let me play with my toys on the rug by the fire."

Glorfindel sighed and looked at the child in front of him. Margaret had come to Rivendell a little over a year ago. He had found her while doing a routine patrol out in the forest. She had obviously not eaten a decent meal or had a decent bath in a long time. Glorfindel felt sorry for the human child, and brought her back to Imladris. When he and Elrond had questioned her, they found out that she had come from a place called New York. Not that Glorfindel or Elrond believed there to be such a place. They were Elven lords of the first age. They knew the name of almost every nook and cranny in Arda.

But what Elrond and Glorfindel found most disturbing was the fact that she had never had schooling, and didnt know who the Valar or Eru were. Elrond had said that many children who are not among the race of elves are not educated properly. That lead to the suggestion that Margaret was to stay in Imladris until she could get her education. When the time came, she could choose to either live in Imladris, or leave the Elven realm and live among humans.

Glorfindel silently hoped that she would choose to stay, for he had come to see Margaret as his family. He loved her dearly, and didnt want to see her go.

"Margaret," said Glorfindel, " Why not play in the stream? It is certainly nice enough for a swim."

" Alright Glorfindel," she said reluctantly. As she left the study, Glorfindel couldnt help but feel a pang of guilt. He had not spent as much time with Margaret as usual, because he had been very busy. 'I know what would make most of this work go away,' he thought to himself, ' I need to go back on patrol.'

So Glorfindel made up his mind. He had not been on any patrols around Imladris since he found Margaret. If he went back on patrol, then all the paper work would diminish into one dispatch and one report. He would not have scattered papers from several different patrols to figure out and piece together, like he had been having.

' Yes,' Glorfindel concluded, ' This is what I need to do. My duty to Imladris has been put off for far too long.'

Ok, thats it for now. A reviewer brought to my attention that I should keep the titles of my stories a type of spice. Well, my plan was to keep all of the fluffy kind of stories something to that extent. Sort of. Anyway, review if you have any comments. Next update should be a about a week.