Hey Everyone! Staremerald's back! Guess what? My trip did me good. I thought up two new stories!

Return of the Demon. (A.N. This is the sequel to Angel!)

Robin, Prince of my heart. (A.N. Dedicated to RobXStar fans everywhere!)

I don't know how long they will take till they show though. Just keep checking and they'll show eventually. Also Robin and Starfire fans…you need to read a great fanfic.

'Enchantment and Betrayal' by notyouraverageblond. It's really good!

This is for my friend so don't read it!


How are you, Eleanor and Lucy doing? I'm good! Have you met your Romeo yet? I asked my piano teacher and she says I'm a level 5. School's still annoying and so is Geography.

Write soon,

Your BBF (my e-mail is arebellatobhs.bm E-mail me!)

I'm sad to say that is the last Chapter of Angel. WAAAA! I'll miss this story. I also vow to stop swearing in my stories so much! But first, beloved reviewers of mine:

notyouraverageblond: Whatever. Emmy's cool. I can't wait for the next cahpter to come. I miss our phone calls too!

librastar: I'm glad you liked it and yours, the Classic Titans onerocked too!

devilleader: Okay, Okay I heard you the first time! (just kidding) I'm glad you like this chapter! Mwahaha, I'm NOT going to tell you if she lives or not! MWAHAHA!

desert-tiger: I had to make Beast Boy do something stupid, no matter stupid it may be! I liked that part were Beast Boy does something to Angel too!

RainSprite03: What is it with you and cheese? I LOVE IT TOO! Wait, are you trying to imply that my story is cheesy?

iamhollywood: Yeah, and I had a good time too! Thanks, it took me FOREVER to write it all up, I'm glad SOMEBODY around here likes my work! (Reviewers circle Staremerald)

staremerald: Uh...hee..hee Bye!


Staremerald: "Uh huh! Uh huh! I own the Teen Titans!" (Receives look from owner of the Teen Titans)

Staremerald: "Uh…hee hee. I mean I don't own the titans!"

Raven was on her bed re-reading 'Chicken Soup for the dark one's soul' as she tried to clear her mind of the past few weeks with Angel. How could I have let him take over my emotions? She thought as tears fell onto the book, smudging the words. Sniffling, she wiped her nose as a light bulb outside exploded. Duh, she thought, Angel's not here anymore. Things still explode. She blew her nose. Stop! She told herself. You'll blow Titans Tower up. But she couldn't stop feeling sorry for herself. Angel had ruined everything. A few days ago, the Goth searched for where he might be now and discovered her had been trapped in a book. The book. A knock on the door awoke her from her thoughts. Stepping cautiously, she tiptoed to the door and leaned against it to stop the intruder from entering.

"Who is it?" she asked nervously. For some reason, she had been scared of almost everything since Angel had disappeared. It seemed as though part of her was missing.

"It's me," came a familiar voice.

"Beast Boy!" she said happily thrusting the door open and squeezing the small figure tightly. She backed away, red yet again, the same color as her green friend's face. "I mean," she said, embarrassed, "Come in." A few seconds later, both were seated on her bed. "So Wha'd you wanna talk to me about?" she asked, trying to start a conversation.

"I um…wanted to say sorry," Beast Boy said turning red again. She stood up, angry, the same anger that she felt twice before for Beast Boy growing inside of her.

"Of what? Forcing me to play your stupid games? Always annoying me? Calling me 'creepy' pretty much all the tim-"

"I'm sorry he broke your heart," Beast Boy interrupted. Raven felt tears well up in her eyes and she slowly levitated to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. Another light bulb exploded. Beast Boy looked startled. What do I do? He thought frantically crying girl! And it's Raven! He cautiously moved closer to her, very slowly, as if afraid she might lash out. Then in realizing she was too busy crying to even think about lashing out, he ran forward and hugged her. Raven responded to this by beginning to cry on his shoulder.

"Frien-" Starfire said, bursting into Raven's room. Then seeing the moment they were having, she shut the door, embarrassed. What do I do? Thought Beast Boy.

Tell her a joke! Said a voice in his head.

No! He thought urgently. She hates my jokes!

Tell her one that would suit her interest!

But I only know one of those kinda jokes! He thought.

Then tell her it stupid!

"Umm…" BB said, "What is a Vampire's favorite type of pet?" She didn't answer although her crying had been reduced to sniffles.

"A blood hound!" He said enthusiastically. A sound came from the Goth, recognizable as a laugh. She lifted her head, violet hair falling into her eyes, which were now red and puffy from crying so much. The only thing on her that looked happy was her smile. It was a proper smile. A proper smile can mean so much. A proper smile can really brighten your day and make you feel all warm and fluffy inside. One of the statues in Raven's room exploded. But her smile remained.

Wow, thought Beast Boy, She looks really beautiful. He shook his head.

"That was funny," Raven said, wiping her eyes. Beast Boy turned, stunned.

"You-did you just say I was funny?" He gaped.

"No," said the old Raven stubbornly. "I said your joke was funny." Beast Boy grinned at her. It was at that point in time she noticed the parcel behind his back.

"What's that?" she asked, reaching for it.

"Nope, you have to be patient," Beast Boy said teasingly. Rolling her eyes, she snatched it from him. She shook it. Nothing. She turned to her friend.

"What is it?" she asked.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise," he said. She searched his mind and found nothing. He grinned at her.

"Nice try," he said. Mock-pushing her friend, she opened the parcel –and gasped. Inside was Isabella. But it couldn't be. Isabella had been broken to pieces by Raven accidentally. She was beyond repair. And then after all that, Raven had lost the bunny and it was never seen again, no matter how hard the half-demon looked. Isabella was fixed, stitched back together, good as new. Raven looked at Beast Boy.

"It can't be…" she began and trailed off.

"But it is," Beast Boy said, still grinning.

"Beast Boy, I don't know what to say…" she said.

"You could say you forgive me, 'cause I'm about to ask you if you'll forgive me for calling you creepy. You mean a lot to me Raven, I just didn't want to lose against Cyborg again," Beast Boy said looking at his shoes. She smiled.

"I forgive you." He walked towards the door.

"I'll give you and the bunny sometime alone," he said and opened the door. Raven sprang up.

"Logan! Wait!" she ran towards him, still clutching Isabella.

"What?" he asked concerned. Then Raven did something she never thought she would do. She kissed him on the cheek.

"What was that for?" he asked, touching the spot where she kissed him. She mock-pushed him again.

"Why not?" she asked and winked. Another light bulb exploded as she ran to the door. He stood there. She turned.

She turned. "Come on! Do you want to beat Cyborg or not?" She ran out and Beast Boy followed her.


(A.N. Well duh it's not the end, if there's a sequel it's not the end!)

Don't forget to review and read my other stories.
