A.N. Hi everyone! I'm a brand new author, and this is my first story so be nice!


"Ha! I win again!" said Cyborg. Beast Boy and Cyborg were in the main room playing video games. "Booya!"

"Big deal!" said Beast boy angrily. "I could so beat you if I wanted to dude."

"Uh huh," said Cyborg.

"Take all those other times Cy-"


"Like those seven times before this game," answered Beast Boy proudly.

"You did not beat me seven times before!"

"Did too!"



"Um, I think we need a referee," said Cyborg.

"Yeah," replied Beast Boy.

"Okay," said Syborg. "I'll ask Star and Robin and you ask Raven."

"But she's creepy," BB said quickly, trying to cover up the happiness in his voice. Duuddeee!" said Beast Boy whining. He looks around. "Dude?"


"When I said help me Star, I meant give me the answers!"

"But that would be cheating, yes?" Starfire and Robin were sitting down in his bedroom. He was attempting a crossword and had asked Star to help him.

"Yo," said Cyborg as he entered the room.

"Hi," said Robin not looking up.

"Cyborg!" said Starfire happily jumping up and giving Cyborg a hug in which he couldn't breathe. "Many greetings dear friend! It gives me great joy to see your face again!"

"Thanks" said Cyborg choking.

"Uh Star," said Robin, "I think you're choking Cyborg."

'Please dear friend, am I choking you?"

"Yes," said Cyborg, his face going blue lack of oxygen entering his body.

"Sorry!" said Starfire immediately letting go as Cyborg took in a big gulp of air.

"Anyways," said Cyborg "I-

"Anyhow," said Robin.

"What?" asked Cyborg.

"Your grammar was incorrect," said Robin.

'Whatever. So me and Beast Boy-"

'Beast boy and I," said Robin interrupting again. Cyborg gave Robin a death stare.

"-Need a referee. So will one of you guys be the referee?"

"Nope," said Robin. "I need to finish this cross word."

"Starfire?" asked Cyborg in an angelic voice quite unlike his own.

"I cannot," said Starfire. " I must help Robin." She whispered into Cyborg's ear, "He is, how you say, useless at crosswords." Cyborg snickered. Starfire was trying to speak quietly but Robin heard and blushed a red that matched his suit.

"Well thanks anyway," said Cyborg. I hope Beast Boy has better luck with Raven he thought to himself, as he made his way downstairs.


Raven was in the middle of 'Chicken Noodle Soup for the dark one's soul' when she heard a thumping on her door. Sighing, she opened her door.

"Beast Boy?" she asked. Beast Boy looked at Raven. Although she was mean to him, there was something about her Beast Boy liked. A lot.

"Hi, Raven, um would you be our referee?" said Beast Boy with hope.

"No," said Raven angrily and slammed the door in his face. She walked back to her bed and regained her reading position. Maybe I was to hard on him thought Raven as she picked up her book. She changed her mind almost immediately though, when Beast Boy came into her room.

"Please PLEASE be our ref?" said Beast Boy. Raven was about to say no and explain why she didn't want to be the referee when a new anger surged inside of her. Why Do I have to explain why? He should just get out.

"Get out," she said in a low hiss.

"What?" asked Beast Boy.

"I said," repeated Raven, "GET OUT!"

Beast Boy, ran out. Raven ran to the door , closed it and leaned against it, heart thumping as she just thought about what happened. What did I do? She thought as Beast Boy started yelling at her from outside the door.

"Why are you always in your room!" he said. "Why do you hate us? All we do is try to be your friend and you treat us like dirt! You're so creepy!" Beast Boy angrily huffed away, as he thought what he had just said to the girl he had a crush on since they first met. Raven sank to the ground as Beast Boy's words replayed in her mind. You're so creepy…. "I'm not creepy," whispered Raven, "I'm just different. I wish someone could understand that." Just then the alarm for trouble went off and her room flashed red. Raven sighed and floated out of her room.