It was the end of the Final Battle. Bodies, both dead and living, lay scattered over the Hogwarts lawn. Dementors floated all around, gleefully sucking out peoples' souls not caring whose side they were on. Demons were wrestling with demons over who got to eat what body. Lucius Malfoy had beaten Snape at a duel and was about to tell his master that his suspicions had been right all along and Snape was a traitor, after he spit on the twitching body, of course. However, before he got very far, he went 'SPLAT!' courtesy of Grawp's foot. In a field of confusion and blood, a major event was coming about at its core, the defining event. Harry Potter was going to duel the Dark Lord.

"Harry, how lovely to see you again," Voldemort's voice was taunting and malicious.

"Pleasure's all yours." Harry was fed up with Voldemort and the war in general. He had faced Voldie almost once a year since he was eleven, and already came to the conclusion that he would most likely die before this was over. Now in his seventh year, the Boy Wonder figured he might as well go out with a bang. Seeing his friends were positioned around them just in case Voldie ran, he quickly threw that first spell, "Expelliarmus!"

A little egotistical, Voldemort had thought that since he was the Dark Lord, he would, of course, be the first to act, but still managed to block the curse with a simple shielding charm. Not that it really would have mattered anyway. Being the paranoid creature that he was, he had two or three more wands tucked into the hidden pockets of his robes.

This went on for a while, the two enemies tossing curses back and forth till Voldemort finally got through Harry's defenses and gave him a blast to the stomach. Smiling evilly, the Dark Lord loomed over the boy, ready to deliver the final blow. Harry and company, however, wouldn't stand for this. Harry fired a "Reducto!" at the same time all his friends barraged the evil overlord with a multitude of curses and jinxes and said evil overlord let fly his infamous "Avada Kadavra!"

Drawn by the energy of the AK, the spells veered slightly off course and came to a merging point in-between Harry and Voldemort. Everyone thought that, since Potter and Riddle had cast at the same time, the wands would form the Priori Incantatem. But no web was formed; no golden thread with little beads connected the enemies' wands. They all watched in apprehensive silence as the spells formed a little swirling vortex that was growing bigger by the second. They all felt a tremendous pull towards the portal, like they were all little ants getting sucked up by a vacuum hose. And like aforementioned ants, they stood no chance. Three seconds later, no one within a ten-foot radius was left. The vortex became smaller and smaller till it finally popped out of existence.

All remaining Death Eaters were distracted from their duels by the immense burning pain in their left forearm. They pulled up their sleeves and watched as the Dark Mark glowed, then faded away. The side for the Light had won.

General George Hammond was peacefully sitting in his office doing (what else?) paperwork when the klaxons sounded off and a cool female voice said "Off-world Activation."

That can't be right, thought Hammond, no teams are due back for 24 hours. He hurried down to the control room as fast as he could. "What is it Sergeant?" he asked.

"I don't know, sir." Well that wasn't good news. Hammond looked up at the Stargate, noticing first and foremost that the iris wasn't closed and he was looking at the event horizon.

"Why isn't the Iris closed? Close it now!"

"Tried already, sir. Iris not responding to commands."

Colonel Jack O'Neill hurried in with Teal'c not a nanosecond later and asked, "What's up this time, General?"

"We don't know." Everyone looked out at the gate room with the unshielded wormhole and the SF's standing ready on the defensive.

Teal'c raised an eyebrow and Jack voiced what was on everybody's minds. "Is it just me, or does that look slightly green to you?" he asked, indicating the event horizon.

"It is off color in my eyes as well." Teal'c had barely finished his statement when a group of people, who had seen better days, stumbled through.

A/N: I've not yet seen anyone use this idea for a HP/Stargate crossover. If there is one already, I'm sorry. I've had this plot bunny swimming around in the back of my brain for a year plus, and I just finally got it onto paper. Anyone is free to take this idea and build on it as long as you tell me first so I can read it.

The shameless plea of all fanfic authors: if you read, review.