Too long had this girl stayed with him.

She had become distanced from her kind, and now preferred the company of demon's to the company of humans.

Sesshoumaru knew these things, and he knew what he had to do.

He would leave her.

Arrangements had already been made by himself and the miko his half brother had settled down with.

He would leave Rin in their care, and he would not return.

For nearly six years she had been with him. In that time she had gone from being a overly hyper child, to an overly hyper young woman. The girl was now fifteen years of age, she was now old enough to wed, and bear children of her own. Human children, with a human father.

She knew not of his decision, not yet. He was going to tell her once it was time for his departure, as then he would not be able to change his mind.

This was not something the lord wanted. In the years that human girl had been with him, he had become so accustomed to her company. To her constant chatter , to her laugh, even to her affection. Sesshoumaru had no desire for any of that to end.

Yet, he knew that what he was going to do was right.

Rin needed to be with her own kind, it was only natural. Even if she would become upset with him when he told her of what would happen, it would only serve to benefit her in the end. Sesshoumaru knew this to be true, had he not, he would not be doing this.

As disgusting as it had once seemed, Sesshoumaru had found himself having gotten feelings for his human girl. She had somehow managed to make herself the very center of his universe, and in doing so, caused her own departure from him.

How could he expect her to stay with him, to live out her life with him, if she had never even had the chance to say no? To know what it would be like to lead a normal human life?

He would not deprive her of that, he refused.

After all, he had deprived her of nothing unless circumstances were completely unforgiving. One the hanyou Naraku had been taken care of, Sesshoumaru had taken Rin to live with him in his castle. She had her own room, was served nutritious meals three times a day, gives many kimono's to wear, and whatever else she had wanted was hers.

This was just one more thing he needed to give her.

"My Lord? You have yet to touch your tea, and I fear it grows cold."

Since having stayed in his castle with Rin, he had become accustomed to drinking small amounts of tea while she ate, it had given him an excuse to spend more time with her without making it seem very deliberate.

"It matters not, it tastes no different cold."

He was not yet sure of just when he would take her, but he knew that it had to been soon. The longer he delayed it the less likely he was to do it.

"Rin, I want you to pack some of your things, we will be going on a short journey soon."

The girl's eyes seemed to light up. "Where to my Lord?"

"Inuyasha's village." He needed a reason for their going there, any reason at all. One that would hide the true reason for them to journey there. "His mate has bore him a son, and I intend to have a look at him."

It was somewhat truthful. His halfling brother's mate had indeed sired a son, and Sesshoumaru was curious. In fact, if things continued on as they have been, Sesshoumaru may one day end up entrusting his lands to the whelp. Sesshoumaru still had not sired any airs, and he felt it was very unlikely to ever happen, either he would want Rin, or a full-blooded female Dog Youkai, or no female at all. Sesshoumaru would have to be sure that the child would be strong, as strong as someone like him could become.

How unnatural it was that his halfling brother had managed to find a life mate before Sesshoumaru himself had. It was completely unfitting, for Sesshoumaru should have sired an heir long ago, rather than depending on having a mutt take over for him once he was no longer living.

"How wonderful My Lord, I look forward to seeing the baby, if I too will be permitted to see him." Rin spoke excitedly, yet with such politeness. The young girl had still not lost all of her childish energy, but she had gained such poignant manners that she annoyed not even Jaken.

"I am sure that you will, so long as you wash first. Human infants are highly susceptible to disease, and though this child is not completely human, I know not what to expect when it comes to his health, for I have known of no quarter Youkai to ever exist." It was true, since most Hanyous didn't live to reach adulthood, it was very unlikely for any of them to have ever spawned any children of their own.

Rin smiled. "I do hope we leave soon, I am sure that the babe will be adorable."

Sesshoumaru hesitated, but then looked into his tea, and calmly took a sip before he spoke. "We could leave tomorrow, if you like."

Sesshoumaru detested the way her eyes lit up at his comment. "Yes My Lord, that would be wonderful!"

Keep calm... He needed to stay calm, it was not as though she knew what would happen tomorrow. Not as though the joy in her eyes was due to a thought of never seeing him again. Though he wondered, what reaction would he get when he did tell her?

"You will retire early tonight, I wish to leave early in the day. I want for our journey to take any more than three days." Normally he could travel there and back in less than a days time, but he had not had the pleasure of such a rapid travel since he had decided to bring this girl with him, unless he had had left her in Jaken's care.

Rin nodded. "I've finished my meal, so I will go bathe and retire now." She hurriedly got up, and all but skipped out of the room.

The next three days with her would likely be his last.

For the next three days, he would cherish his time with her, and memorize every smile, every detail of her eyes, and the sound of her voice and of her laugh.

For the next three days, would be his last three days that would be worth living.