1 The Future is Always Bright
Written by: Natasha Banana
It was a cool mourning at Scared Heart as it usually was, not too hot and not too cold. It was just perfect. The Janitor, as he was usually known as, was doing his mourning ritual of tormenting J.D by constantly taking his keys and putting them up in high places where he was too short to reach.
"Janitor! Can you stop taking my damn keys all the time? You know it's not funny." J.D protested late that mourning
"I think it's funny." The Janitor in a somewhat taunting manner
"Yeah...well...your opinion doesn't count." J.D mumbled quietly to himself. The Janitor decided to take this chance to make J.D feel guilty. It was always fun to do that.
"Why because I'm a janitor? Is that why my opinion doesn't matter? Fine you're right but let me tell you...today at lunch my opinion will matter on which drug to put into your food."
It was at that exact moment that Elliot Reid, one of Sacred Heart's top doctors and the object of the Janitor's affection, walked in. She was walking towards the fighting Janitor and J.D. Suddenly, at the sight of her he jumped to take the keys off the nail that was hung on the wall up near the ceiling. Just then Elliot walked over to them.
"Hey you guys, what are ya doing?" She said curiously. She knew that the Janitor and J.D didn't get along but she fiqured that they were past that by now.
"Great" replied the Janitor smiling "Just getting J.D here his keys, they're stuck up on that self were they keep the paint since there redoing the whole wing, some Jackass through them up there, isn't that right J.D?"
J.D, stunned and really confused glanced at the janitor and noticed that the janitor was even blushing, since he really wanted to just get his keys he said "yes." very quietly. Elliot smiled at the janitor.
"That is so sweet of you!"
"Ah, it was nothing, some people were just meant to be tall for a reason."
J.D and Elliot began to walk away to talk about doctor stuff and probably gossip over everyone in the hospital, including the janitor. But, he didn't mind. That'd be perfectly fine with him as long as he got to see Elliot more often.
Getting back to his usual routine the janitor looked around for his mop, realizing that he left it in the janitor closet again and he forgot those keys at home he noticed he could just go around annoying people all day and possibly run into Elliot again. It was just then though, the worst absolute time, when Dr. Cox came around the corner and saw the dazed look on the gleeful janitor's face.
"Come on Sally why don't you get to work for once, us people with important jobs can't just have measly people, like yourself, just lurking around like a idiot. Unless you have something that'd make all of us money."
The comment of Dr. Cox's though didn't bother the Janitor, all he could think about was Elliot, or as he liked to call her "Blonde Doctor" as sort of a secret little pet name for her. He was sure, in his own mind at least, that she had one for him too- "Janitor". It took the Janitor to come out of him happy little daze of imagining his future with "Blonde Doctor" but when he finally did he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. It was Elliot's keys...
"That's odd..." he said to himself silently "I never thought that she put them down." The janitor looked around and took the keys