This was written a long time ago and is completed…I'm just trying to draw it out by posting a chapter at a time…I'm so evil! Standard disclaimers…I don't own Jareth or Sarah…all original characters (Rina, Evitt…etc) are mine…Enjoy!

1Jareth mused as he gazed into a thin crystal revealing a very confused and angry Sarah standing in the middle of an otherwise empty oubliette. If only she had listened to his words more closely the last time they were in each other's presence, perhaps she could have avoided this whole situation to begin with.

But she had ignored his pleas for her to stay with him, to rule over the underground and all of its inhabitants by his side. In refusing, he had been defeated and, as a rather unfortunate side effect, Sarah had been granted a small allotment of power over him, the labyrinth and all of the order he had worked so hard to organize within the walls of his kingdom.

Even as he spoke, the silver platter Jareth's food had been placed upon suddenly levitated and then smashed against the wall of his chambers, causing him to wince at the loud clatter.

A nervous goblin scurried into the room to clean up the mess. Jareth watched as the creature quickly scooped up the bits of his dinner he had not yet consumed. The goblin, having completed his task, bobbed a quick, awkward bow before scurrying back out through the huge chamber doors.

Jareth sighed and walked to his balcony where he conjured another crystal. Sarah was fumbling around the oubliette, no doubt searching for the small door that Hoggle had shown her the last time she had found herself in this situation. Jareth smiled inwardly as he knew the door had been removed, as had all doors leading to freedom from the inside of the oubliettes.

She suddenly looked directly at him, and for a moment he felt as if she could see him. She began to speak.

"I know you're behind this, Goblin King, so why not show yourself and tell me what I'm doing back here!" She yelled into the darkness.

Despite himself, he smiled.