A/N Hey everyone i love you guys and im so happy i finally finished a chappie! YAY! Anyways im am soooooo sorry this took so long and how short it was but ive been crammed with schoolwork and soccer and boys and manga shopping... its been hectic. I am 3 weeks behind in Math, my lit teacher is shoving tests down my throat (Asses2learn?)anyways im so so sorry! I didnt get in what i wanted to and its so friggen short! sniffles I love you guys... dont hate me! Im working on next chappie right now! But i promise a quick surprise in this chappie...

Thanks Yous:

CrossHunt-s: thank you so much for reveiwing everytime i post! Im so happy!

Mandapandabug: I know... i had some help from the perverted side of my thoughts with his apperance and puppy eyes arent pathetic (especially on Jou they are quite fuking sexy).

ONTO STORY! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA (Raisie: I blame the four cokes...)

Jou pouted, thinking 'But I am uber gorgeous! Aren't I!' He pouted again and shrugged it off. Guessing Marik was just being mean again. 'Why oh why did I ever da-' he was cut off (oh so rudely) as someones arms wrapped around his waist.

"Hello sexy" Jou smiled, turning around he came face to face with…

"DUKE?" Jou and Malik yelled at the same time. Jou tried to back away as Dukes hands… wandered.

"Duke? W-why are y-you here?" he asked shakily. Duke shrugged and tried to plant a kiss on Jou but the blonde was a super duper goalie! He swiftly slipped out of Dukes arms and the spikey haired dice boy's lips landed on cold steel lockers!

"Jou? What was that all about?" Duke flushed, getting very embarrassed about the smooch with the locker.

"What? What was that all about with you?" Jou frowned, thinking hard "I thought we agreed that we were better off with other people… or if I am correct you decided that we were better of with others WHEN YOU CHEATED ON ME!" Duke winced. He tried to speak again but Jou was still ranting

"And not only did you do THAT! But you also PUBLICLY humiliated ME! The guy you are now TRYING TO PUT YOUR HANDS ON!" And with that Jou slapped his ex boyfriend and ran off to 1st period. Malik pouted but Marik had on a greedy smile 'Yes.. this is all going according to plan!' 'What plan' said a squeaky voice in his head, Marik growled 'MY PLAN!' 'oh… well I don't like it!' "TO BAD NOW GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Screamed Marik. Malik raised an eyebrow.

'Oh shit… did I say that out loud…. Well this is going to be awkward…' Marik thought, trying to place a confused and innocent pout. To sum it all up… Malik didn't buy it…

!First Period!

Jou tried to contain tears as he made his way to World History. He got many cat calls as he climbed into his desk. He smiled shakily and told the teacher he had gotten lost.

"Mr. Wheeler! This is the third time this Year you have gotten 'lost'! For goodness sake's man! Its almost the end of the year!" Jou just tried to look regretful as the teacher 'hmphed' and turned back to the chalkboard. He slumped in his desk and stared out the window, droning out the teacher with his thoughts.

I wonder if Seto will actually love me… I don't know how fool proof Marik and Bakuras plan is, I mean the guy always breaks up before the 2nd month anniversary. What makes me so different (A/N uhh maybe cause he is dead sexy and… oh… your reading! Sorry O.O')? Who made me the chosen one? What if he is abusive and tries to rape me? Oh god! What if he finds out im a… virgin… oh dear…ooohhh ddeeaarr…

He was broken out of his thoughts as he heard a humming sound coming from his backpack. His cellphone was on vibrate (A/N vibrate not vibrator… no matter what you think!). He cast a glance at his teacher (who was strill droning on and on…) and snatched the thin silver thingy out of his backpack. He flipped it open and he saw he had a text message:


Sorry I didn't call, I had plans with little bro. How is class?


Jou smiled and punched in a reply:

(Ok for this part they are texting back and forth, Seto will be in italics and Jou will b normal)

#Text Convo#

Its boring as usual, you?

Same same, when do you have lunch?

In three periods.. why?

Because I heard some rumors about a certain blonde wearing impeccably tight black denim pants, and one of the hottest bodies this school has seen…

Actually its leather…

I knew it was you!

Yeah, that's me alright wink

Heh, so yeah, wanna go out tonight?

Sure, where to?

I was thinking about this cute little American pizzeria, its hidden down in the outskirts of Domino.

Sure… oh shit! TEACHER!

See ya tonight!

# End of Text #

Jou quickly snapped his phone shut as the teacher walked down the isle, peering at the students papers. The professor paused at Jou's desk. His paper was blank except for a few doodles on the margins.

"Umm I can expl-" Jou began hurriedly but the teacher cut in.

"Nonsense! Nothing to worry about, your grade is fine in this class" The elder male said with a warm smile. Jou frowned, his eyebrows bunching. He leaned closer to the teacher and whispered

"But sir… im failing…" The professor laughed lightly and leaned in also.

"Not in that outfit you aren't" he winked and went on his way. Jou twitched a few times and tried to refrain from yelling 'PEDIFILE!'. He slipped out of his seat and walked down the hallway to the fountain.

He bent down and drank the cool water greedily…. Until something else greedily felt his ass. He shot up and turned around to face…


(hah sorry… APRIL FOOLS! Ok so you know im starting from the "walked down the hallway to the fountain" ok? Hehe sorry bout the joke..)

He came up along to the ceramic fountain and he bumped into something.

"Sorry" he mumbled. Staring at the ground.

"No harm done, puppy" Jous eyes widened and he looked up to see a devilish grin plastered on the fool who's world was currently being torn apart in a certain psychotic blonde's (cough marik cough) head. "But I must say I approve of this…" he smiled his oh so sexy smile at Jou's attire.

"Seto" Jou breathed. It was harder and harder to keep his emotions in check. He thought of Ryou, crying that night in the theatre and stiffened.

"Something the matter?" Seto asked gently. Jou couldn't help it, he relaxed into the arm that was draped on his waist. 'Marik did want me to make him fall in love with me…' he sighed lightly and looked up at Seto

"Nothing, except I missed you…" he leaned forwards and delicately pressed his lips to Seto's. The other boy smiled softly into the kiss.

"So I assume you don't really want to take it slow…" Seto murmured into Jou's kiss.

"Don't care, long as Im around you…" Jou wanted to almost gag. This was all too cheesy. But he couldn't over do it. If he creeped out Seto as much as he was creeping himself out then they wouldn't last till tomorrow.

"My, my aren't you a devoted puppy" Seto smiled lovingly and winked, "We should get back to class, but before that.." he smiled and kissed Jou again, this time with much more feeling. Jou wanted to moan but he felt dirty… like he was liking this to much. He smiled weakly after the kiss and they parted. In the shadows a pointy haired figure stepped out of the shadows. Fingering his dice earring while frowning he looked at where the couple had stood moments before.

"So that's why… stupid puppy… stupid stupid puppy…" he turned and walked away.

A/N I know... short. But ive got waaaay to much to do right now! I have a full 3 days to come up with the perfect first date and everything! (Right after i finish reading my last three Tokyo Mew Mew collection!)! Anyways dont you love the duke surprise? He is going to b a big charactor and ill try to have some R/B action in here too... to tell the truth... i have no fucking idea how im going to continue this and pass the eigth grade. Anyways please send ideas... and cookies... cookies would be nice...


Josh (My uber sexy crush who goes to my highschool): Update and ill take off my clothes

DAMN YOU UPDATE SO I CAN HAVE A BETTER VEIW THAN THE ONE IN MY BEDROOM WINDOW! tehhee i mean... yeah... update and ill write an uber fluffy first date. Im planning on stealing a scene that im in love with from the fic "Once Apon A Time" omg one of THE best fics i have read. If you like J/S then read this! Anyways im stealing part of the pizza/tomatoe sauce on cheek part... its so fluffy!
