The Forgotten
Disclaimer: I don't own Fruit's Basket…
A/N: Starting in this chapter all italics are thoughts and dreams okay? Thanks! Sorry it took so long to update! VACATION! Lol
Chapter 10: Homecoming
Apparently Akito had a fever of 102 degrees and was complaining about feeling nauseous. Hatori met one of the nurses at the door to Akito's room.
"So Dr. Sohma, when did your girlfriend move in?" she asked slyly. He blushed but answered in his usual 'I-really-don't-want-to-be-talking-to-you' voice.
"She's not my girlfriend, she's a member of the inside family and she's just staying with me until we-" he paused, looking for the right words. "Until she's able to go home."
"Oh I see, never mind then," she smiled, not really believing him. The doctor opened the door to Akito's room and walked in slowly.
"Ah Hatori, how's Olivia?" Akito asked casually. Hatori knew this was a trick question. If he answered that she was getting better as far as he could tell, it would alert Akito that she may be living with him. Whether or not he already knew or suspected this, the doctor didn't know, but it was best not to bring it up.
"I think she's alright, from what I've heard." Hatori answered carefully. Akito's expression changed from a wry smile to a look of pure anger.
"So you thought you could lie to me, Hatori? You thought I didn't know about how she's living with you? You honestly tho-"
"Akito you said you were sick, I am not here to discuss Olivia so if that's the only reason you've called me here then I am going to leave." The doctor interrupted. His patience with the head of their family was growing thinner by the second. Akito cocked an eyebrow.
"You certainly are defensive of this woman, Hatori."
"No, I just don't wish to talk about her, I'm here to take care of you." Hatori told him flatly. (A/N: I know Akito's a woman, we'll get into that later aye?)
"Because the nurse said you were sick,"
"No, why don't you want to talk about her, Hatori, there must be a reason." Akito prompted.
"There isn't." Hatori looked up icily.
"That makes me think there really is," Akito smiled coldly in response to Hatori's glare. "Now," he began, reaching up and brushing the doctor's cheek lightly. "Either you're going to tell me or I'm going to have to pry it out of you." Hatori pulled away from Akito's touch quickly and all but ran out of the room.
What am I doing? He thought as he walked back to his house, ignoring the confused glances of the nurses and servants. Oh well, too late now I suppose. The doctor sighed, opening his door. Olivia was sitting out on the porch with the door into the house open. She was just sitting, leaning against the wall ever so slightly. Hearing him come in, she stood up and came back in, closing the door.
"Is everything alright," she asked timidly, sensing the tension.
"Okay, you seem upset, ar-"
"I said everything's fine." Hatori retorted shortly. She seemed startled by his anger.
"Alright, sorry…" the wolf looked down as he walked past her and back into his office. I hope it was nothing I did; she closed her eyes in dismay. I want to go home, I don't car if I lose my family here, I just want to go home. She closed her blue eyes tighter, concentrating on her home. The wood colored siding that made it look like it was actually made of light wood. Her wrap around porch leading to her backyard where the ocean was just across the poppy field. It felt so real she could almost taste the salty air, but convincing herself that it was all in her imagination she re-opened her eyes. But she didn't see Hatori's wood floor, or his bookshelves. Olivia saw her bookshelf, her living room, her piano, her computer, the staircase leading upstairs to her room.
"Where are we?" she heard the mumbled question from behind her. Spinning around she came face to face (literally) with Hatori. Olivia had to do all in her power not to shout 'what are you doing here!'
"Hatori!" She exclaimed crossly. Well that wasn't much better, she scolded herself.
"What!" he shot back.
"Sorry, I just didn't expect you to be there." She sighed.
"It's not as if I asked to come," he said quietly as if he regretted saying it aloud. She looked away.
This shouldn't bother me, if he doesn't want to see me. I haven't been very nice…plus I don't want to see him either. She told herself.
"Olivia, where are we?"
"This is my home," she smiled. That was the first time he'd seen her smile since before what happened in his office.
But she's not smiling at you! The rational Hatori yelled. I know, he told it.
"I can't believe it was that simple," Olivia said, more to herself. "All I had to do was concentrate on it and-" But why is Hatori here then? I must have been thinking about him absentmindedly, she decided that was the best explanation.
So this is where she lives…Hatori thought as he admired her artwork. One painting in particular caught in his eye. It was a horizontal painting of a sunset over the ocean. At the bottom there was a beach, the sand tinted orange from the sun and finally the sand turned into a grassy field of red flowers. "This is beautiful painting, Olivia." He commented lightly. She smiled at him before looking away.
"Thank you, that's my most recent project,"
"You made this?" Hatori asked, surprised. She nodded, setting a tea kettle on her stove.
"I painted all of these," she motioned at the variety of paintings hanging on her walls. "That one you pointed out, it's of, well-" she paused looking at the clock. It was 6:00pm. "Come here," Olivia grabbed his hand and lead him to the back of the house and out onto her deck. "Look," she pointed out towards the horizon. It was exactly like the painting. The sunset casting orange shadows on the sand, the rippling teal water, purple in the fading light, and at the end of the sand began the long grass and red flowers swaying in the breeze.
"This is your backyard," Hatori breathed, taking in the scene.
"Yeah, pretty amazing isn't it?" she sighed. Then Olivia realized she was still holding his hand in her own. She wanted to keep it there, keep things like this with the sunset and Hatori's hand in hers. But he didn't want this, so she dropped his hand and turned to go back inside when a medium sized black and white dog came padding up. It sat down at Hatori's feet and almost smiled as it looked up at him.
"Um, Olivia?" he raised an eyebrow at the dog.
"Oh, that's Liela, Kayleb's dog, sorry." Olivia told him before calling the dog. "Liela, come here. What are you doing Lulu?" she kneeled down, using the dog's nickname. "Why aren't you at home?" Olivia put her arms around the dog's neck and in response Liela licked her on the cheek. "Lulu, come here, let's call Kayleb okay?" the dog followed Olivia inside and settled herself on the girl's living room chair. Hatori came up beside Olivia, looking over at Liela.
"Pretty dog," he commented, breaking the silence as Olivia looked through her address book for Kayleb's number.
"Yeah, she's a border collie, almost 3 years old." The wolf replied. Why am I so awkward around him? This is really annoying…
"So Kayleb is a friend from school?" Hatori asked. Olivia smirked.
"Was that a twinge of jealousy I heard?" he blushed.
"Calm down, I'm kidding. No he's my neighbor." She assured him.
"You have a neighbor?" Hatori looked surprised. I didn't see any other houses nearby, he pondered as Olivia picked up the phone and dialed.
"My only neighbor for twelve miles to be exact. He lives about a half of a mile away." She explained. He nodded. "Kayleb, it's Olivia, come get Liela, yes, yes, alright, bye." She hung up the phone and turned to Liela. Opening her front door she put the dog outside and shut the door again. "He said to put her outside, he'd get her." She told a confused Hatori.
"Ah, so…" Hatori began awkwardly. (A/N: I know there's a time difference between Australia and Japan but you know what, lol) Olivia glanced at the clock on her kitchen wall. It was 6:38pm. She was going to suggest dinner but where would they go? Or she could make something but what? It would all be terribly awkward…she was about to suggest the option of dinner when the phone rang.
"Hello?" Olivia answered.
"Hey girl!" It was Jada. The wolf smiled.
"Ah, Jada, hi!"
"I've been calling for weeks! Where have you been! Oh well tell me later, do you want to go to dinner with me? Rooftop Café? It's nice out tonight," Jada piped on the other end. Olivia sighed,
Perfect. She thought. "Sure do you mind if I bring a friend?"
"Of course I don't mind! See you around 7 then?"
"Alright, bye Jada," the girl hung up the phone and turned to Hatori. "Are you hungry?" he smiled slightly and nodded. "Good come on we're going to meet my friend Jada," Olivia began walking towards her garage door. Slipping on her shoes she grabbed her car keys and opened the door. She got in on the drivers side and Hatori sat next her on the passenger side. The café they were headed to was very close, making the drive short. Now to find Jada, Olivia thought, glancing around the rooftop. Ah ha,
"Olivia!" Jada screeched running up and hugging her. "When have you been? I've tried calling for weeks it seems like,"
"Uh, explain later. Jada this is Hatori Sohma," Olivia motioned at Hatori. Jada's eyes widened.
"Well Olivia when you said you were bringing a friend I didn't expect, well you know, a guy. But good job, he's hot." She smiled.
"Excuse me?" Hatori raised an eyebrow.
"Jada!" Olivia exclaimed, blushing.
"Sorry," Jada smiled apologetically. "Wait did you say Sohma? So he's family?"
"Somewhat, the Sohma family is really extensive to a point where they're not even related by blood in some areas." The wolf explained.
"Oh, I see." Jada nodded, and looking at Hatori she smiled flirtatiously.
This is going to be a long night…Olivia sighed.
Later that evening Hatori and Olivia were once again at Olivia's house, Jada managed to embarrass Hatori (and Olivia) sixteen times in total.
"I apologize for my friend, she's usually not so eccentric." Olivia said apologetically. Hatori shook his head.
"That's alright," the girl nodded at his answer and put her hand to her chin in thought. "What is it?" the doctor asked.
"Shh! I'm trying to get you home!" She shushed him and began concentrating on what she could remember of his home. Nothing was happening and Olivia quickly became frustrated. "Why isn't this working?"
"Is something wrong Ms. Sohma?" Hatori asked more out of habit than curiosity. Olivia shrank down to her knees, her eyes wide.
Oh no, he called me Ms. Sohma, he must really hate me now. Why did I have to be so mean, why couldn't I just be warm, well I'm not generally a warm person but still…what if he did feel the same way? Too late now I suppose, there's no way in hell he can still find me a decent person let alone like me. Not after how I treated him. That must be why the spell won't work, because no matter what I've managed to convince myself I really don't want him to go. He won't even call me by my first name anymore, oh well I don't blame him. But still I wish he'd call me Livee again… "No, no I'm sorry, I just freaked out,"
"No kidding,"
"Right sorry…" she looked away, afraid she would cry. Poor Hatori…not like I have any right to feel sorry for him but after what happened with Kana I can't help it. What if he l-loved me? And I treated him so horribly, but no, I'm giving myself too much credit. There's no way…and now he has to stay here with me since I can't seem to function…he must feel like he's being punished for something. He's probably wondering 'what did I do to deserve this?' Yes he's most likely thinking that exact thought at this very moment…
What hav3e I done? How could I be so insensitive? I shouldn't kid myself, I can't forget who I am…but maybe I thought that how things were with Kana, that maybe I could be that person again. The person who thought of other people or another person more than himself, a person who could smile and laugh without a second thought. I wish I could have known how she felt before I let myself think about that…think about what it could be like to love her, she's cursed so we could have been near each other…but here I go thinking about myself again. Still I wish I would have known she didn't feel the same way. I wouldn't have wasted the time dreaming about her…dreaming about us.
I'm sorry Hatori, I'm sorry if I hurt you, I'm sorry if you wasted energy on me. I never meant to hurt you. I want to go back to when you kissed me and just lose myself in that passion, be it true be it false. I want to drown in that feeling. I want it back Ha'ri. I want it back and I want you to want it back. I want to be near you and hold you and make you happy. I want us to be together, I want us to be something. I want you to be happy. I want too many selfish things. I'm sorry Hatori, "I'll set up the guest room for you."
I'm sorry Olivia, "Thanks."
Review Replies
ArcherGirl87: Thanks for reviewing! Teachers are so beastly, I can't even describe them! Yeah it was kinda creepy I admit but I think it was necessary plus I'm somewhat going on how people say he acted with Kana. Hopefully the part in this chapter where he was thinking about wanting to be that person will shed some light on the situation!
Applehappy: Thanks for reviewing! Glad you liked it! I was hoping it would fit together well with the rest of the story, hopefully everything fell into place? Thanks again! Can't wait to read more of your story, ttys!
SasukeBlade: Ha! Glad I kept Aya in character, I really didn't want to mess him up at all, I love him! I'm very pleased that you agree with me on the issue of Hatori being extremely BORING at times… but none the less he's kick ass. I thought Shigure would be the most appropriate one to walk in…seems like something he'd do! Thanks for reviewing!
blackmagic111090: Thanks for the review, glad you love it! I'm always happy to hear positive feedback! I know I want to do the same, especially in this chapter! Keep reading! Luv ya!
AraelMoonchild: Sorry it took so long to update, I know! I was happy when they finally kissed too! It was fun to write! evil grin MUHAHAHA! K done now, lol keep reading! Thanks for the review!
Keep reading ya'll!
-The Water Sprite