Chapter 1 Head's Meetings are Never Pleasant

Seventeen year-old Lily Evans hugged her parents one last time before disappearing into the barrier between Platforms 9 and 10 at King's Cross When she got into the other side of the barrier, she found herself at a busy Platform 9 and ¾, where young witches and wizards were going inside the Hogwarts Express.

She smiled sadly, remembering that this would be the last time she would go to Hogwarts since it was her 7th year. Suddenly, she heard a voice yell, "Lily! Over here!". She made her way to where the voices were and found her two best friends, Stacie Morisson and Alyssa Calloway, who were both grinning.

After saying hello, the three friends went inside the train. When they found an empty compartment, they went in and sat down.

After talking for a while, Stacie said, "By the way Lily, congratulations on becoming Head Girl". At this Lily beamed, said thanks then added, "The best part of this is that I can finally give James Potter the hell that he deserves". At the mention of James Potter's name, Stacie and Alyssa giggled, which made Lily scowl.

"Really Lils, I don't see why you hate him so much" Alyssa said. "You want to know why I detest that person? Well, it's because he's an arrogant prat who dosen't care about anyone but himself" Lily explained with distaste, her scowl getting deeper. "Correction Lily. He does care about someone else. He cares about you" said Stacie teasingly Lily rolled her eyes and replied, "Oh, shut up".

After a while, Lily stood up and said, " I've got to go Professor Dumbledore wants to meet me and the Head Boy". "Who do you reckon the Head Boy is?" asked Alyssa. "I dunno, maybe and hopefully Remus Lupin. He's not arrogant and is very responsible, unlike his friends" Lily replied before she went out and headed to the Head's compartment.

When she reached the Head's compartment, she opened the door and found none other than the boy whom she hated the most, James Potter, sitting and relaxing as if he owned the place.

She went inside and said to James, "Your not supposed to be in here. This compartment is for Heads only". "And hello to you too, Evans. And by the way, I have every right to be here. You see, I am Head Boy" James replied.

Lily was dumbstruck. She couldn't believe it, who in their right minds would make Potter Head Boy? Aloud she said, " That's impossible. Why would anyone make such an arrogant, bullying toe rag like you Head Boy?". "Well, maybe because I'm so smart, talented and good looking" replied James easily, running his hand through his untidy jet- black hair. "I can see you haven't changed one bit. Your still the same conceited jerk like you always were" Lily retorted.

Before James could reply, the compartment door slid open and Professor Dumbledore walked in. He gave them their duties and explained what was expected of them. "Most importantly, you must uphold the school's honor and you must behave and control yourselves" Professor Dumbledore said, eying James with a twinkle in his eye. Before he left, he added, "Oh, and one more thing As both of you are the Heads, it is expected that you two become partners during school activities and gatherings".

When the professor left, Lily yelled. "What on earth did I ever do to deserve this?" she asked herself, groaning. James, however, was gleeful. He relaxed in his seat, and said to Lily, "So Evans, since we're going to have to spend a lot of time together, what do you say we get to know each other more by going out?". At this Lily exploded. "For the umpteenth time, Potter, I will NOT go out with a conceited, bullying jerk like you! I'd rather be thrown into a crocodile pit than be seen going out with you"" Lily yelled and stormed out of the Head's compartment, fuming. After getting over his latest rejection, which was approximately 10 minutes, James left as well and headed for his friends' compartment.

He opened the door to find his friends Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew playing Exploding Snap, while his other friend, Remus Lupin, read a book. When they saw him, they stopped and turned to him. "So, how'd the Head's meeting go? And who's Head Girl?" Sirius questioned, seeing James' disgruntled face. "Well, I've got good and bad news," James said, sitting down, " The good news is that Lily Evans is Head Girl, which means I'll get to spend a lot of time with her, not to mention that she'll be my partner in school functions. The bad news is that— ".

He didn't get to finish what she was saying since Sirius cut in, saying, "Let me guess, you asked her out, AGAIN, and she basically blew up, told you ABSOLUTELY NOT, then said that she'd rather get thrown in a crocodile pit than go out with you." When he said this, all the Marauders howled in laughter. " Yeah, that pretty much covers it up" James replied, burying his face in his hands.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, an argument erupted between Sirius and Peter. In the middle of it, however, Remus cut in sharply, saying, " The both of you, shut up. The topic of discussion is that James has asked Lily out countless times, and how many times has she said yes? ZERO. Face it James. LILY. HATES. YOU.". "Oh thanks a lot, Moony. Letting me know that Lily hates me makes me feel a whole lot better." James said, sarcasm dripping with every word he spoke.

"So Remus, what should I do? " asked James. "Well, you should figure out what she hates about you and try to correct it" Remus replied. "And what would that be? As far as I'm concerned, I'm perfect" James said. "James! That is exactly the kind out attitude she hates about you. Come to think of it, your stuck up attitude annoys me too" Remus said, exasperated.

He then continued, "James listen to me. There are only two words describing what you have to do: GROW UP. Don't show off and just act like your normal funny self. Don't jinx anyone who annoys you too, especially when Lily's around. Once Lily sees that your acting mature, she might like you". "The world will flip upside down before that happens" Sirius muttered. James shot him a look that said, " Sirius shut up".

"How am I supposed to do that?" James asked him but it was Sirius who answered, "I don't know. You're smart. You figure it out". James cast him another dirty look. Just then, the train stopped and in awhile, then went out of the train and inside the magnificent castle that was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.