Authors Note: Dedicated to R/ Hr Fan, or a deranged Latin nerd (her words), for forcing me to place this fic in at 1:30 am.

Disclaimer: I do not claim any characters to be my own. All rights reserved to J.K. Rowling.




Times changed but we always remained that same to each other. "Together forever" was our motto, our oath.

You killed me.

You laugh and laugh as if you understand.

You killed me.

You stumbled and were befuddled.

You killed me.

You weren't the brightest, but we loved you for your integrity.

You killed me.

You always tried to help us in the strangest ways.

You killed me back then.

You used to make me laugh,

And I told you; even then, "you're killing me".

You turned away from us.

I killed myself for not noticing.

Then you killed him.

Then I tried to kill you.

You acted like I'd done it.

You killed me.

You ran and hid.

I tried to kill you again.

You went back and helped him back to power.

He, who freed my killer,

She may have finally finished me,

But you've always been killing me.

- FIN -



Authors Note: All reviews will be greatly appreciated. Even more so, if said reviewer actually comments on the poem and said more on it besides "I like it". I fully appreciate criticism and flames, also.