A/N: This is a bit AU, leading right from the beginning of the G-Revolution. Hitoshi/Hiro isn't the Shippu no Jin, he just appeared and Daichi is here as well… Heh… This takes place two or three years from the prologue, and things will get mixed up later. There is a lot of OOC-ness, so don't blame me if they're acting weird. Of course there is YAOI, so just a warning.
Disclaimers: Sadly… I don't own Beyblade or its characters. This is just a fic made by own fanfare and musing.
Summery: Takao sadly died, and became lost to the world. After three years, he's returned, but things have changed drastically. He struggles to save the world from an ancient force, faces many challenges, and is caught up in recollecting his past memories.
Spreading Wings
Written By: Tsubasa no Kisei
I'm so stupid. I can't believe how naïve I am to think that I was the only one who could make him happy. There were signs everywhere, but I was too blind to see it. I wanted to believe that he truly did love me, but I knew in the end that he would break my heart. I tried so hard to ignore that growing doubt, selfishly wanting to be happy myself. But it was there, I couldn't really give him what he wanted, and he turned to someone else. Why? Why did you have to hurt me this way?
It's been three months since he actually confessed that he loved me. Back then, I wasn't really ready yet to admit my feelings, but soon enough I told him, and we were together. I didn't mind all the secrecy. I honestly thought that a hidden relationship was exciting. Actually, I wasn't ready to tell me friends, afraid of what their reactions would be. But then there was that incident, and I'm afraid that the scene will never be erased from my memories, scarring my heart badly.
I was worried that day. He never did come out of his room. The training regiments that Kyoujyu, our Chief, had set up for the whole day preoccupied me. I wanted so badly to see him, to feel him, and hear him tell me endlessly that he loved me. So that night, I went up to his room, happily anticipating being with him. It was late at night, almost everyone was asleep, and I went up to his door. But that's when I heard… someone else's voice. He was laughing wholeheartedly, that it broke my heart. I wasn't the only one who could have brought happiness into his life. It made me mad.
The door was slightly opened, and the lights were dimly on. Curious, I silently pushed the door a bit open for me to peek. I know it's bad to do this, but I couldn't help it. That's when I saw it, the two… I wanted to cry so badly. I wanted to kill someone, anyone! I want to do so many things, and it was so hard to describe how I was feeling right then: pain, sorrow, resentment, more pain, and fear… loneliness. I was debating whether to bust in that room and tell off the other person who stole him, knock on the door and act innocently, or completely ignore the whole thing, and carry that pain with me in a false relationship.
Then I remembered another incident, between him and his newfound love. I didn't really pay attention to it, thinking – hoping – it was nothing. Many incidents later, weighted down my heart more. I couldn't find the courage to ever tell him, afraid that he would get mad at me for doubting our relationship. I'm always like that, the weak one, who always backs down…Kind of ironic.
Forgetting that I was still in front of their door, it opened to reveal the two, caught and guilty. His eyes was mixed with guilt, shock, and desperation. The other had shame, fear and dismay. He was going to say something, but I shook my head. I forcefully let out my 'natural' smiles, and quietly, and calmly walked away. I could hear him calling me. I tried to block him off, like how I'm having difficulties blocking that picture of the two… holding each other… like how he held me.
I walked outside, not caring how late it was, or how cold it was. I no longer care about anything anymore. Just my luck, it started to rain, but I ignored that fact. Now standing in the middle of somewhere – I didn't really pay attention – I let the frozen drops hit against me. In some way it was numbing the pain that tightly hugged me, suffocating me.
I know I cried. I know I'm crying. I no longer cared anymore. The rain beat down pretty hard on me, like it wanted me to whither away, something I want to do right now. I'm so stupid, a fool. I let the drops fall on to my face as I stared up at the dark stormy skies. Then I heard his voice, my object of affection and pain.
Is that concern I hear? I so wanted to laugh at his face. I wanted to… I wanted to do so much, but I couldn't, not to him. I turned to face him slightly, and I conjured up the best smile I could make. No longer wanting to see him, even for a second, I turned away and stared back up at the sky. I hear him sigh with unease, and he nears me.
"Takao… I…"
Warmth. His hand touched my shoulder. The very touch made me melt, but it also made me sick. I jerked away, glaring at him. Hey, look! I'm glaring at the insensitive jerk. Inside I shuddered while staring at him. I shook my head as memories of that moment played again. I didn't know what to do. All I did was run, run away from him. I was running away from everything. Good going, looks like I'm crawling back to that lost, and sorrowful child I was before I lived with my grandpa.
I ran so hard. I didn't really know where I was going. I didn't pay attention to my surroundings, ignoring the calls from him. But then I stopped short, no longer willing to go on. Tears were coming down fast, that it blinded my visions. I couldn't breath, choking on tears and the rain. There was a loud interrupting sound, that caused me to look up. I saw two bright lights, coming closer, and I didn't know what to do. I was frozen. When the lights got really bright, all I saw was darkness.